Audie from "The Shop" in El Paso, TX took me out onto I-10 around lunchtime on a Friday in his pro-street Chevy II. Pulled out onto the highway from the on-ramp and STOPPED. Yeah, STOPPED. Then, wound it up and he buried the 150mph speedo. Fucker pushed the windshield wipers straight up, slapping against the glass the whole time. It always seems faster in traffic, y'know? STONER
Not the fastest I've gone, but was the funniest of the fast times. CA to TN, in a Astro van borrowed from the Grandfolks. In the wee hours of the morning, me being 19y/o and forbidden from driving because of my previous driving experiences(mishaps), coaching my 16y/o brother to mash it harder, parents sleeping in the back. We hit the peg on the speed-o which was in the low 100's. 110-120mph if I remember. TX is a long fricken state.....................
Past 130 in a new V8 75 Mustang II 85mph in the hills near Bristol raceway in an Olds F85 330. You should never get your drum brakes too hot.
145 in my 98 Z28 in the desert in Arizona. I had to slow down when the windows popped loose from the rubber seals and dust started flyin around inside-couldn't see too good. Oh and someahere in the neigborhood of 100-110 in a brand new front end loader cement mixer. The speed limiter was turned up as high as it would go by my crazy ex-boss and I was the test pilot. Suffolk County Sheriff car pulled up along side of me as I slowed and gave me the "slow down" hand signal. Close call...
120 or 125 i stopped looking..dont think the speedo went much further maybe it went to 150 not sure..My buddy driving..1968 cutlass 355 rocket..than we had to stop..can you say brake fade? woo wahat a wild ride..havent been that fast since dont go much over 100 if i get the chance....1 year later another frind of his was driving th car(cutlass) up yo get pizza for the party..and the figgen steering box came completely off the frame and he went up on the grass off the side of the road before he got it stopped..(only going 35) can you imagine if that had happened at 120? be 6' under for sure!
Not the fastest I've ve been but... I read Brock Yates' Cannonball! book and then ran Bakersfield to Pleasanton, door to door in 2.5 hours.. *average speed* for the trip was 85mph. That includes all stop signs, traffic lights and slow cars. I won't say what kind of car cause this is a family board, but it's cute. Going fast is nothing, I fly on airplanes all the time.
208.287 in the third timed mile. Exit speed 208.536. In my Vega at Bonneville in '92. Not fot this run but I did get a red timing plack
165 MPH on a R6 (Wanted to go faster, but country road. At that speed you start thinking about the coyotes that might run in to the road.) 120 MPH in mom's Buick in high school (Mom's first car was a 69 Camero SS, so she is no slouch.) 130 MPH in girlfriend's GTI with her in passager seat loving it! 100 MPH in '88 Lincoln Town Car. 70 MPH on sitdown-style, race-worthy jet ski 60 MPH on my sponsored Yamaha Blaster jet ski (16th in World Finals) Neutral light on my Shadow (gauge stops at 100) My 62 tops at 70, fast enough for a lowrider.
mach 2 in an F-104 1000 mph in an F-101 ( Mach 1.6 ) We had the record from Hong Kong to Vancouver in a DC-10 with ground speed average of over 560 knots. The tail wind at times was as high as 260 kts. 135+ in my 64 Vette, it was floating and I never felt the need to do it again. I passed about 30 cars at one time on the Trans Canada in 1967 between Sudbury and Sault St Marie, and the cop asked me for my pilot's licence. Thinking that I was going to jail anyway, I showed him my commercial licence. He could hardly stand up he was laughing so hard. He asked me where I was going, and I told him that I planned to be out of Ontario by that evening. He checked my licence and let me go with a warning. I think it was one of the luckiest days in my life. Bob
All I remember was cramming 7 highschool kids in a 69 camero with a 454. I was in the far left backseat so I could peek at the dash and I think I saw pretty damn close to 140MPH if not over on the back roads of Oklahoma.
158 on a kawasaki zx7 racing another G.I. between alamagordo NM, and Holloman afb. he was on a zx10 & said he saw 164 . i was giving it all i had & was just behind him the whole way . the best part about it was we were on the way back from a mandatory motorcycle safety class the airforce makes you take to ride on base .
140 in my buddies 67 Dart with a 440 stuffed in it between Barstow and Fort Irwin Ca in 1972....CHP airplane clocked me and the MP's nailed me at the front gate..... that was an expensive ticket!
My first pass down the track!! 1320' @ 126 MPH in my 66 S/S Nova with a basic stock SBC and a powerglide trany.Thought I was flying. What a rush!!! That was thirty years ago and it seems like yesterday!
I don't know about fast, quick maybe. I know I was a few car lengths in front of a CBR650 in my 72 cheyenne. Should have seen the riders face. That was the first time I really stood in it. A supercharger will make you lift............ I sold it and got my coupe instead. I think I like slow better.
142 in a 74 Dodge truck with a crazy 318 I built when I was 15. 727 auto and 4:11 gears in the back=7200 RPM. The only reason I knew I was going that fast was a buddy of mine was in front of me in a Ex Police 91 Firebird with a speedo that would indicate 160, and his said 138 while I was running up on him and started coming around before we came up on a hill. I'll never forget the look on his face when we made it to town. He couldn't believe a truck could go that fast!
I went 227 in the quarter in this. It would go 60 foot in less than a second! Scared the crap right out of me at first! But It was fun as hell after that.
I did 135 in my first car car, a '72 Plymouth Barracuda 340 in 1977. I wish I had that car back. I can't say that about most of the cars I've owned. I've been a passenger in a Factory Five AC Cobra kit car on Road America at 145. Fun Times!
The fastest I've been is a recorded 224.731 in the third mile at Bonneville with a 227 exit speed. I have a record that still stands in the book iat 214.160. (Same car smaller motor) It's a C/CGC Chevy Monza. I also have a record of 194.271 at El Mirage. Fast is GOOD!! Tom
110 + going up the bridge's ramp, then I launched & landed! 3x2's in the Blue. A flight I didn't remember very well, till the Star Chief touched down. Far far away & and along time ago
The Speedo was pegged at 120 in my '67 273 Cuda on 80 in Nebraska. Put the best ride I ever had was 400mph+ 50 feet off the deck in the back seat of a P-51 doing a high speed pass at the EAA Rockford flyin in 1969.
'68 Dodge Super Bee with a high winding 383 Magnum. 160 MPH speedo, buried. Long, long time ago. Very young, very stupid.
134 mph in a loaned 1994 Vette that had the "horsepower key". We had it at work and I borrowed it one Sunday afternoon. After checking the engine had oil, I started the warmup lap south on US-31. The speedo was still climbing, and I felt the car go over what was a "bump". I'm sure it was a roadpatch over a road below the freeway, so I was feeling the expansion joint in the pavement. What I felt was the car touch down slightly off-line, and correct itself. I glanced down very quick. 134mph. I proceeded to back the velocity down right after that. besides that, 130-ish on a Ducati 748. My Bike, but with speedo error, it could have been +/- 10% distance vanishes pretty fast at that speed.
68 Dodge Charger with a 383 in highschool, 140 on a rural road near my house. Drum brakes are virtually worthless if you need to stop quickly at that speed!