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Dumbest thing an "EXPERT" has said about your ride?

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by SOHC427, May 8, 2009.

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  1. loosenutNH
    Joined: Jan 31, 2010
    Posts: 193


    dude said I have a 4 door so it's not cool. One of my fingers came up at that point to let him know he was #1 in my book.
  2. 65ny
    Joined: Mar 6, 2009
    Posts: 19


    <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=alt2 style="BORDER-RIGHT: 1px inset; BORDER-TOP: 1px inset; BORDER-LEFT: 1px inset; BORDER-BOTTOM: 1px inset">Originally Posted by DENNIS LACEY [​IMG]
    Originally Posted by Dennis Lacy [​IMG]
    The general publics ignorance (and it extends pretty far with "car guys" too) is the reason I avoid conversation whenever possible. What irritates me more than stupid questions or comments about my car(s) is when I get approached by people who start talking to me about cars that have nothing to do with mine - not even remotely.

    The best example:

    I have a '27 Ford roadster that is built in the style of a mid-40's hot rod. It's made of all genuine parts, none of which are newer than 1948. I drive this car everywhere, frequently to lunch. One particular day I drove it to pick up some lunch at the local In N Out Burger (a California chain of hamburger stands) and I parked then walked over to the "walk up window" and ordered. I get approached by a guy and he asks me questions about my roadster, which I answered short and to the point hoping to come across as stand-offish so he would stop talking to me. He then proceeds to start telling me, in gory detail, about his '70-something Plymouth Duster that he wants to "fix up". He's going on, and on, and on... the whole time I'm thinking, "okay, I'm driving a 1927 Ford, what makes you think I give a shit about a '70-something Plymouth?"

    Does anyone else experience this?

    <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=alt2 style="BORDER-RIGHT: 1px inset; BORDER-TOP: 1px inset; BORDER-LEFT: 1px inset; BORDER-BOTTOM: 1px inset">Originally Posted by Hot Rod Michelle [​IMG]
    Unfortunately, YES!!

    I agree, What kind of problem do you people have that you can't be nice when someone is showing some interest? Fake it if you have to, and stop giving the rest of the "old car crowd" a bad name with your snootyness.

    If someone shows interest in your car, be proud, and thankful.

    Maybe your signs should say "asshole".... on second thought, you don't need signs, people can probably figure it out pretty quick.

    Save your "FNG" comments too......
  3. Haha, please don't bring THAT one up again...
  4. Dad
    Joined: Dec 9, 2005
    Posts: 70

    from Lena Ill

    A few years ago I had a 62 Impala conv for sale at a big swap meet. It was a 300hp 4sp totaly stock. I had the price posted on it, and one of the classic, hot rod, custom car dealers approached me and was telling me how nice the car was but I was way too high on price. He said I was too high BECAUSE THAT IS WHAT HE WOULD SELL IT FOR. :confused:
  5. ;) Haha, At least he was being Honest ;)
  6. GlassThamesDoug
    Joined: May 25, 2008
    Posts: 1,783


    I get asked once in a while.........."Why aren't you running a Ford 9"; my response is Vintage "Gassers, Funny Cars, Dragsters" did not run 9" fords.........that was an early mid 70's thang...........after Dana 60's went out of favor.

  7. cheemo
    Joined: Jul 12, 2009
    Posts: 31


    I am already getting people telling me how to build my next project. I have my 28 olds in my garage stripped down to the frame. A neighbor came over this morning and looked around at all my parts. Of course he then says "oh your building a Rat Rod". (I am not sure why or how Rat Rods became so popular especially with people who don't build cars?) anyway, I think of this thread and chuckle to myself but politely say no. He asks me what I am doing with the frame, so I explain to him how i am boxing it in and building new cross members. He asks me why so I tell him my reasons for going with this method. He then tells me that instead I should find an early eighties astro van and pull the body off of it. I should then cut the middle section out of my frame and weld it between the two sub frames of the astro van to make a solid frame. Then I would have independant front suspension and a complete rolling chassis with a solid V6 that is plenty of power for my rat rod. I should also get rid of the old wood floor boards (that are rotten and in a grabage can in my shop already) and instead of going back to wood or sheet metal I should use old street signs. That would be real cool! He went on for over an hour. I just said, yah, I think I have a different plan. My wife came out and saw I was irritated by this guy and biting my tongue. She saved me and our good neighborly relationship by saying my fathers day breakfast was ready and I should come in. I said goodbye, closed the garage and kept working.

    This next one is a little off topic (sorry) but I think it is funny, typical, and I haven't seen one like it on here yet.

    My wife took her car into the dealership to have the speed sensor replaced cause the transmission was acting up (it is under warranty). When she went back to pick it up the guy at the counter told her he had to order her shocks (which were not under warranty) as they didn't have any on hand. She said she brought it in for a speed sensor because the speedo was jumping all over and it was constantly losing power. He told her that was caused by the leaky shocks. I love my wife. I guess he thought she was gullible. She then went on to explain to him how shocks worked and how a speed sensor worked. His manager overheard this and began to chew the boy out for being ignorant!
  8. cheemo
    Joined: Jul 12, 2009
    Posts: 31


    I like that.:rolleyes:
  9. Rickybop
    Joined: May 23, 2008
    Posts: 10,155


    The only two customers at the gas-station one morning.

