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Found out my 17 year old is street racing!?

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by BigMikeC, Oct 10, 2006.

  1. Machobuck
    Joined: Aug 1, 2006
    Posts: 221


    I havn't read this whole thred,if this has been said already i'm sorry...I'm 17 years old aswell.If I was dead set on racing nothing would stop me.

    What can you do?...

    The most important thing you'll be able to do is teach him the right way to race.None of that "I seen him at the stoplight,he gave me a rev and we went" bullshit...The safest street race is the one that was planed out.

    Or you can try being a parent...Dont get me wrong I'm not knocking on you or your ethics. I'm just thinking a 17 year old with a 351W should be on some sort of trust contract.Its clear that he has broken that trust...I would take the car away or throw in something that aint gunna win races

    Just my 2 cents
  2. Many good points and stories so far but one issue hasn't been discussed . PEER PRESSURE. How do you help a young adult overcome this problem? The talk not only needs to discuss the consequences of street racing , it also needs to include a discussion on responsibility, leadership, and doing the right thing regardless of what friends may think.
    If he wants to race there's a right place and way to do it . Get him to apply and qualify for SCCA liscense (sorry straightline guys)
    as what is taught is more comprehensive. Once he learns how easy it is to lose control of a car at high speed , how difficult roads are to read at speed and what is required to do it right. It should definitely guide him in the right direction .

    Wishing you the best

  3. 37 BILL
    Joined: May 31, 2006
    Posts: 127

    37 BILL
    from Bristol CT

    Hey guys....I have been around hot rods...stock cars...and hot street cars scince I was around ....My dad allways talked about the things he and my uncle Bill (48 Bill) did when they were kids...Man I thought they were the coolest....Sooo...As a kid (1984) I drove a 57 chevy P/U with a hot small block...Was o k as long as we raced 3 poles...about an 8th mile...toooooo much was pretty good...made lots of friends...still have many of them today(39 years old)....wound up part of a group that was lead up by the father of a kid that was one of the guys my dad raced as a was pretty cool....Then came a night I will never forget....I was a colledge about an hour and a half from the " race shop"...the call....COME HOME....when I asked why?....JUST COME TO GOD' what a long ride....Jeff's sone JJ(jeff JR) had been killed street racing the CUDA...Yeah a real hemi cuda convert....( a group we fixed about 10 years later,and gave to Jeff...Man did we all cry...)....After that we (about 10 of us)... formed MEMORY RACING...I still cry today when some one asks ...don't let your son feel this pain....My Dad and I were already racing our Austin at the time....NOW...Every day I wish J J was with JEff when we are at the Tracks.....BOTTOM line...Drag strip GOOD...Street Strip BAD....BC
  4. new wave terror
    Joined: Sep 4, 2004
    Posts: 121

    new wave terror

    Look at the brightside tho.Atleast its a muscle car and not one of those stupid Jap cars with the coffee can exhaust and tires toed all the way in.
  5. Hi!
    Joined: Oct 4, 2006
    Posts: 731

    from SoCal

    Its sad to say people die all the time. On the street or the track.17 and you can join the military and then what? Drive home and hit by a drunk driver. Anybody ride motorcycles? The thing is it doesnt matter what he does, maturaty comes from experiance and its a bitch.
    Be a parent and explain hes old enough to take on the responsabilaty that comes with what he does, right or wrong.
    But street racing is a high that you cant get at a track. Late nights and freinds and all the racing you can handle.
  6. I would whip the spark plugs out of him.

    Naaaa! Just kidding.

    its a hard call. Teaching him what's right and hope he follows suit. That's all you can do.

