Hey Guys, I'd like to see pictures of your engine compartments....and how you chose the firewall/fender wells/engine block color combinations. I'm deciding on a color for the 350 sbc going in my '52 Chevy 2 door, but don't know if the engine should be the same color as the car? Or should all the sheet metal be the same color and the engine block the different color? I'm planning on a dark blue for the car. Any recommendations and pictures would help. Thanks.
I think this has been discussed quite a bit here in the past, did you try searching? I prefer the stock look, with the firewall painted body color (it's part of the body, after all), inner fenders/radiator support black, and engine some interesting color that an engine should be (blue, orange, gold, yellow, red, etc. but something that doesn't clash with the body color) Black engines don't leak, but they look kind of dull.
I hear you on this one. I'm putting a 52 ford engine in my hoodless 34 ford. I used the color engine paint that looked good to me. I know other people will say WTF is that. I don't like the 34 dark green engine color. I went to bronze because I don't like the detroit diesel green, tangerine or red. I wanted the engine to look like a color it may have came with in 1952. Not try to fool some that it is the original style engine. I may be off base on this but it is a color I like that was avalible in 52. You are going to have to deside what pleases you the most. Chey 350s came in many colors besides orange. I would think about black or blue myself. Engine compartment I would go original color. Checkerboard is nice on customs. Gene
You need to do what you like. Myself...engine bays should be the body color for hot rods and the "stock" finish for restorations.
Me I liked the all black rattle can look, and tried to match the blue to something close to the body color. I liked it and it looks like you kinda planned it out thay way...just my .02!!