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f-cked up feature in ol skool rodz

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by FORDOLE500, Jun 29, 2004.

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  1. modernbeat
    Joined: Jul 2, 2001
    Posts: 1,307

    from Dallas, TX

    Ha Ha!

    I got to cover the Roach Rod!

    I agree with Sam too, but you've got to remember that there's a place for everything, even poorly built, ugly cars that conform to the owners poorly chosen social scene.

    And OSR, they've done things that a lot of other publishers would like to do, like put out a third issue, or get widespread distribution. Although I don't think I'd appreciate my paper being sold in Wal-Mart.
  2. Buick59
    Joined: Mar 3, 2001
    Posts: 1,995

    from in a house

    [/ QUOTE ]

    NO WAY in HELL would Sam let those guys put his car in that mag- especially with that tough guy wanna be Fonzi writing. ......... More power to ya OSR- just try and develop a second dimension because it's really a waste of color to put all those black primered cars in the mag- it reminds me of a bunch of goths at a Hearse convention. [​IMG]

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I told myself I was gonna leave this one alone....but what tough guy Fonzi writing are you refering too? Have you read any of the articles lately? Have you read any of my articles? Have you seen any of my color pictures? Have you seen me submit all flat black cars or any at all? Or are you just regurgitating the same "witty banter" that permeates' the HAMB conciousness?

    I have never met least that I know of and have no problems with you. And if you hate the magazine cool. But if you're gonna make balanket statements and tear it all down....know're tearing my work down with it. Why? Does it make you feel good?

    I have said it before....I HATE the term Rat Rod. But don't understand why the term garners so much negativity here...yet the term" Roach Rod" is ok. I have looked at many cars in ALL magazines (including the one I shoot for) and wondered what the hell is that?But I don't feel this overpowering need to vomit out my opinions on the internet every time one is formed! And i don't feel the need to shit all over somebodys else's work.

    I would love to shoot pictures of Sams ride. It's a good lookin Hot rod,but if people here are sooo pious and self righteous that they don't want others taking pictures of their ride...please let me know, and I will not point my camera at it.
    We're our own worst enemies
    It's disapointing that there is so much elitism here. The Gold Chainers must be sitting on hill laughing.

  3. Fat Hack
    Joined: Nov 30, 2002
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    Fat Hack
    from Detroit

    Would OSR feature a GREEN heap (never liked flat black!) with "Disco Kryptonite" lettered on the back and more rust than metal? Ha Ha Ha...I'm not hard to find!!

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

  4. InjectorTim
    Joined: Oct 2, 2003
    Posts: 2,241


    Sam your T is awesome.
  5. Damn! I am safe. I just got my shiney paint on the T. At least OSR wont be asking me for a feature shoot [​IMG] But if Mikey wants to take pics of my meager car I would drive the fucker to SLC in the dead of winter,just so he could!
  6. Fat Hack
    Joined: Nov 30, 2002
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    Fat Hack
    from Detroit

    The mag is's got a laid back attitude and doesn't take itself too seriously.

    I like it...makes me laugh and the "less than show-worthy" cars are a very welcome break!


  7. Buick59
    Joined: Mar 3, 2001
    Posts: 1,995

    from in a house

    Sam....I have shared my Shade awning with you at Bville....and what ever was in my cooler was yours. We all sat down had a good time shooting the shit and watching cars. After your last post...........forget man.

    Maybe Im being hyper sensative. or maybe there are lots of Jocks on the Hamb.
  8. InjectorTim
    Joined: Oct 2, 2003
    Posts: 2,241


    Man, drinking a guys beer and pissing on him like that is bad news.OSR aint perfect but like fathack said it is entertaining. I feel bad about Buick 59 trying to put together a cool magazine and getting ripped to shreds.I personaly take back any bad things I ever said about SLC. Maybe I'm just being the devils advocate, or maybe I just have a thing for the anti-hero, but I support Bucik 59 in his efforts even if I don't agree with his shit 100% of the time, and maybe if we offered constructive critiscism rather than insults we could have a magazine we could call our .02
    Joined: Nov 6, 2002
    Posts: 3,410


    [ QUOTE ]
    It's disapointing that there is so much elitism here. The Gold Chainers must be sitting on hill laughing.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I agree with that. ELITISM is the key word...
    and Roach Rod does sound suspiciously similar to Rat [​IMG]