    Trust has to be there for it to work.

    good luck!
  7. roddinron
    Joined: May 24, 2006
    Posts: 2,676


    That's right, I can't believe you guys thinking the old muscle cars were safe! One of you even said "hit a pole and drive away". Obviously you weren't around in the 60's. I lost more friends in the cars of that era than I care to count, four of them died in a road runner that hit a tree and wrapped around it so tight they had to cut the tree down and haul the car to the junkyard with the log still in it. You better straighten him out quick, this ain't the old days, and if he gets caught now they won't just slap his wrists. And if he dies, you'll never forgive yourself. It's ok for kids to hate you, as long as they live long enough to love you again.
  8. Fry
    Joined: Nov 14, 2002
    Posts: 990

    from SK, Canada

    we used to race lots too, light to light on the main drag. No residential, no accidents, no one got hurt. Never seen any harm in it. Then again I bought, built, insured, plated my car myself which brought along respect to the car and its power and how to control it.
    Sure its dangerous but theres a fuck load of worst stuff a kid could be doing than running around in an old mustang, my racing and wrench kept me out of lots of bad stuff that others were doing.
  9. squigy
    Joined: Nov 30, 2003
    Posts: 3,915

    from SO.FLO.

    Hey i have a good idea...let him read this thread and see how it affects people in different ways.he may learn somethin new...
  10. T-Bone
    Joined: Mar 17, 2001
    Posts: 359


    I've read this entire thread and I cannot believe some of the pussy responses I'm seeing here. I hope some of you never have children.

    Be a parent and clip his wings. Take away his keys for a couple of months and make him ride the bus. Tell if if he fucks up again you'll sell his car. If he has a racing jones, take him to the track as some have mentioned.

    The whole "I'm not going to reprimand my kid for something I did too" is a bullshit copout propogated by pussy, hippie parents raised without discipline and lacking the balls to do their job.
  11. 19Fordy
    Joined: May 17, 2003
    Posts: 8,260


    Re: street racing. Take him to the local coroner and observe an autopsy. Then have him write his own obituary. And don't be your kid's best friend. Take away his car and introduce him to the world of the bicycle. If he's 17 are you legally responsible for his actions?
  12. clloyd
    Joined: May 2, 2006
    Posts: 79


    McDonugh is just a small town south of Atlanta off 75. Country roads. I would see if he wants to build a really cherry car to go with that built motor. If he likes the idea then he can get a part time job to finance the build. You can work with him and guide him mechanically and morally without he feeling he is being lectured to.
    Once you get the car up on blocks and he gets to scrape, brush and paint the under carriage. Remove and rebuild the front and rear suspension and rear. Sand, fill and paint the body. And get to pay for all of it. He will have a new outlook and respect for his equipment and you. Then if he still wants to run it you have a couple of decent strips near you. When I was 18 I could not wait to get home and show people my time tickets. Good luck
  13. Dick Dake
    Joined: Sep 14, 2006
    Posts: 788

    Dick Dake

    I could also think of worse thing to do than racing, but then they are all stupid ideas, aren't they? For those guys who thinks its OK to be reckless on the road, you better hope if someone in my family is killed by you, they put you away for a long time. I will not be as easy on an asshole who kills my family acting like an idiot. Kill yourselves in an accident, not the other guy.
  14. TexasHardcore
    Joined: May 30, 2003
    Posts: 5,395

    from Austin-ish

    Street racing is stupid. I did it. I had an 11-second fox body Mustang when I was 17. My dad bought me the car bone stock. He helped with some performance goodies here and there, but I worked 2 jobs as a roadie and shop helper 30 hours a week and went to school full time to pay for the go-fast stuff. There's nothing like the thrill of the street race. It's a different kind of adrenaline, but I always felt safer at the dragstrip because it was controlled chaos. I ended up doing legal drag racing 90% of the time, with the occaisional "call-out" street race just to let the locals know I was still around.

    I used to go to the dragstrip (2.5hrs away) every Wednesday for Test-n-Tune, even on schoolnights, I was hooked. I felt that I was racing myself, trying to improve my reaction times, launches, shifts, etc. I didn't care too much about racing some other guy anymore. Take your boy out to a dragstrip and get him hooked there. Hell, try an autoX course too, he might dig it. All I know is if my dad took away my car, I probably would have found some other way to rebel against him that was even more dangerous. I'm glad he never did that, and that he encouraged my track time.
  15. Shotrod64
    Joined: Sep 21, 2006
    Posts: 83

    from Tacoma, WA

    Shoot the cars out there now days are a lot quicker than the ones we had also. Or they sure are more so than mine which I still have. Also doesn't matter if it's girl or boy, they all do it!
    If it were me my dad would have my car taken away from me quicker than I could spit!
    I'd do as others I suppose, try and explain to him the consequences which will probably go in one ear and out the other if he's anything like I was at that age. Indestructable and know everything of course. Or better, like mentioned, get him started at the tracks. Even more fun about the tracks is it's legal which surely takes that paranoid edge off and makes the whole experience more enjoyable. Plus it's bonding time too.:cool:

