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History Fading interest and the future

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by borderboy1971, Oct 5, 2019.

  1. Jimbo17
    Joined: Aug 19, 2008
    Posts: 3,959


    Different Strokes for Different Folks applies here for sure.

  2. These threads show up 2-4 times a year.
    This thread doesn’t have the “young people suck” vibe yet
    chevy57dude likes this.
  3. dumprat
    Joined: Dec 27, 2006
    Posts: 3,553

    from b.c.

    This is HORSESHIT!

    There are lots of younger people into cars. Look at the lifted jeep's, sport bikes, and tuner cars. Those kids will be into older stuff if we all do what we should. Hell there is an 18 year old girl around the corner who has a sport bike, a hornet roundly round car and a custom built wide body civic. She built herself and she is from a single mom family.

    GO kICK A HoARDER in the nuts! The parts they start to jerk off to should be put back on the road at a reasonable cost.
    Desoto291Hemi, chopped, bct and 3 others like this.
    Joined: Jan 24, 2010
    Posts: 3,149

    from IDAHO

    We Are Aware Of The Trend And What Is Accomplished By Letting Folks Hear That The "Sky Is Falling"..The Olde Autos Are Still Fun For Many Of Us... 69952088_2441083339506543_5237037577462087680_n.jpg .
  5. my shop class is full of gearheads
    they dont own HAMB stuff cause they cant relate to things they dont see or out of their price range
    I do use this site as a reference for the history of customizing and the technical posts for sheetmetal shaping and welding
    whats funny is all the young folks talking about the Tesla and Porsche banter going on
    Desoto291Hemi likes this.
  6. I got a kid that helps me out around my place that uses my shop to work on his many projects and my land for his test and tune . His fleet includes a 500ci. Eldo powered sandrail, a blown sbc Toyota pickup he also uses in the sand, a lifted 55 jeep with a 215 aluminum buick (DD), 72 chevy 4x4(hauler), 65 mustang hipo 302 4sp, and some quad thing he's got nitrous on. About 5 years ago I taught him how to weld properly so he could stop bringing me all his stuff tacked up for me to finish welding. Pretty soon the sneaky bugger had moved into my shop, and the plus side was my yard and home improvement work got a whole lot easier. He built the sandrail pretty much himself, the only Toyota part on his pickup is the name plate, everything else is his ideas. The 215 buick in the jeep was my influence. In all the time I've known him I've only seen the Mustang a couple times. Asked him why and he told me it was only good for car shows, cruising and the dragstrip all of which bored him. 13 second run, then wait an hour to do it again, no thanks. Hanging around a car show listening to bullshit, ditto. Overheating in stop and go cruising, irritating. Mustang was more for the girl friend, and he was thinking about getting rid of her too, LOL. He can drive flat out all day in the sand. This kid, in my opinion, is more of a hotrodder than 40 percent on this forum. The type of car doesn't make you a hotrodder, your passion to create, build and push your ideas to the max does. This kids got that covered in spades.
  7. jnaki
    Joined: Jan 1, 2015
    Posts: 10,494



    Our generation just happened to be around when the hot rods came into the post war scene. Housing was not too expensive, the idea of 2 cars, a wife and 2 kids living behind a white picket fence seemed to appeal to most of our families. But, times and situations change over the years. My mom wanted me to be a doctor and cure heart attacks, since a friend of hers passed away from that malady. My dad wanted me to be happy and do what I could, as long as I get good grades and get into college. One thing he did not want me to do was travel the world as a professional sponsored surfer. My mom joined in one that choice… Ha!

    But, we all had choices. It was those choices that makes us what and how we are today. We are happy productive citizens doing what is right for our families’ next generation. Sure, there were disagreements along the way and protests galore, but eventually we all got along to make things smooth as we all grew up together.

    Hot rods just happened to be part of our So Cal life because we were two brothers that happened to live in hot rod/drag race central. (now we see where we fit in and what was actually going on back then) we just were mechanical, loved toys, took apart most moving things around the house and got in a lot of trouble. But, we learned and applied what we did to future projects.

    How did hot rod/drag racing builds help us in later life? It was the organization of things, the way we looked at complicated long term projects and planned for the future endeavors. School: organization, Complicated projects: hot rod builds, plus, our 40 Willys tear down and build…and finally, taking a good look, as we grew up, to fit into the world and our futures.


    How does that compare to what young kids and grand kids are doing today? Their lives are filled up with almost the same decisions, except in modern terms. Organization: of course, schools and jobs for income… Complicated projects: holding the family together, making sure the kids are alright in the world, and finally making sure the kids/grandkids will have a future with good results. To most, the new generation seems to be wrapped up in their own electronic means. But, phones/tablets give the new generation what hot rods gave us as teens,
    a means of expression and expansion of their (our) world of growing up.

    Talking on the family phone line for hours was fun as teenagers. Now, communication via text, talking and photos are what is interesting to the younger generation. Good or bad, that is how they are growing up. If we had the same technology back then, we would have done the same thing… We did, only it was corded to the wall.

