Right on Carl by the way congrats on the pic of your dragster in the new issue of hot rod deluxe I guess I need to recruit one of Tim's y-block girls to crew on my digger lol Chrome don't get ya home
Well don't tell anyone cause its states your name lol better than my pic with the flatcad at bonneville in rod and custom all I can say I'm glad they used the angle they did otherwise probly would have had a good shot of buttcrack as I'm bent over swapping tires lol Chrome don't get ya home
Damn Carl. Don't ya know that proper race car part drawings are done on coffee shop napkins with cheap ball point pens.
I know right hell I thought I had a good quality one by using cardboard and a sharpie lmao all hail Carl !!!! Chrome don't get ya home
Hey Carl Are you gone use a both inner and outer bearing on the blower drive? VIP now? K ............................. Taildragger&fenderless
yep two and the seal on the inside to keep gas fumes out of the bearings actually Tom most of my drawings start out as chalk on the blackboard at my 50's table where I sit and tink.....
One of these days my shop will look like that.......NOT! This picture gives a little idea of my "shop". Just add two motorcycles and the mig welder along the left side and assorted other stuff stacked on the car that were moved out for the photo shoot and you'll get the idea.
great lookin shop Tom, I just hafta keep mine neat and it still takes me hrs to find anything............
That is why mine usually stays a mess! Search time is the same regardless! BTW, I posted a color drawing in my thread of the lakester. You don't have a spare flatty that would fit in it do you?
I recently picked a new primary care doctor. After two visits and exhaustive Lab tests, she said I was doing fairly well for my age. <VAR id=yiv741644077yui-ie-cursor></VAR>A little concerned about that comment, I couldn't resist asking her, 'Do you think I'll live to be 80?' She asked, 'Do you smoke tobacco, or drink beer, wine or hard liquor?' 'Oh no,' I replied. 'I'm not doing drugs, either!' Then she asked, 'Do you eat rib-eye steaks and barbecued ribs?' 'I said, 'Not much... My former doctor said that all red meat is very unhealthy!' 'Do you spend a lot of time in the sun, like playing golf, boating, sailing, hiking, or bicycling or drag race a flathead FED?' 'No, I don't,' I said. She asked, 'Do you gamble, drive fast cars, or have a lot of sex, go bowling ?' 'No,' I said... She looked at me and said, 'Then, why do you even give a shit?'
Just finished the whole thread. 1- God that looks like fun; 2- Awesome work/craftsmanship; 3- God that looks like fun; 4- Love the flathead tech; 5- God that... you get the idea...
Carl looking like your making progress been way to cold here for me to do much Chrome don't get ya home
well got up at 4am today, couldn't sleep had dreams .......... tryin to make dreams a reality....... and damn I'm startin to like this............
Looks good Carl but you need to put the idler on the other side if you don't it will tear it off the belt needs to be straight down on the pull side Chrome don't get ya home
That worked out OK Carl will your Mag clear it? Or will you be building an offset drive for the mag,,, Tim Jones
Hey Carl - I know how to fix it . . . just get a bigger lower pulley! More Boost, More Horsepower . . . More Fun!