  16. Several things came to mind when I read about your dilemma. Your knowledge of the commision of a crime under the law makes you culpable for anything that happens after the fact and, in essence, you are both a co-conspirator and an accomplice if you knowingly allow such an action to occur, or continue. That said, what the hell, all your conscience should be concerned with is whether or not he kills an innocent bystander, or someone in another car, a mother or child perhaps, or causes someone to lose their sight, or limbs, potentially spending the rest of their lives in a wheelchair, pushing a toggle with their chin to aim it toward the toilet. And, then, too, this paraplegic could damn well be your son. So you have to ask yourself if a motor vehicle is, or is not, a lethal device that should be used in the commision of a crime --- which we all know street racing is. BUT, there is you (the parent), your child, and the rest of the world. How you approach the problem depends on your perception of what is moral; because in solving the problem, you may create such friction that you lose his respect, or trust, as well as the ability to help him understand that all actions have consequences. AND, forget the Toughlove approach. Be a man, kick his ass if you have to. Extreme situations require extreme measures. Lay down the law. Keep your spies at work. If he screws up, tow the car and dismantle it, at the extreme. Anything to KEEP THE INITATIVE, SO YOU ARE ALWAYS IN CONTROL. My most important point. YOU HAVE TO MAKE THE RULES. (The old saw of many fathers that: "As long as your feet are under my table, you will do what I say," is a worthy model.) Preachy? Yes. Especially when there are other avenues of expression, as have been mentioned, to vent the steam that young hormones create. I'll end with this thought, if the car was a gun, would you think about this differently? I know it's murky water, but a child is still a child until they act responsibly. If that child is yours and doesn't, you can only blame yourself. Parents do count. Peer pressure only bends their will so far. The sure and certain knowledge that there will be hell to pay at home has propped up the conscience of many of us. I know and speak from experience. Myself, I didn't have a son but a daughter, and whoever thanked God they had one, didn't have mine. Over the course of her growing up, I found out that teenagers are a different breed. You absolutely and indutibly must make them respect you, and fear what you're capable of doing when the situation becomes extreme. Nothing rash, mind you. Just go to bed reading Sun Tzu's Art Of War, and things will turn out fine. Because, my friend, dealing with teenagers is war and you can only win if you're in control.
  17. roddinron
    Joined: May 24, 2006
    Posts: 2,676


    HERE HERE, YOU DA MAN! Like I said let em hate you for a while, they'll learn to love you again when they wise up. Here's what my Dad did. Three weeks after I got my license I wrecked his car street racing in the rain, hit an oncoming car, no one was seriously injured thank God, but that was the end of my driving for a long while, till I graduated high school. My only transportation was a motorcycle for over 2 yrs. even in Pa winters. He would not let me drive a car, even if I paid for it and the insurance, but for some reason riding a bike in the snow was ok with him, I guess because he figured I couldn't hurt anyone but myself I don't know.:confused:
  18. hilbillyjim1948
    Joined: Jul 2, 2006
    Posts: 116

    from australia

    follow roothawgs suggestion a father and son race team at the drags cant be beaten itll make him listen if hes havn fun if you take the car off him hell just go in someone elses car ,and after running down the strip the street thing will sound boring most ricers dont race on the strip cause then they see what they really run and not the bullshit that they tell everyone they can do!,and ive found its the rice rockets that make most of the trouble on the streets here in oz,the one at the drags are reall quick though!!!but at least its a controlled situation!!!!
  19. Im the parent of two sons, 23 and 25. Part of parenting is using your life experiences to help you raise your children to be be good people, and dont endanger innocents with their shennanagons. I sure dont feel a parent is hypocrytical when he forbids his children not to do things he did when he was young. Now if you were street racing right now and telling him he cant ,THAT would be hypocrytical. Like many people have already said, this world is so much different than when we were young, 60's and 70's for me. Way to many people out and about in the world now, he might not worry about himself, but he needs to worry about people that didnt set out to die that day because of something stupid he did.

