Not much has been going on with my build .. For some of you that want to know about swapping frames this sux. I'm putting a 1954 4-door frame under my 1949 body , and yes they are different, but not by much. mainly mounts body mounts need to be moved. And I think the body sits higher on the frame. which leads to other problem when trying to slamm this sucker. Frame hangs too low. almost 2 inches.. enuff of my rant. I"ll start w/ pics of it started to strip the paint old front clip new frame , original suspension pulled, welding a few holes.. pic size suck still need to make bag brackets and shock mounts about to start the tri-link and notch. thats where i am at, a little bracing in the interior. before i cut the floor... and the a-frame i use to pull the body on an off, real cheap body lift. About $100. my side kick , Strecher . best riding buddy of all time. dosn't talk any shit. Still lots need to be done, I'm out. more later..