    "Chick" about my age, (I'm 53) in jeans and a black leather jacket, gassing up her silver Chevy HHR, and me, gassing up my black '46 Ford business-coupe.

    As she walked toward the building to pay, she called over to me, smiling and said, " car looks kinda like yours."

    I smiled and said, "No it doesn't."

    Oooh...if looks could kill...I'd be dead.

    The woman behind the counter informed me that the woman works at such and such a place, and "knows a lot about cars." Woops...pissed off an "expert".

    Some of you might say, "Well she was just trying to be nice, and showing interest." Yeah, long as I agreed that her car is like mine?...Or mine is like hers? I just couldn't do that. And her only "interest" was in her own car...not mine.
  10. Rickybop
    Joined: May 23, 2008
    Posts: 10,155


    That's funny...the mangager chewed out the boy, when the manager is the one who told him to try and sell your wife shocks. Stupid shyster.

    Good for your wife.
  11. cheemo
    Joined: Jul 12, 2009
    Posts: 31


    I remember as a boy (about 15) working at a tire shop and being instructed on ocasion by the owner to tell people that nails had gone through the sidewall and therefore we could not fix their tire and they had to buy new ones. when in fact their was nothing wrong with their tire.
  12. 50Fraud
    Joined: May 6, 2001
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    Member Emeritus

    Yesterday at the LARS a guy looked at my roadster and said, "Hey, it's like a rat rod only shiny."


    Good thinking there.
  13. onlychevrolets
    Joined: Jan 23, 2006
    Posts: 2,307


    Yes they where, we have a 23 Studebaker at the shop, open drive shaft, fuel gauge, just to name a few ...the " big six" starts easy and runs will go faster than the two wheel brakes need to... OK that isn't a great idea.
  14. Rickybop
    Joined: May 23, 2008
    Posts: 10,155


    Recently there was a T-bucket parked outside the local Napa. I went in, and said "Nice dunebuggy." to the owner...a friend of the guy that works there.

    We had a pretty good laugh over it.
  15. I haven't had anything too off base but I did have a guy stop me at the gas station the other day when I drove my '60 F100 up to get some gas. He asked me if I was driving a '61, I said "No, it's a '60". To this he replied," Oh Cool, my dad had a '61". Now, maybe I'm just a little bit hard on the guy but if your dad had a 61 wouldn't you be able to tell the difference between it and a 60? They looked completely different...
  16. oldskoolflyer13
    Joined: Mar 29, 2009
    Posts: 274


    In my living room I have Landspeed racing decor.....I have a pic of a belly tank runnin Ardun's....I constantly wonder how many times Im gonna hear this on my 331 Chrysler.....when I dragged her home from Pennsylvania all I got was dumb founded looks and "What kinda engine is that"?....then people would also werent around till the 426's.... and that 331-354-392's werent real HEMI's....GFY(go ! yourself) and look up Don Garlits!
  17. Ford pick em up truck? Yeah, you were definately hard on the guy...
  18. 69fury
    Joined: Feb 24, 2009
    Posts: 1,643


    I and the rest of the third shift pavement inspectors were taking a break from measuring the blacktop's frictional coefficient, and i had the hood up on my 69 2dr Plymouth Fury.

    Spying the 850 doublepumper, some twerp in a honduh asked: "is that where the steam goes? haha"

    me: "i guess so"

    to his crew: "see, older cars have those instead of injectors. Doesn't even have 10psi so it uses toilet parts to fill little tanks that let the gas dribble out. Have to take them apart to tune them. If i had a full bottle i'd show him what modern technology can do" (laughter from around the whole parking lot.)

    me: "yup, but it does allright. She's sick right now-broke second gear last night, so i've only been feeding her mustangs, and camaros, till she's well again. Bring your honda over, If you look behind you, you might notice all the people that were laughing, are now going to their cars to loan you a bottle of nitrous so you can educate me"

    his "crew" just looks at him while his jaw drops at full bottles being offered to him,: "umm naw-that wont work, i'm tuned for medical grade- i cant use that regular stuff. Maybe some other time"

    Anytime you can work yourself up to it, junior.