    On a lighter note. When I was a kid, for awhile I was driving a little 63 nova, 6cyl and three on the tree. I stopped at the car lot my father was working at and there was an older guy there, (probably the same age I am now lol) he was driving a 69 AMX with the 390 and go-pak option. It was his kids car and he was looking to trade it in on something less powerful. His kid kept getting in trouble with the law for racing. I was telling him that I really liked the AMX and he asked what kind of car I had. Showed him my little 63, he offered to trade me straight up...thats how I got my AMX.
  20. notebooms
    Joined: Dec 14, 2005
    Posts: 2,077

    Alliance Member

    if i didnt want my kid street racing, i definately wouldnt have him/her driving a muscle car like a camero or a mustang. just having a car like that instantly almost forces a kid to prove how fast it is (or isnt,) that it can do sweet burnouts everytime it accelerates and driving that car will eventually make your hair grow into a mullet. it's just the nature of the beast.

    instead, sell the Mustang to the local speed freak in town and buy your kid a big ass Cadillac or something.... make it look nice so he's gotta drive it slower to catch the attention of the girls.

    -scott noteboom
  21. DocWatson
    Joined: Mar 24, 2006
    Posts: 10,288


    Mate you have to do something, anything. I would take the moral "Low" ground as your son will see it and be a Hypocrite.
    I was dumb enough to street race. Over here you have to be 18 to get a license. I left school got a very good job in demolitions and saved my money for a rod project. I also got bitten by the drag racing bug hard so the car ended up being a 32 3w with a blown 427 cammer Ford, made around 1800hp at the rear wheels.
    Yup I raced that sucker on the strip but when there was no racing on Id head out to the street drags. At least we did it in an industrial area, long wide streets. Man that was a handful on the street and I don't know to this day why I did it. Hind sight is 20-20 and a fucker, huh!
    On the bright side I never got beaten! Though not many people would try me, certainly not any import even a Nissan that was suppose to have 1400HP wouldn't try me. Pussie.
    Take him to a track, don't let him be like me or any of us that did this. Its too dangerous these days, and the laws are getting tougher all the time.
    I curtailed my street racing when I joined the Army, became a Medic and did time with civilian Ambulances. Having seen what I have out there now chills my blood to think I was going 180mph on a back road. No matter how well a car is built, hit something at that speed and your gonna die, nastily.
    Sure I lost more mates in the Army through combat and training accidents, more than I lost racing but at least we didn't take innocent people with us or go to jail for taking out someone else's son or daughter. At least they died for reasons that are important, not being cool or tough but keeping our countries safe, keeping you safe in your own homes.
    19fordy has a good idea, let him see the results of a motor vehicle accident. A word in the coroners ear as to why and I bet he/she will be happy to oblige. To look at a picture is nothing, you could see thousands of them but there is always a removal from reality with that, coming face to face with a real mangled body should wake him up.
    Hell, push him in the direction of the military certainly sorted me out. My parents always said I'd either end up in politics or prison. Avoided both so far..........
    Fuck I ramble on some times.
    Bottom line, be a hypocrite you may be saving his life.
  22. evilgenius
    Joined: May 10, 2005
    Posts: 391


    there's many theories to parenting.

    on one hand, there's the tough love. take away a privilege, much to the chagrin of the teenager who feels he has no choice in the matter, nor any understanding of the consequences.

    on the other hand, there's even tougher love. explain the possible consequences, and say that it's ultimate up to them to make the decision but whatever they decide they will have to live with those consequences themselves.

    a story: two teenagers. one, his parents enforced tough love #1: an arrest, followed by privileges revoked, and being called stupid. after privileges restored, went right back to doing it. that's me.

    the second, his parents telling the teenager that he can do whatever he wants, but if he ends up in jail, he's on his own - they will not bail him out and he has to face the consequences by himself. this is my friend. never once got into trouble with the law.

    granted, at that age kids can be a bit 'stupid' in the sense that other priorities (getting laid, popularity, partying, ego) override common sense - but they're not stupid at all. don't treat them like they are, and force them to be accountable for their actions.

    give them a 'choice' - either they can race at a legally sanctioned place and learn the proper precautions - or they can keep doing what they're doing but if they get sued, get hurt or hurt/kill someone else, they're on their own.

    just make sure you stick to your word.
  23. stealthcruiser
    Joined: Dec 24, 2002
    Posts: 3,750


    he is probably due a good choking anyway.