    Our granddaughter has grown up with us from 6 months onward and today, as a high school freshman, she has the whole world ahead of her. She is so busy with her activities, dance, school, community events, friends, that “our” time together has shrunk down to one time a week for get-togethers and a possible, weekend sleepover. (My wife and I knew that this episode was coming in our future, so we were prepared for that portion of our lives. Despite the fact that she still loves being with GM and GP.) I can see how the phone communication builds up friendships in all of her activities with friends from all over, not just in her own neighborhood.

    But during our fleeting get-togethers, when the subject of cars and learning to drive pops up, that gets to be a fun conversation. My wife knows I am a good driving instructor as I taught her to drive a 5 speed sporty car with minimal difficulties. (she drove two, stick shift cars for 26+ years…) So, when offered to our granddaughter in a couple of years, she jumped at the chance. She knows her parents aren’t as low key as we are and that she remembers from growing up during her early years. Plus, our backgrounds have a lot of experience driving in all kinds of conditions and situations.

    Does she like cars? Our granddaughter loves riding in our two-plus, family cars over the years. She even likes my wife’s car as it makes a rumbling sound like a high performance car. She and her friends in the car pool used to say… “Your grandmother has a cool sounding car.” Now, she is a convertible fan like most girls and women. So, she does remember and likes the red Comet convertible that comes rumbling by her house, that sounds like a highly modified hot rod. It has the looks to go along with the motor sounds. She would like that car for her first car, but understands the economy of the whole driving scene. Maybe there is hope, yet… that is what I keep telling myself.

    Note: Granddaughters are pretty cool. She is going to her first homecoming dance and of course the topic of “the dress” came up. She is all ready and was nervous. But, the topic was turned into a question about high school, homecoming and cars in the “old days.” Now here was a topper… She wanted to know about our cars and involvement in drag racing. How about that?

    She thought it was funny that I was the hot rod/drag race “gopher” (go for) prior to getting my driver’s license. She is still nervous about getting her license in a couple of years, let alone choosing a car.
    (The two G's: GP and GM will have a lot of influence there.)

    Out West, we are pressed for electronic time as there are rolling blackouts happening all over California. Fire season cuts into power grid usage...
    weps and Desoto291Hemi like this.
  8. '51Plymouth
    Joined: Jun 8, 2005
    Posts: 238

    from York, PA

    I'm going to piss off a few people here, but whatever...I've already been banned from one site today, I might as well continue my scorched-earth internet tour. (shrugs).
    At 42, I fall solidly between the "old-timer" and "young whippersnapper" camp and hear it from both sides. The old-timers are doing everything they can to kill the hobby, without even realizing it. When kids who are trying to get into the hobby and build something they think is cool get nothing but negativity from those who've been doing it for years, then why the hell would they hang around? You can see it every day on this forum--"rat rods are garbage, modern engines are shit, radial tires suck, grumble, grumble, grumble, these kids today, etc". Embrace and teach the new generation instead of doing everything you can to ostracize them...and maybe, just maybe, you can ensure every one of the cars you currently own won't be sold by your grandkids to make chinese refrigerators when you achieve room temperature.
    BamaMav, HotRod33, RJP and 7 others like this.
  9. We are currently having our mega 8k+ car event down on the Ms Gulf Coast known as Cruising the Coast, to enter your car has to meet the 25 yr old rule! I just stumbled upon this car while there...this is what the young kids are into (some of them) not sure how hot rods will fare out in the long run, YMMV
    20191010_114052.jpg 20191010_114157.jpg
  10. joeycarpunk
    Joined: Jun 21, 2004
    Posts: 4,446

    from MN,USA

    The sky is falling threads really suck. When I was younger I was into muscle cars but as I grew older hot rods and customs cause that's what I was exposed to. The interest in specialty cars will remain. Do your part involve a kid.
    Ziggster likes this.
  11. 2935ford
    Joined: Jan 6, 2006
    Posts: 3,844


    Why worry about it? Just get in, drive and enjoy! :)
  12. wvenfield
    Joined: Nov 23, 2006
    Posts: 5,627


    Walking Hershey I saw no sign of prices coming down.
  13. Ziggster
    Joined: Aug 27, 2018
    Posts: 2,013


    Agree. First time for me, but prices seemed high. Still managed spend $500 though. Will be back for sure.
    Toms Dogs and lothiandon1940 like this.
  14. trollst
    Joined: Jan 27, 2012
    Posts: 2,104