    All this isn't about well built cars or not. On the surface it is, but the undercurrent is about the attitude of "I was here first and these newcomers are ruining the coolness of my clique".
  10. Hey Mike, I don't have a problem with you, but your "big bully" attitude is just a little large for what you are trying to defend. I won't completely tear it down to the nuts and bolts but that magazine so far has been like eating the EXACT SAME 4 double cheeseburgers in a row. Maybe number will be so shockingly amazing that I will have to eat my words- but I am entratained by parts of the magazine- its just the WAY dumbed down greaser parts that I find offensive and just plain stupid.
    I myself as a magazine person try VERY hard to make every issue as different as possible so when a magazine looks nearly identical to the previous issues I see that as not trying very hard. The same 2 shops were visited for two consectutive issues. Then the show coverage seems to only find pictues of extremely cut up black primed cars all across the country. And here's where you could learn to take some CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM that is not meant to dump on you, but just because a background works really well for one car doesn't mean you use it again for the next one. I've done what you do- A LOT more of it. It's not an easy job, it takes time to really hit your stride- but just getting nasty when people have an opinion that they would like to see some better work surrounding yours is no reason to get so pissed off. I get the opinion that you think you guys have created the rat rod version of The Rodder's Journal- and if that's the case you need to look deep inside and listen harder to the critiques that have been offered.
    I've also heard people make mention of that "poster" with the "RAT people" on it- what's that? Looks like a bathroom scrawl (apologies to the HAMBer that creates it- but my kids already bring home enough bad art for me to throw away). The same goes for the rest of the jailhouse art with the greaser being handed a brew by his "betty".
    Also just saying "if you don't like it don't read it or at least keep your mouth shut" - well I'm addicted to car magazines- good or bad. I've heard plenty of comments about my own work- but I've never gone postal on a guy with a legitimate beef that my magazine could be improved.

    You make it sound as though the work in question was 10 years ago and that there has been 100 insanely awesome issues since. Very sorry but I'm only into issue 4 and there's just a tad of space for improvement. If you are happy with where it's at more power to you- but maybe a little bit more of an open ear will help you make more of the general population happy in the future. Case in point- Hop Up- never once have I seen it attacked- never once have I seen it have to defend itself for going "too low brow"- it takes the down & dirty traditional route in a very simple style without the brass knuckles, spilt beer and tatooed ladies. Hopefully I'm COMPLETELY WRONG and you are the one doing the right thing- then you don't need to worry about my ONE purchase of the magazine- but as a person who is primarily responsible for producing a magazine that goes out to over 100,000 readers and also producing pieces for even larger magazines I do know a little about what I'm talking about. Feel free to rip me a new one- I'm used to the "HAMB hate".
  11. bigron
    Joined: May 6, 2003
    Posts: 631


    can't we all just get along?
  12. hatch
    Joined: Nov 20, 2001
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    from house

    I'm gonna start a new magazine....can't think of a good title, but it would have to include..."Fat toothless, jailhouse tattooed chicks with patina teeth that drive rattle canned hunks of shit rat rods that were at one time an actual car of some sort"....hey wait...that just might work...

  13. bigron
    Joined: May 6, 2003
    Posts: 631


    you could probrably just get the chicks off jerry springer
  14. Mike, are you the owner or editor of this magazine? I ask because I've never seen a freelancer so crazy about something they don't have control over. Being happy with your own work is one thing- but getting so spun up about a magazine you are neither responsible for or even on the staff of is a little misdirected. Listen to these opinions and see if you have room for improvement- If not you are awesome! I learned to be a little humble a long time ago- even your best stuff will find a critic- it's just part of the biz.
    Joined: Nov 6, 2002
    Posts: 3,410


    "can't we all get along?"

    I'm not against Sam's (or anyone else's) high standards. Its those standards I am attempting to achieve with my own vehicle(s) (slowly but surely)....

    I just feel that there's room in the world for the totally tasteless too.... [​IMG]

    I'm probably argueing from an artist's viewpoint. You see, I like skulls, flys, devils and all the "tacky" stuff. HELL its my living for crying out loud!!!!
  16. Mike, you know I respect your work and I think Sam does as well. What we dont like about OSR is the childish writing, the insistance that tattoos and "street cred" are prerequisites to building a car. And the Repeated usage of the over-used term "rat rod"!!!!! And also, as jimA stated, the 3rd grade "drawerings" [​IMG]

    On the flipside of that is your stellar photowork and dcumentation of some cars that are magazine worthy but would not see the light of day if not for your efforts.

    BTW, that phone call thing was a spoof on Pink got that part, right?

    Irie, man....ours is the same workld and the same fight.
  17. You're taking this way too seriously... You dislike the term RAT ROD... and when someone caps on OSR's use of the term (which is what I was doing) "RAT ROD" you get all bent out of shape?

    I have nothing against you, and am bummed that you wouldn't consider me good company because of this. It's not YOUR magazine... you're not in charge of the content, so don't take it personally when somebody bashes something you have absolutely no control over.

    I just have to ask... is the dude in charge conciously making an effort to perpetuate that lame-ass term??