    All bullshit aside,unless he has changed a LOT from the son I have seen you raise,he will listen and heed your words!

    Those 17 year olds are hard headed,(like their mom),I know this from experience,as all three of mine lived to be older than 17.

    Don't beat him though.Not right for a parent to beat their child.

    I,on the other hand,would be happy to come and kick him square in the ASS,being the impartial observer that I am.

    You can tell him I said that too.
  24. flathead okie
    Joined: May 22, 2005
    Posts: 1,480

    flathead okie


  25. JayD
    Joined: Aug 29, 2005
    Posts: 544


    I'm with ya 100%, but you and I both know 17yo's aren't gonning to listen. I'd make him walk awhile.

  26. Rocket
    Joined: Mar 7, 2005
    Posts: 284

    from Austin Tx

    Just two weeks ago I was at a friends house and he told me one of his son's friends killed his own sister and killed an old man while street racing. That kid is going to jail and now has to sit in a cell knowing he killed not only some stranger but also his sister. That is the closest i've been to a fatality from racing but it still didn't sit well.
  27. Big Pete
    Joined: Aug 7, 2005
    Posts: 364

    Big Pete

    My 17yr old turned 22 this year he raced then. Better he race than ride along with another.
    Not every father gets to ward off Mr. Brink my choice is jesus and the hedge of protection he's in the book.
  28. So, when do you want to go to the track?
    Reynolds is close by.
    Bunch of tracks down here.
    Wednesday night test and tune is a great way to get to know the car.

    Bring him to the next swap meet at Lanier Speedway and we can do some bench racing (The kind where people die).

    I used to street race.
    Sure it was fun, but it was stupid.
    My Nephew (Jayzee) is building his first car.
    We've already had the street racing talk and he is just thirteen.
    If you need some back-up...the SFCC is a good group of guys.

    That being said, I have friends in McDonough.
    If they get hurt by your sons actions.....Then it's a whole new ballgame and you can let him know that.

    Come on up to the swap meet on the 5th of November.
    He can see how much fun I have walking around with two bad legs thanks to someone elses bad judgment. I even have pictures of what was left of the two vehicles.

    And as far as the ASSHATS that still think street racing is cool.....

    Grow up!!

    I know firsthand how long it takes for the paramedics to show up.
    The ambulance from the nearest station was on a call already when I had my wreck. I almost bled out in the time it took for them to respond. The ambulance at the track is right there waiting for you.

    I had nine bones in twenty seven pieces (Not counting the three bones they removed from my wrist) because somebody else lost control of their vehicle. I'm alive to talk about it becuase I had control of mine.
    I spent the better part of two years in a wheelchair because of someone elses actions.

    Have a little self control.
  29. Ruiner
    Joined: May 17, 2004
    Posts: 4,141


    put it this way, a guy I used to work with lost his brother to street racing out on a deserted stretch of highway, he was an innocent driver heading to town one night for groceries when two kids came up over a hill and destroyed his car...the kid that was in the "correct" lane got 2 years in jail for unintentional vehicular manslaughter, the kid who collided with my friend's brother got a minimum sentence of 7 years and 10 years probation with an extended/suspended sentence after he gets out if he gets caught even the "safe" way of street racing can be deadly...yes, we used to do it when we were younger, but it's so much easier to go to the local track on a test and tune day...tell him to invite a bunch of his friends and others who like street racing and they can make any bets they want off-premises (if they're racing for money) and settle it all at the track...a 2 hour drive to the track and back is way less time than months or years in prison...

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