    I agree that we don't as old guys, make it easy for young guys. I do, and I do whatever I can to help get a car on the road. Gotta ask yourself, is a fender for an off brand car that we wouldn't consider twenty years ago really worth $150? Its worth whatever a young guy can afford, just like swap meets USED to be, when you could barter and walk out the gate with the shit you needed with the cash you had in your pocket, not like now where you need a personal line of credit just to attend. Some of us have the attitude that our stuff is gold, but its not, its just parts we all need, some of us are hoarders, claiming they're saving it from the crusher, but it never leaves the yard and when they croak, the crusher does come. Sell it cheap to the interested young man or girl, and help them build it safely with your knowledge put to good use, and the hobby will survive. Simple as that. I recently drove by a place in southern washington with hundreds of old cars and parts in the yard with keep out signs, no longer saving old stuff, but instead creating an eyesore that the county is waiting to pounce on and get rid of, imagine how many of us would turn that junk into viable hot rods?
  15. wvenfield
    Joined: Nov 23, 2006
    Posts: 5,627


    People really don't care if people build what they want. It's just that this site is not about that stuff. There are plenty of sites that cater to that. I agree with others that have noted that the cost has driven younger generations off.

    $6000 for a rolling frame and shell is not affordable to many. Something I could have bought at 19 for probably $200-$300 dollars. My dad (and I'm sure others here) could buy a running model A for $50.
    Old wolf likes this.
  16. must be a funeral or wedding?
    sevenhills1952 and chevy57dude like this.
  17. 51box
    Joined: Aug 31, 2005
    Posts: 1,103

    from MA

    If anyone has a rust free 32-40 ford they want to sell me cheap to keep this hobby alive, please let me know.
  18. One of my students bought a SBF. He doesn’t have a ride to put it in.
    With minimal assistance he took the engine apart, bagged and tagged the bolts and small parts, and pressure washed the block and heads.
    He will measure the components this week and evaluate.
    I don’t teach mechanics, I’m the body shop instructor. This student volunteered to stay an extra class to learn things like this.
    He is currently seeking a body to drop the engine in.
    Another student dropped a LS and 6 speed in a 240SX.
    Hot roding is in good hands. Just have a little faith and don’t get upset when it doesn’t look the way you think it should.
  19. partsdawg
    Joined: Feb 12, 2006
    Posts: 3,697

    from Minnesota

    So I guess you will be travelling the country visiting fellow HAMB members??
    Guys like you make me laugh.It's the same on other social media sites. Damn hoarders are ruining the hobby.
    They can sell or hoard however they choose.Usually petty jealousy if they won't sell.
    Desoto291Hemi likes this.
  20. tubman
    Joined: May 16, 2007
    Posts: 7,592


    At local swap meets, whenever we see something way over-priced, someone inevitably says "I see Hershey (or sometimes Carlisle) pricing is in effect". I went once, and would never go back.
  21. Sod Buster
    Joined: Feb 28, 2019
    Posts: 218

    Sod Buster

    wraymen likes this.
  22. partsdawg
    Joined: Feb 12, 2006
    Posts: 3,697

    from Minnesota

    Been selling parts for many years. It was explained to me years ago how pricing works. I will use Mopar parts as a example.
    In Minnesota a common part(lets say a uncracked dash vent) is sold for $10
    At Iola WI the average price will be $15
    Columbus OH that part is now $25
    Carlisle PA it hits $50
    Mopars in the Park in Minnesota is now considered a national event and many of the major vendors of new and used parts attend. Most will say they don't sell much but they buy all they can get.
    Why? The further East you go the more money people make and are willing to spend to get what they need.
    Simple economics. Follow the money
  23. GOOD NEWS! I'm a hoarder, and all my junk is now for sale at reasonable prices. PM me.:)
    lothiandon1940 and wraymen like this.
  24. tubman
    Joined: May 16, 2007
    Posts: 7,592


    "partsdawg" - I know it's probably a silly question, but where do they hold "Mopars in the Park" these days? When I lived in the cites, I went every year when it was at "Raceway Park" in Shakopee. I believe the race track is gone now. Just wondering.
  25. partsdawg
    Joined: Feb 12, 2006
    Posts: 3,697

    from Minnesota

  26. k32t
    Joined: Jan 2, 2011
    Posts: 299

    from Hog town

    Hershey had a 32 3 window for 99,000 in the car lot with 3 add on gauges under the dash. this is suppose to be an original car. Maybe the fiberglass cars will make a come back.
  27. old man hal
    Joined: Jun 21, 2017
    Posts: 92

    old man hal

    Lived in California for 72 years. Left last year and moved to America!

    Sent from my iPad using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
  28. Been here 78 years and want out!
    lothiandon1940 and Desoto291Hemi like this.
  29. dumprat
    Joined: Dec 27, 2006
    Posts: 3,553

    from b.c.

    Not jealousy on my part at all. But around here headers fit into a mould.
    They never sell anything,
    Most don't have kids to inherit their stuff, or they are so weird their family is nowhere around.
    They die and the local authorities have to clean up their shit piles and it all goes for scrap.
  30. stuart in mn
    Joined: Nov 22, 2007
    Posts: 2,547

    stuart in mn

    Horses and buggies went out of favor 100 years ago, but I know a number of people who still enjoy using them. I suspect the same thing will continue to happen for old cars for a long time.

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