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dumb shaved door question

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by hotrod54chevy, Jul 25, 2005.

  1. hotrod54chevy
    Joined: Nov 7, 2003
    Posts: 1,590

    from Ohio

    oook..i'm wanting to shave my door handles off my chevy but i dont have a welder.i know that it's best to replace metal with metal so i was just gonna ask how stupid it would be to cut metal panels to fill the key holes and JB Weld them in? i know JB Weld can be sanded and all that,but i'm just curious if this'd work..i've heard of guys frenching their tail lights on with em,so i wanted to know what to expect.obviously there'd be some primer/body filler involved.i was just wondering what i could do myself in my driveway and cheaply?any advice would be appreciated.thanks!
  2. fatcaddi
    Joined: May 3, 2004
    Posts: 369


    yes that is a dumb question, dont use jb weld ,, find a buddy with a welder or talk to a body shop and see how much they would charge to just weld them in if you do the cutting a fitment,, and yes replace metal with metal
  3. hotrod54chevy
    Joined: Nov 7, 2003
    Posts: 1,590

    from Ohio

    FNG,there ARE no dumb questions, just dumb answers.i'm trying to be polite and just ask for advice need to be rude.and if i knew someone with a welder or could afford to have a body shop do it,i would.but i DONT
  4. Eastwood makes an adhesive type of thing that can be used to put flanged patch panels in. You'd need to buy flanging pliers, but they're not expensive.

    Seriously though, consider buying a welder if you're really interested in this hobby. It's tough to get by w/ out one.
  5. hotrod54chevy
    Joined: Nov 7, 2003
    Posts: 1,590

    from Ohio

    ...anyone in or near columbus wanna come up and help me shave my doors? :p i just need someone with a portable mig...shops/shade-tree mechanics want $$...i can just share my beer :p
  6. hotrod54chevy
    Joined: Nov 7, 2003
    Posts: 1,590

    from Ohio

    yeah,i know,i NEED a welder..but i also NEED a job rite now,so utilities are a bit higher up on the list...rite now my car parts and stuff are fallin under stuff i beg/steal and barter for :-D
  7. loogy
    Joined: Mar 6, 2004
    Posts: 1,238


    I don't think it's a dumb question at all. Some guy's don't have the luxury of a welder and such.

    I don't have a ton of experience with JB Weld, so maybe someone who does will chime in. I do however have quite a bit of experince using some of the metal bonding agents produced by Lord Fusor and such. These work really well if the metal is REALLY clean, as in no grease ,paint, rust, etc. In pul tests that we have done, the sheetmetal will rip long before the glue breaks loose. In fact, I have only seen one bond separate and that was due to poor prep.

    I would cut out a patch to go behind the holes that is at least 1/2" larger than the hole itself. One of the keys to these metal bonding agents is the the two pieces to be bonded need to be held very tightly together unti lthe agent sets. this might be a little tricky seeing how its in the door handle area, but you could cut a couple of pieces of wood that would wedge between the inner door structure and the patch to hold it in place until it cures.

    Here's a link to the Lord Fusor stuff. You wouldn't need that much, so the 1.7 oz. tube of the #lf109b (Medium work time, 40-60 minutes). It's pretty cheap at $15.57. It does require a special gun for alpplication, but thier not that bad price wise. You could aslo improvise and just push out equal parts and mix it by hand.

    I say go for it.

  8. Eryk
    Joined: Jul 5, 2005
    Posts: 920


    Wait till you can afford it and do it right. I met a guy at a wrought iron shop that welded something for me for 20 bucks and a couple of beers. I understand not having the funds to do all the cool shit you wanna do, but don't skimp on body work.
  9. DrJ
    Joined: Mar 3, 2001
    Posts: 9,419


    I see the problem right there...

    I've been telling people honestly for years that my truck is just the beer money I usta piss away before I quit drinking.

    If ya can't afford to pay the piano player, ya don't deserve to dance!

    ANd yea, it needs to be welded because glue will get jarred and fall out from slamming the door.
  10. fatcaddi
    Joined: May 3, 2004
    Posts: 369


    the reason i said its dumb is beacause ,, have you ever had to deal with body filler crack its a never ending head ache so if you weld if in fully no more bondo cracking and yes jb weld will do the same thing,,so i say again weld it
  11. You can rent a MIG welder at your local tool rental place for a reasonable price. You will need a grinder or a cutoff wheel or an air sander to clean up the welds.

