One of my all time favorite flamed 40 Coupes, the Bob Brown 40 Coupe from Whittier Ca from the Rikster.
This example of flamed car done wrong. The car owner told me this was post war car. It might been before he screwed the car up. The flames makes the car look like a clown car. I remember going to the circus seeing two clowns ride in a car like this, pulling cotton candy cart. Now I know why I hated going to the circus. Clowns are scary and creepy. Pinstriping on the car. The car owner told me it was Von Dutch style. This far away from anything Von Dutch would have done. The thing that almost made me all must throw up. On the dash was painted "Flathead Forever" and on the trunk "Better Idea by Ford". I wish these Goldchainers would stop screwing up these cars. Posted using the Full Custom H.A.M.B. App!
@Tarlo this fiat was on a magazine cover in '65 so i bought it on fleabay. Unfortunately the car isn't in the magazine.
Looks like this ill fated coupe was also in the pages of the '57 HOT ROD annual. sadly the driver lost his life drag racing the car. Unfortunately i can't seem too recall this name.
Well I tried this myself . Good or bad , if you like it or not , I did it . Babies needed shoes and I had no play money .
Some of these old staged photos make me laugh. What was he planning on doing with the extinguisher? Was he really expecting that carb to backfire?