That was long ago, i still have that motor but I'm not 14 anymore i realize that gassers aren't much of steet cars and much rather have something more drivable.. that's why i bought the flathead. Sent from my SM-G973U using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
That doesn't suprise me all that much I'm dowsizing the tires a bit too, that should help get it where i want a bit easier too i hope. I'd like to keep it on an axle but I'm gonna have to do a lot more measuring to see if I'm going to actually have enough ground clearance that it'll actually be drivable here in new England with one Sent from my SM-G973U using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
Lol, read the date it might help you understand my spazed brain a bit more Sent from my SM-G973U using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
Actually traditionally "gassers" are street cars. What we call gassers normally are not. Gas Class was a street legal class until the rule change in '65. Actually there was an odd rule covering trucks but I would have to do some research to remember it. That said my comment was tongue in cheek. I am a big fan of a jailbar anyway, in about any configuration. I actually wrote an article on a '46 back in the 90s. Original paint (a 50 footer) tunnel rammed 302 4 speed. All under the hood, Sweet Sweet truck.
Not all gassers had the front end sky high either correct? Aquired a t5 from a friend, seems to be locked up.. not sure why but hey can't complain when i got it for the low low price of free.99 Sent from my SM-G973U using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
The rules '64 and earlier did not allow for suspension or body lift. The rule change in 65 was a game changer. But that really only lasted a a couple of years. With stickier tires lifted cars were not necessary then they began going fast on the big end and needed to get the cars down so that they could slip stream. Most of what we see called "gassers" are actually patterned after '70s street beasts. This is not to say that gas class cars were not lifted but nothing like most guys think that they were.
Another update to this turd, Flickr is being a pain in the ass so I guess I'm doing this the old school way. Anyway after getting myself a good injury I've suddenly found myself with a lot more free time then I before, I've cracked down on getting the old girl set up decently. I've put all new pins in the front suspension and have new bolts in the rear, have found a little bit of rust in the frame that I'm going to have to address (nothing too major I'm not too suprised it is over 70 years old after all) Finally scored a real henry ford bed for it, its actually built for a 38-41 truck but its clean so I decided to do it anyway, building new mounts to make it fit my chassis isn't all that big of a deal. Hopefully the images aren't gigantic when they upload.
Other things I've done include getting a set of fenton cast heads for the 8ba and a dual carb intake, and carbs of course, got a mallory distributor new waterpumps and a high volume oil pump while I was at it. I started pulling the engine apart a bit, the block looks pretty decent in my opinion, a bit of rust probably from it sitting but its not too bad, I'm probably going to just dingle ball it and call that good enough, the crank could probably use a polish though and maybe have a machine shop check the rods to make sure they're ok. I noticed that the rods weren't exactly in the engine in the order they're numbered with so that's also pretty interesting. My engine also has the offset wrist pin pistons in it too, I found that interesting. Anyway the fact that the engine looked like a christmas tree was starting to drive me insane so I took care of that really quick and then plunked it back into the truck with just a spare 4speed from a bigger truck I had laying around. I do not intend on using that 4 speed as I'd like something that doesn't have straight cut gears and syncros are nice. I had thought about an s10 t5 for a bit but with watch I'm watching them sell for I think I'll pass on them, might be on the lookout for just a stock 3 speed for now to get it on the road.
Yes , Ford Motor Company , it’s not a total rear sump but it’s back a huge amount . The pan is from a 4x4 truck
Another update, I've got the motor back out, pulled the crank out and have it down to basically a bare block, I'm hoping to have it runnable by the end of this year, not saying planning because I know things never go to plan. The crank looks fairly decent in my opinion I'm not too concerned about that, here's what I am concerned about though. I know my rod bearings are in need of replacement, they all show copper and I'm assuming they probably shouldn't. I also noticed these 2 rods though, one straight had the bearing fall out of it when i pulled it out of the engine, guessing that's not usually a great sign for the bearing. I also noticed the rod and cap don't sit flush together on the bearing surface, is that normal?, also the cap is offset from the rod and both the rod and caps have the gouges in them that don't look too hot to me, any idea what would cause this? I wish I could get better photos but my phone has a hard time handling up close and I don't own a macro lens.
Looks like a well worn engine. Was/is your plan to just freshen it up? You’ll need to start off with a minimum of brush honing the cylinders, polishing up the crank and take some measurements to see what you are starting off with. It can be intimidating at first, but realize as you buy some tools and get into it, it becomes a bit easier.
I was planning on at least giving the cylinders a dingle ball to get the rust out of them, same with the crank, I haven't pulled the valves or cam yet just because i don't have a way to keep those parts in order yet, once i do that'll come out and then I'll decide fully if i wanna take the block to a machine shop and at least get it hot tanked. The rods just kinda concern me with the fitment and the odd wear to them
You might get some more/better info if you post a separate thread about your engine. Get them FH guys interested
Honestly sounds like a better idea, the more I'm looking at this engine, the worse it seems to be getting.. not that this is a bad engine by any means I just think it's maybe gonna need a bit more TLC than I originally thought