    Tools can cost as much as the car when you get in to it. I know you're broke, but you might be better off in the long run to save your money and do it right. I work another part time job on top of my day job to pay for my car. Sometimes I'll do brakes jobs and stuff on other peoples cars to make a couple of bucks... Good luck to ya!
  12. Barn-core
    Joined: Jan 26, 2004
    Posts: 946


    Anything worth doing is worth doing right. I'm afraid that if you just bond the panels in, your body work has a better chance of "sucking back", meaning after you prime, paint, whatever, you'll have a nice visible little rectangle where your door handles used to be.
  13. pimpin paint
    Joined: May 31, 2005
    Posts: 4,937

    pimpin paint
    from so cal

    Ya, in a perfect world those patches should be welded, tack welded at
    least. Will J.B. Weld hold 'um with out weldin', ya for awile. JB 'um and
    mud over them. Then save your money to have them welded correctly,
    on up the road. In the days before squrit gun welders, I used to fix
    small holes with steel patches and solder and a soldering iron. Ya could
    also lead over the patches with a propane or butane torch and 50/50
    or 70/30 lead.
  14. Tito
    Joined: Feb 21, 2004
    Posts: 450

    from Sacramento

    I did it on my 58 wagon. Used mettal patches on the inside and Por-15 "por-putty". Worked for about six months, then I slammed the door and one of the patches popped out. I was broke at the time, but saved up and got a welder. Wished I had done it right the first time, but looking back, it worked until I got a welder. Going to do my Falcon's door handles tonight.

    Not the "right" way, but with a flux-core wire-feed Lincoln 100. Cost me $300 at sears. It CAN be done without gas, you just gotta be careful and patient. Have to do for now.

    Good luck, and recycle the beer cans for welder money,
  15. T McG
    Joined: Feb 12, 2005
    Posts: 1,263

    T McG
    from Phoenix

    Duct tape and bondo will have the same effect as the JB Weld. The Lord stuff previously mentioned is the same stuff GM used for a few years to glue on the door hinges of Chevy trucks.It doesn't come off if used correctly. The bigger problem will be the seam between the inner patch and the outer door. If not welded it will crack. Find somebody with a welder, or do something else on it till you do.
  16. mad57olds
    Joined: Jun 21, 2003
    Posts: 108


    if you can get to Rochester NY, I'll do them for free. Weld, glass work and prime. Glad to help a guy in need out. God knows I've been there.

    585-820-5877 call after 5 pm but before 10pm
  17. Eryk
    Joined: Jul 5, 2005
    Posts: 920


    Another example of why the HAMB is so great. Kudos, man.
  18. mule
    Joined: May 24, 2004
    Posts: 300


    In defence of the question, there are several products on the market being used to bond quaters onto car(lotus use them) I don't know who the american companies are that produce these. All vehicle manufacturing companies are looking at bonding there bodies together at the moment as it reduces the amount of rust in bodies. In case you are aware welded areas are more suseptable to rust than others and most rust in cars starts from an original weld being wet for to long. I have bonded shaved door handles on my wag and they have been that way for 5 years of triving 100kms per day. guess what no cracking. I used a hysol product called ea9396na. It is a metal boding resin you can cure with heat lamps. The key is to scratch the surface heavily and the make sure both surfaces are cleaned thouroughly with solvent
  19. hotrod54chevy
    Joined: Nov 7, 2003
    Posts: 1,590

    from Ohio

    thanks,man,but i cant make the trip.i really appreciate it though.i guess i'll have to find someone close by with a welder i can borrow.thanx
  20. mad57olds
    Joined: Jun 21, 2003
    Posts: 108


    OK, if you change your mind at a later date, the offer is still good.

