There are several in this video of The Nationals in 1961 To watch it you might have to click watch on YouTube below.
Hey EG71, Sorry the link did not work. CLICK TWICE ON THE POSTED LINK... Here is the one from the You Tube network. 1961 NHRA US Nationals The "Watch on you tube" works, but the link has a difficult time registering. The So Cal Howard Cam Twin Bear FED race car showing some action, starts it off... Thanks for the link. Jnaki As a side, I did some searching in my files and came up with this set of information. Earliest Willys Race Cars in action. The 1320 record book shows George Montgomery with the record during the summer of 1961. (prior to the Nationals) We were in a recovery mode and had just sold our stuff a few months earlier. But the blue outline shows the Chevy sedan that was our competitor in that last race on August 1960 at Lion’s Dragstrip night. A year later, he is registered as 12.65 for the record in B/Gas. What a hoot. In 1960, we turned 12.60 prior in the trial runs during that last day. My brother got the best start ever and left that opponent at the starting line by 1.5 car lengths. So, one year later, the record shows 12.65 as a new division was created. YRMV