Ok guys I need some info!! My dad called me tonight and asked me if I would be interested in a running driving hemi for a reasonable price. He really didnt have any info on it yet but it was a freind of his who passed away and his widow wants to get rid of it. It is in an old firetruck that i guess is pretty nice but nobody wants it. What the heck could it be? Is it worth anything? Speed parts available? I know someone here has gotta know what this thing is, thanks in advance!!!!!!!!
Probably a Dodge but it could be anything in an old firetruck. I'd sure want to look at it or a couple of good photos of it before handing over cash though to make sure it is indeed a hemi.
I plan on going to look at it this weekend, I will take lots of pics and post them as soon as I can. Dad didnt have any real info on it since firetrucks arent really his thing and it has been a couple of years since he has seen it but it has always been stored inside and he said it was a nice truck from what he could remimber. I will keep you all posted as I find out, thanks again!!
As far as the overall value of old (especially gasoline powered!) fire trucks go, it is generally QUITE LOW. Check eBay. They have a whole section for them. Once they become a certain age there are some Underwriters Labratory or Insurance Underwriters regulations that will no longer certify the fire departments that use them....So, there are a lot of them 'put out to pasture' every year. Most are in great condition, as they have few miles and are usually stored inside and well maintained. BUT, they are no longer good for much except parades and stuff. A 'tanker' can be used in a lot of civilian, commercial applications, but 'pumpers' and 'ladder trucks', etc. are generally not too useable. I would figure them at almost the going rate for scrap iron in most cases. (Plus, possibly the value of useable components.) Sirens, hose nozzles, bells, old helmets, are all collectible and sell easily on eBay. I know. I restored an old fire truck for the local historical society. JG
I have a friend in N. California that was a garbageman from1959 to 1969.The garbage company had several old Dodge garbage trucks that had small Hemi's in them. They had factory dual 2 barrel carbs on them. EvilDr235
Get the serial number off the block, then search the web (and scooters Hemi info here on the HAMB) with it. You will soon find what it is. I suspect you have a Dodge truck with a Chrysler Hemi (Not a Dodge hemi). Chrysler, like all the manufacturese of the day, put the most powerful engines in their most expensive car lines. In this case, Chryslers got the bigger Hemi's, Dodge the smaller ones.... EXCEPT for the very BIG trucks, like a Dodge fire truck. Since Chrysler didn't make industreal sized trucks they allowed them to have the larger chrysler engines they needed. I got my 354 Chrysler Hemi out of a full size 1957/8 Dodge Grain truck (Yes, even though Chryslers were now using the 392, my Dodge had the Chrysler 354). When you look at the engine, look at the water pump, you may discover that it doesn't have the water cross over pipe that the passenger car engines do. It is more similar to the industreal engines. Thats what I have learned and believe about the engine I have, but I'm no expert. So... anyone have more insights?
Righto, a lot of the mid/late 50's Dodge and Canadian Fargos had the Hemi. We had a 56 Fargo grain truck, too, w/ smaller 2 barrel motor; I always assumed it was a 241 or 276, because it had the "no-name" valve covers, but who knows? At any rate, it would really haul.............................grain..