Ooops I done it again!.... Yep...I don't know what's wrong with my post partum depression I bought 3 cars! - The Bel Air 2 dr. sedan has new 1/4s and full floor pan/braces...came with a couple hacked up frames I found a good one I'm in the process of making a roller...have my choice of 350 or stock 283/3 spd. o/d...came from the "Rust Bros" Mike Hall auction - The '57 Pontiac is a Cdn. car so virtually identical to Chev except cowl, dash, front and rear trim...runs and drives w a 261/3 spd...wife wants me to fix it up for her lol - Chev 4 dr. Bel Air sedan is super clean and virtually rust free 283/3 spd ...not running at this time...have collected 2 dr. door posts and 2dr. doors...going to do the 2 door conversion and put the 4 dr. doors on the Pontiac eventually - peeking out in back is the '52 Chrysler Imperial...the body is off to a new home where it will recieve a flat 6 cyl...the Hemi (unfortunately in a zillion pieces) may show up in my roadster thread if money and skills allow...I've heard theyre big bucks to rebuild :-(
Well i'm envisioning a staggered "stay on the street" program...A) patch up the Pontiac enough to enjoy this spring/summer while working on B) 4 dr. Chevy for next season then do 2 dr. conversion over winter...flog both to finance C) end game 2 dr. least that's the plan...
Ha ha ha ha I know...I'm crazy! Although if you knew my wife and how fast she can spend my money it's probably good some of it is tied up in "assets" I let the whole team down...I ended up getting sick...real sick and not out of the woods yet...I literally have not touched the car this entire year other than picking up a set of slots and hunting down some of those lugnut/washer deals needed for them... Wow love it what a cream puff! that's good inspiration! I kind of made a strange deal, the guy I bought the 2 dr. from has a business and stated from the start that it would take some time to get all the baskets of this basketcase together....a year later and I've still only got 3/4s of the parts for the car! I've made some progress since the initial onset of health issues but for some reason I'm having difficulty getting started again...the car came with 2 hacked up frames and no suspension/driveline so at least I've collected a front suspension, rear axle, NOS springs, ubolts, shock plates and bushings etc. all from different sources far and one really carries parts this old around here
I got the Pontiac 261 running and it hit the road...I took the first good offer and the guy was really excited and motivated he patched up the floor bought some tires and drives it regularly!
Ha, my wife must have gone to the same spending seminar yours did. Good thing I've got our finances secure in my collection, lol! Actually, I am selling off as much as I can do without. Can't take it with me and no one else knows what it's all worth. The goal is 3 ''finished'' cars and a clean shop.