From my older brother, when his 61 Impala was challenged in downtown Columbus one night. "What did ya bring to run, besides you mouth?"
"Cars allow you total passion, but without consequence (unlike women)." -------- you can quote me on that.
Words of advise given by a friend's dad the first time I went to the dragstrip..."Go, blow, or put a hole in the fence"
I don't particularly tell my guys to cheat. I just tell them not to get caught. I'd rather be called King than some of the other things I've been called. - Richard Petty
"That's neat, one of my cars went down in a big famous shipwreck" - Virgil Exner (upon hearing that the Andrea Doria had sunk with the 1956 Chrysler Norseman concept car in its cargo hold).
G.T.O.- All they think about is cars. There not for you. There just a bunch of small town car freaks. Thats all they are. "Two Lane Blacktop"
"When we get home, I'm gonna punch your Momma in the mouth. There is no way that YOU could have come from MY LOINS" -Sheriff Buford T. Justice
"If you take it along, you won't need it. If you don't take it, you'll need it for sure." Every racer with more than 6 month's experience.
It ain't what the rules say you can't do, it's what the rules don't say you can't do. -- Smokey Yunick
"These next guys up are unbeaten, untied, and unscored upon so far this year. Sounds like my love life." Bob Frey, announcing at the Maple Grove Funny Car nationals. The very best announcer I've ever listened to.
Any issue that Gray wrote an article in has a line or two worth quoting! I got a decal about 25 years ago that says: "The two most overated things in the world are 32 Fords and Teenage pussy." Not sure where it came from, but It will always been a favorite since I got the decal when I was a teenager and my best friend now owns a 32 Ford!
i was trying to park on cruise night at Fast Eddie's but the car show area was all clogged up with "regular" cars. This old Vietnam vet jumped out of a '40 Ford and yelled "ALL CIVILIANS NEED TO CLEAR THE AREA!!!"
"It was pull'n real hard until the blower belt came off...kept on pulling so I stayed with it, blower belt came off again, kept on pulling....when I got stopped I realized that both front tires were gone." John "Zookeeper" Mulligan
oh, two good movie ones: "i hope you brought your wood screws, cuz i'm gonna blow yer doors clean off" "that car's uglier than i am!"
my favorite Smokey Unick quote was from a tech article he wrote in response to a writer's question if he should use a forged crank or a cast one. Smokey wrote "I think of cast iorn as a large series of holes connected by a small amount of metal"