<iframe width="640" height="480" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/Nywh58KlXwA" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
I bought it in Vancouver BC Canada, but originaly came from California, so body is in really good shape... Well, not finished yet...I want to strip the beige paint and leave it like this with the original pink color. I lowered it like every body does, as front Aerostar coil spring and 4" lowering blocks at rear. Wheels are 16" and come from Ford Ranger 2002. I'm looking for front spindles with disc brakes from Torino or what else could fit bolt on my Villager. Also, want to put bags on 4 ends, because too low and exhaust does'nt like it!!! So if someone has any proposition, will be welcome...
You can swap those blocks out in the rear to get some more height. A 2 inch block may help it clear a little better. Do you have a side shot with those wheels? And the front looks LOOOW even for Aerostars. It may be worthwhile to see if the previous owner heated them or took a coil out.
There's an old guy at my shop working on a pair of Edsel wagons.I'll see if I Can snag some photos of them this weekend.
Edsel Pronunciation: (ed'sul), n. a male given name: from Old English words meaning rich and hall.
Wow, those videos were awesome. Leave it to BBC. They seem to produce some very good vehicle related programs. I'd like to see and Edsel Top Gear Challenge.... Or maybe not. They seem to destroy alot of cars.
Here's the latest on my work in progress.... just finished up the rear notch and triangulated 4-link.
To Dom ---- tell me that's just paper so as not to spark on the glass and not a sedan delivery attempt. Has anyone seen the Edsel in Shawshank Redemption? Right when the Wardrn grabs his .38 you can see a 59 Wagon over his shoulder. Can't get an image of it but I am sure someone can.
I Love this Thread, I read it about the last 3 hours. When I have time I put some pictures in tomorrow. Guido
Yes I will post them up soon.... I took pictures as I went. There is still a giant hole in the floor from the Notch and eveything else that was built.
what you think about this video?? I feel sick, stupid sound & image changes ?? <iframe width="640" height="480" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/6V0BITdV6v4" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Wish me luck, mines getting a new rear seal(engine in the car), some more gaskets, and clutch soon. I may even rebuild the Holley sitting on top. I am finally fed up with it marking its territory every where I go. Can't afford the full rebuild yet, gotta save some more cash.
OMG !!!! I thought my friend Pete was my friend .... Look this slaughtering !!!!! I can`t believe my eyes !!! <iframe width="853" height="480" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/Y40FNRsRq7o" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
pretty cool 58 edsel! <iframe width="640" height="480" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/pL_DthhtTG0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Speaking of edsels in movies I just saw them in two different ones, first while watching Up in Smoke, cheech was leaving a house through the back yard and sitting there on blocks is a 1958 pink/white Ranger 2dr hdtp and it looked to be in real nice shape (I wounder what happened to that car) Then on the channel "THIS" tv they were showing a movie , some kind of 70's comedy, Hollywood AirForce or something like that and one of the guys gets into a sweet looking custom painted 1959 edsel convertable, wish they had shown it longer, it looked pretty cool. edsel
Great thread ! Are you sure this is your old car? I have a 9-seater which looks just like this one imported to Sweden in 2004. The car in the pic is a 6-seater which was imported back in 2000. Just qurious
Since this is a custom forum I thought I'd post a Swedish '58 Corsair from Gällivare (that's north of the Polar Circle...): Dunno if it was painted in Sweden or imported like this