  18. 46stude
    Joined: Mar 3, 2004
    Posts: 1,718


    Sam, a serious question- why do you consider it a "lame-ass term"? If all the mags used the term "trad rod" to describe primered bare-bones rides, would you hate it just as much?
  19. Germ
    Joined: Apr 11, 2001
    Posts: 1,332



  20. Muttley
    Joined: Nov 30, 2003
    Posts: 18,501


    [ QUOTE ]
    and maybe if we offered constructive critiscism rather than insults we could have a magazine we could call our .02

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It's called Rolls & Pleats.
  21. hatch
    Joined: Nov 20, 2001
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    from house

    Someday I'll have enough money to be a minkrodder.....THEN I'll show you guys how to build a "Hunk O' Shit"(tm)....maybe even divorce my wife and get me an orcabetty chick...(comes equipped with your choice of STD's)...but I'm gonna skip the tattoos...I hear they REALLY hurt!!!
  22. modernbeat
    Joined: Jul 2, 2001
    Posts: 1,307

    from Dallas, TX

    JimA, I ragged HopUp once, just once. I didn't like some nitpick little stuff in #2 and pointed it out as some of the very few things that could be improved about HopUp.

    Got ragged by the HAMB for opening my trap about it.

    Got to admit that Mark's crew is doing it right these days. I love it.
  23. 46stude
    Joined: Mar 3, 2004
    Posts: 1,718


    [ QUOTE ]

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I like the way you think. But I'm still a loser 'cuz yer my hero, Germ. I guess I'll just call my truck a "suck rod". How's that?
  24. metalshapes
    Joined: Nov 18, 2002
    Posts: 11,130


    [ QUOTE ]
    I'm addicted to car magazines

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Me too.
    I buy a lot of them ( and not just about Hot Rods either ).
    Bought my first one in '72, I still have it, and every one I got since then...
    Most are sorted and in order, some are in boxes.
    The only magazine guy I would rather not have anywhere near my car is Dave Hill, and that is only because he doesn't seem to get it and he is condesending about it.
    As far as constructive criticism...I have only one.
    It is more a request really, it is the size of the Goodguys Gazette.
    They won't fit the plastic magazine holders I keep all the other ones in, which makes them hard to store...
  25. bigron
    Joined: May 6, 2003
    Posts: 631


    how about a chick section in osr. they could call it grazing cattle?
  26. Germ
    Joined: Apr 11, 2001
    Posts: 1,332


    TRUCKS are ok,
    if you hate MICHAEL MOORE.
    Then it's all good with me.....

    I hate NEWBIES MORE now then EVER, cause there is no more MODEL A posts lately.......

    These dudes want to know if they can use craft store glitter and home depot varnish to paint their 66 crap mobiles...

    it took me ONE hole TURD-SHIT to read that MAGAZINE,,,
    but I can shit out a MIKE TYSON FOREARM after a weekend of COCAINE and laughing gas addiction..

    send me a t-shirt or something?
  27. [ QUOTE ]
    BTW, that phone call thing was a spoof on Pink got that part, right?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Hahaha... I'm glad someone got it!

    "Hello, it's the United States Calling."


    "He keeps hanging up..."

  28. I'm surprised that no one has picked up on the solution to this whole diatribe;it's staring you right in the face!Look CLOSELY at the picture of the car in question,study it at great length(or not)and the answer will become obvious.Note the couple standing in front of the car.THEY have solved the problem!They've simply chose to ignore the car and have turned their backs to it!And THAT my friends is the solution to most problems:If you don't want to look at it,turn 180 degrees.I rest my case.
  29. Germ
    Joined: Apr 11, 2001
    Posts: 1,332


    ELVIS was rat rodder,
    The SINNERS killed him
  30. Buick59
    Joined: Mar 3, 2001
    Posts: 1,995

    from in a house

    Jim A......Im not a freelancer for the mag. A regular staff member. I can and do take CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM....Im still in school....and when the teacher or class members critique your work in front of an audience, I listen and think. And yes the same shop coverage will not happen twice in a row. That was a mistake. But i have not read any "constructive" criticism here. Most of it is destructive. And thats where my problem is. If anyone had taken the time to personally e-mail me and say "this is where I could see it getting better" that's one very cool thing to do. If you have so much experience on magazines....why not try and share some of it with a young blood. But you never did that.

    HELL NO....Im not even close to being some kinda great photographer and writer. But I am trying as hard as I possibly can....and constantly work on improving my skills. And like anyone else...I am never 100% on target...but I try like hell.

    Just like cars. we all started from Square one....and it took someone with real knowlege (and desire on our part) that helped us get to where we are took an expirienced greybeard to teach me to weld...sand...turn a wrench etc etc. He didn't tear me apart for trying or not knowing he offered help. We all pay homage to the greybeards that have helped us get to where many of us are at today. Are we willing to do the same with others?

    I have met lots and lots of HAMBERS at various events around the states....and plan on meeting more. I have never disliked any one of them I have met. Thats what disapoints me now.

    About me being a big bully.....thats the first time I have ever been accused of that. Im a short fat little shit. I would still happily share my cold ones with any of you at Bville. But help a brother out a little.

    My wife says I am letting this make me mad. She's 100% right. I just need to ignore it. With that said beer and volkswagon engine blocks at Bville on me.

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