I just had my old OEM 6V coil go bad on my flathead (1946 59A). I have installed an aftermarket tube style coil in the same location mounted horizontally to the intake manifold. Will the heat from the head and block cause me problems in the future?
I don't think you'll have any problems with a modern coil there, but cooler is better. I think a simple flat spacr moving it up and out an inch or so would be considerably cooler.
Bruce is right. Coils don't like heat. The 49 to 53 coil (round type) bracket looks like this.... http://www.vanpeltsales.com/FH_web/FH_images/FH_engine-pics/Flathead_Engine_complete1949to53.jpg To get a better view; move your mouse pointer over the top picture; it should show a magnifing glass with a "+" in it, click your left mouse button and you will see a bigger picture. It would move the coil out in the "breeze" and mounts off the front of the right head (not sure but you might have to open the mounting holes a bit) and aren't too hard to find. If I remember rightly, Speedway sells a chromed version.