Hi! I am trying to make a Flathead engine in 3D and need "some" help of you that have those engines.... I am just trying to get the look right so that I can use the engine for my 3D projects. If you have engine parts and measures that you would like to share I would be very happy (Best is if the pictures is left/right/top and side views) I attach a Edelbrock cylinder head (text missing): Is it good enuff? Best regards sir.tooby
Hey that would fit the flattie I have out in the garage. Looks pretty good from here. Lets see the next installment. <input id="gwProxy" type="hidden"><!--Session data--><input onclick="jsCall();" id="jsProxy" type="hidden">
Thanx! @ Mr48chev: Could you give me length, width and heigth? Do you have some good pictures to share, the one i find on the net is often to small in from wrong angle. Would be super if you could help with pictures of different parts (to much to ask for perhaps). I have never seen a Flathead in real life but I really like the looks of it. To be able to do a 3D picture I need (at least) a side view and som measurements but best is side, front, back, top and bottom pictures + measure. Would be great with a engine block as next to do item Best regards tooby
Thanx! It will help me! Do you have som mor pictures of that nice intake and the carburators? I will try to start making the engine block...and hope for a good result. Is it possible for you to measure the width/length of the block? Best Regards tooby
Not done much...don't know where to start block or intake. I have found some pictures here at H.A.M.B so hopefully I will find a way to start modelling. Best Regards sir.tooby Added sparkplugs and test to cylinderhead.