Was out hunting for treasure today when suddenly in the distance I spotted something that looked interesting. I pulled out my binoculars and sure as shit, it looked like an early Ford truck. I drove up to it as close as I could, and walked the remaining 1/4 mile(not easy considering I just had surgery on my foot last week), and this is what I found. #@&%, it was somebody's interpretation of a truck cab made out of an old sedan, no wonder it was still sitting there. Anyway, does it still have potential, or should I leave it for the next dreamer? It's not too likely that I will find the real deal, but who knows? What year of Ford is it? Also, what is the make and year of the old sedan in the tree's? Thanx
The truck is a shortened 28-29 Model A tudor sedan. Neat enough to build into a hot rod dunno about the 4 door
Gotta love these "some parts" guys. I've dragged home way worse looking shit than that - looks like that cab would have a little more room than the stock pickup does. The doors look solid enough, they have paint on them yet at the bottoms, and that's usually the hardest part. Price has to be right, at any rate - what's the worst thing that happens? You bring it home, mess with it, and sell it to someone else? In the '40s it was super common to turn sedans into pickups, especially in the US, since the pickups got a better gas ration card in WWII. Or so they say. A lot became tractors (doodlebugs), too. Anyways, I have one, my friend had one, and I've seen lots of others.. the yard mine came from there was another one that the body had fallen apart on. The Chevy sedan body, is another story. Somewhere I'm sure someone could use the tin from it, but you'd need to find doors to build it into anything. I'd bring it back if I had space, it's trading material if nothing else.
Those doors are worth $400, the fenders and the cowl and the tank are also worth some good money.... Go back and get those doors if anything!!!!
Nope!! Leave it where it is, and give me the road description. So i can keep it in a safe place. (And not telling anyone else).
you're prolly correct, but it seems that all the 27/28 chevy sedans i've seen have a "roll up" windshield instead of a ford style tilt out windshield.
Up here in the frozen tundra we call those trucks made from sedans, "War Babies". When gas was rationed during WWII, only trucks could get gas on a regular basis, so it was common to see sedans cut and modified this way. Coupes would have the decklid thrown away and a wooden"box" of some description inserted to qualify for truck status (and gasoline)
That black streetrod sedan looks like a 26 to me, 27-28 has a smoother curve on the side of the fenders, not the sharper crease like this one.. ..where was the pic of the black Chevy streetrod shot?...at the NSRA nats?....just wonderin, that's one of my old Chevy pickups sittin next to it! (on drivers side)
You must be joking - I'd give my left nut ... well, maybe not my left nut, but some other dear part for a find like that. In this day and age, beggars can't be choosers.
looks good to me! I knew an old guy years ago that had a 35 Chevrolet truck he built out of a genuine 35 Chevrolet Cabriolet!!! His wife rolled the car over in a ditch which trashed the rear portion of it, so off it came! It was done in the late 50's and I wish I had bought it before he passed away.
So, how much longer does this cab appear to be from stock? I'm 6'3 so I could use all the room I can get. Also, would you guys recommend reworking the roof, or does it look OK with the major slope? I would probably chop it a bit anyway...just wondering...Thanx
Is the whole cab longer, or is it just longer because the Tudor Sedan doors are longer (i.e. by the same ammount)? I have been toying with the idea of stretching a '30 coupe cab with a sorta hokey chop (if I can get it for the right price) to fit the Tudor doors (and flush mount them too, more of a get me better skills exercise than anything) and I have been wondering how much I would gain. I'm 6' 3" tall so more is definetly better.
How much wider are the doors from a sedan compared to a truck, also, still waiting to see some pics...Thanx
You guys are all too spoilt. As has been said previously, it still looks solid, and as long as it isn't on private land, should now be home tucked away in your shed. I have thought in the past of a closed cab p/up using tudor doors i bought from stressed out in a HAMB auction a few years ago, but what is the rear cab portion they have used on this one?. I have seen tudors shortened into p/ups in the past, but the rear of the cab swept down as per standard tudor, and not perpendicular like this one. Thanks Michael
hope your healed up for hockey season and sno shovlin after this weekend if you weren't limpingso much ya shoulda dragged that all to one place dug it out the ground put all on blocks so after the snow comes ya could pull it all out wit yer snomobile ...cmon think... as dry as its been ez diggin too! !
I think it's totally salvageable. Is it,,, ummmm,,, available? I mean, public or private property? Yeah Man, at second glance, there's all kinds of cool stuff you can do with that.