I had a killer time my first time to the lake bed. Sorry I have no specific details or speeds, just some pictures.
Again more All of these are resized for posting. The actual resolution is :3648 x 2736 Somehow I found myself in Gene Winfields pit. He was having carb issues at the beginning, but rejetting the carb started to bring the speed up on the last run @ 128. That's the only speed of the day I know though. Hope everyone else out there had a good time too. Next time I'll be putting on sunblock at the beginning of the day, I'm cooked. Wow the resize makes these pics look terrible!
Nice photos!! Glad you had a great time. It was a small turnout. But fast cars and bikes none the less. I guess the carnage at Bonneville was greater than I thought.
Blatant rip off of Desotoman's photo posted on landracing. http://www.landracing.com/forum/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=8594.0;attach=21797;image
I can't be assed to re-size mine so here they are.............hope you don't mind me posting in your thread ..... . .
I saw that steet roadster 218 in tech. It was almost too clean and beautiful to take on a dusty lakebed!
Steven, Glad you liked your first trip to the lakebed. Will you be there in Nov ? Don't forget about the Walt James Classic in Nov at Willow Springs. May be my debut as a Sprint Car Driver ! ! ! !
Can anyone post a schedule? I haven't been out there for a couple years... used to really whoop it up out there though. Sure is a good time eh green???!!!!
Woolus. Sorry I didn't get to say hello. Did meet Greg Watters from Oz. He ran 203+!!! Amazing on such a crappy lakebed. Plus a helluva nice guy. Delighted you had an awesome day.
Turn out was a little on the small side.. That was good for the guys that were there. We were able to slip right in on our 2nd and 3rd runs. We are still trying to get the flatty dialed in so the short lines in staging worked out well for us.