  21. james
    Joined: May 18, 2001
    Posts: 1,064


    Drive around and check muffler shops, etc. Somewhere you'll find some kid who'd love to work on an old car on their lunch break for a few extra bucks. Before I had my welder I made freinds with a guy at the local Mieneke that was into minitrucks and had a full custom s10 that he had shaved and built half the frame. You drag in any welding that WASN'T exhaust and he'd do it for real cheap just to do something different. You can also call your local vocational school and see if the welding class would want to do it.
  22. fatcaddi
    Joined: May 3, 2004
    Posts: 369


    hey hr54chevy where in ohio are you,, i might know a few people close to you if ya let me know,, and mule yes i know of those adheasives BUT those arent jb weld man,,those things have been tested tested and again ,, but i seriously doubt any manufacture used jb to hold a car together,, and since he dont wanna spend that much money i doubt he can afford those pricey adheasives anyways, so hr54c let me know what town your in if your in columbus i might be able to help ya out
  23. mule
    Joined: May 24, 2004
    Posts: 300


    Far call
  24. mule
    Joined: May 24, 2004
    Posts: 300


    fair call. I don't know the USA products
  25. hotrod54chevy
    Joined: Nov 7, 2003
    Posts: 1,590

    from Ohio

    yeah,i'm in columbus.i've been pretty busy with moving this past week,after the move i was gonna try to call around my club and see if anyone else has a welder i could borrow, and hopefully the spare time to help me do it..they're all workin stiffs like me with less thime than they'd like...i'm pretty sure one of em has a tub of bondo and a welder so i should be alrite..but just in case,if you could share your info with me it would be much appreciated.either way i'm gonna go around and see if any here can help 1st.thanks!
  26. speedaddict
    Joined: Sep 28, 2002
    Posts: 2,420

    from Austin, Tx

    Leave the door handles on until you can afford to do it right. Why are you in such a hurry to get them off that you'd HALF ASS IT? I hate half ass hack work and in the long run, it'll bite you in the ass. I see it on my 39 chevy from the previous owner.

    btw you're the one that labled the post "dumb shaved door question"
  27. hotrod54chevy
    Joined: Nov 7, 2003
    Posts: 1,590

    from Ohio

    i KNOW i called this post "dumb question" but like i said,i was just bein polite and i'd expect that to be need to hijack this post and bitch.anyways,i was just askin cuz i was just curious about how well that stuff would hold up on a vehicle.this is what we're here for,to ask questions and learn,not to cause drama with one another.yeah,i AM in a hurry to get them off cuz i'm gettin tired of them.i'm NOT wantin to hack my ride up and i believe that's why i'm on here asking these kind of KEEP from doing that.besides,even if i did,this car was hacked up way worse by the previous owner.also,this isnt YOUR ride,so i wouldnt worry about're in texas and i'm in ohio so other than HAMB,i doubt you'd even SEE my car,so you really shouldnt worry about it.i'm not on here to complain to anyone and i'm not wanting anyone to complain to me.i just asked a DUMB QUESTION and yes,I SAID IT.i wanted this to be a technical post and so far it has been with all the metal bonding info i'm,enough of the drama,let's get on to the hot roddin and learnin like adults here.sorry for the rant,i dont want to offend anyone who might have been wonderin the same question i was.
  28. speedaddict
    Joined: Sep 28, 2002
    Posts: 2,420

    from Austin, Tx

    you're right creepy. I shouldn't have "hijacked" the post that you asked "opinions" on. I don't see where I nor anyone else was not being "polite". All I'm saying is why half ass it with jbweld? It is YOUR car, and if you can live with YOUR car being half assed, then I'll even send you a tube of jbweld for free. Just pm me your shipping address....
  29. hotrod54chevy
    Joined: Nov 7, 2003
    Posts: 1,590

    from Ohio

    like i said,i've seen guys french their tail lights in usin the stuff,so i was curious about the holding power of it.that was WHY i was asking the "dumb question".i wasnt sure if i WAS half-assing it or if i was doing something to my abilities that would work just as need to be a dick about it
  30. 67Imp.Wagon
    Joined: Jun 16, 2001
    Posts: 1,191


    I'd weld them if it was me. There is a Hamber that I hav'n't seen on here in awhile that was selling a kit to do what you are wanting to do. I do know of a couple of cars that have used this and there has been no problem.

    Time will tell on somthing like this. If your looking for an easy way you might check the link.

    Welding is the way to go if you are looking for somthing permanent. If your not or just looking to run your car in primer this may work for you.

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