  19. 1976 I was running a fad T and all my friends were building 4x4's. I bought a 63 3/4 ford that a friend had installed a stock 390 FE. I wanted the baddest thing I could build. I found a 428 Cobra jet and went to Ak Miller about turbo charging it. he told me he had a shop truck with a turbo charged 390 and it maxxed out the waste gate. He said the only way he could do a 428 would be twin turbo's. I said fine, I'll have it here next Monday.
    His reply was for me to build a 390 and it would have
    Had he said More than I need, More than I'd use. Could not believe that someone who raced as much as Ak could udder "More than I'd ever want!" I walked out and took my 428 to a FE Specialist that built one bad ass motor. the first time out I ran up against a Ford with a 427 FE running a 428 stroker crank. kicked my ass big time. made me wish I'd talked Ak into trying the twin turbos
  20. fastrnu
    Joined: Feb 26, 2009
    Posts: 739

    from shelton,wa

    i run an Offenhuaser Cross-Ram on my 25 TT. the fire wall has been "wheelbarrowed" so the dizzy sits inside the fire wall line. i watch this guy walk up-point at my carbs and tell his friend " they had to turn the carbs sideways because the fire wall was in the way"
    I told him 'actually its a front wheel drive manifold so the carbs are front to back when you install it SIDEWAYS" He says of i get it and keeps walkin.

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  21. tbenvie
    Joined: Sep 21, 2009
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    I used to teach auto shop and my students restored a number of show winning AMXs and Javelins. One day a student needed a large piece of sheetmetal for his floors and I told him to cut the roof off the Javelin we were parting out. A broken windshield was still in it so he cut it across the top. When the rest of the class saw the car without the top they wanted to do it up as a convertible-so we did, complete with operating K-car top! Here it is at the World of Wheels ISCA show where it won a trophy. You can imagine how many people told us they ordered a convert like that new, someone even thought it was his old car because it was that color (Corvette yellow) when he ordered it. Here is a picture, plus two more cars the kids did that year-a large shop with 50 kids a day to work on the cars-talk about a dream job! Unfortunately, budget cuts came and the job was eliminated. The signs on the cars each year said: "Made by AMC, made better by Chelsea High School".



  22. It's amazing what people will say about your ride when they don't realize it belongs to you. I've heard endless critisisim about putting a chevy power plant in a Ford. Then I say "Well when WE were deciding on a power plant.....". The look on thier face is always like 'um....ooops!'. :rolleyes:
  23. Dr. John
    Joined: Feb 2, 2009
    Posts: 546

    Dr. John

    "It's a shitbox because it's a four-door."
  24. Heard this the other day about my 54 Buick

    "Buicks had a staight eight that year, they didnt have V8's"

    my response... "do you know what year this is?"


    I replied, "shit and Ill these years I thought it was a 54, thanks for the help, now I gotta go that title changed cause Buick screwed up on the year too."
  25. 666Irish
    Joined: Aug 25, 2009
    Posts: 152


    Per my '68 T-bird.

    Moron: "Always wanted a 390"

    Me: "It's a 429"

    Moron: "Well, then It's not stock, 429's didn't come out til '70, and they only put them in Shelby Cobras"

    Me: "Yeah, I had a 1970 Shelby Cobra, but I threw it away and put the engine in this, only I converted it to run on Corn Fuel, you know, for mileage".

    Morons! There was just SO much WTF factor in his statement that I HAD to screw with him. Wish I still had my 1970 Cobra 429. LOL
  26. K-88 ghost
    Joined: Nov 5, 2009
    Posts: 214

    K-88 ghost
    from Nevada

    Put your hands in your pockets, keep them there, shut your mouth, and JUST LOOK.:cool:
  27. MODELA30
    Joined: Sep 23, 2009
    Posts: 1,182


    A little of subject but here goes. Rode the bike in the morning it was about 50 out so i wore my leather with my colors of corse. Got out of work a little late by this time its about 85 so it is a little warm. Dont care for bags on a bike that is just not my style. Bumped into a car show so dicided to stroll around. Moron says are you not hot in that leather. Yes i said but its so hard to hide a 44 magnum wearing a t-shirt. He looked at me for 4 seconds and walked away!!!!! Knuck from indiana.
  28. got it today again, hid out from the car most of the show got a lawn chair and sat down
    my riviera was built in 1963 when it was new
    and they all ask me if I built it then, I usually tell them the truth that I could of not built it then as I was lucky to have 2 nickles to rub together

    of course being stuck on a farm a person could not get a paying job:eek: so that come a couple years later
  29. Jingles
    Joined: May 6, 2009
    Posts: 100


    I was drag racing my '34 Ford coupe and between rounds some young guys were looking at my engine. One of them asked "whatcha got in it"? I said it's a 302.
    He said that ain't no Ford motor. I said, it's not a "motor" -- it's an engine and I
    didn't say that it was a Ford. It's a 302 Chevy. He said "hell, everybody knows
    that Chevy never made a 302 motor." I said it's not a motor, it's an engine and
    you'd better go home and do your homework before you make a bigger idiot out
    of yourself.
  30. Hexadox
    Joined: Aug 1, 2009
    Posts: 44


    I find most dumb questions come from decent folks who are just curious so I don't get too irritated. Besides, I've asked plenty of stupid questions myself.

    There was one guy that did piss me off quite a bit though. I'd just had my '67 biscayne stolen, it was a work in progress but a solid car with lots of goodies and I loved it. I decided to hand out fliers at a local cruise-in so people could keep an eye out and one guy took one, looked at the pictures and sneered, " why would anyone bother stealing this?"
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