i found a guy with a stock set of skirts for my car that he says i can have for $10 but they dont have the mounting stuff on the back...think i should go for it?how hard would it be to make somethin that would hold em in place?they got the tab that goes into the back of the fender well (there's supposed to be a 2nd part that looks like a wire thingy) but that's it..anyone else got any thoughts on it?this really was what was keepin me from makin my own skirts,but for 10 bux i wouldnt mind havin a rest free set of stockers.comments and thoughts welcome.thanks! creepy
it's all here... http://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/showthread.php?t=62058&&showall=1 with pictures to boot.......
yeah,i've seen that,thanks...a little too involved,i think...plus i dont have a welder,but i could probably find someone with one if i absolutely had to (still lookin for someone to help me shave my door handles!) so....anyone else got anything? creepy
In a pinch, or for difficult mounting situations, I've done this. Clamp the skirt in position. Drill (I usually use a right angle one, easier) some 1/4" holes in the skirt flange, and into the wheelwell opening flange. Next, weld some small 'stubs' of 1/4" round rod onto the skirt, in the holes you've made. You may have to open up the holes in the wheel well flange a bit, even slot some of them so the skirt goes into place easily. The stubs lock the skirt into position, so they don't move. I put in about 4, 2 at the top, one on each side. To hold the skirt up in position, weld a 1/4" bolt to the bottom of the rocker, close to the skirt, and another at the rear wheelwell. Make a couple small tabs of sheet metal and attach to the skirt, front and rear, and drill holes to go over the bolts you put in. You can use wing nuts to hold the skirt on, for easy removal, but regular nuts will be less noticable. Sounds more complicated than it is, but should only take about an hour per side.