I know most run a box for period correct who runs a rack and is one better than the other(driving wise) I plan on a rack just want some input mine is a bracket car Thanks!
The rack should be much more direct and responsive if done properly. Getting the steering shaft past the motor will be a real chore. No problem in a back motored car, major engineering in an FED...unless you are mounting the rack to the axle and out to one side. Then you'll only have to jog once.
Too many U-joints and after awhile they get real sloppy unless you use the real good ones and they are $80 ea and you are going to need at least 4. So cost overides any gain which isnt much and second, it is not an original idea( R&P been around for years)if there was anything to it you would not have to ask any questions as everybody would be running one.