Go to pep boys/kragen or walmart and get a set of the uglyest spinner hubcaps you can find, now sneak over to your buddies house and put them on the passenger side only of his daily driver, usually takes them a day or two to notice and someone at work who knows they are a car guy will usually point them out to them... and the best part is they come in sets of 4 so you can get 2 of your friends... Yes I am this sick.....
I think thats pretty funny as well. I grew up with a group of car guys that ALWAYS were playing jokes on each other. So much so that when the biggest prankest of them all called me to tell me the shop my '47 Chevy was in just burned to the ground, I didn't believe him. I'm going to keep this little prank in the back of my mind and maybe, just maybe have some fun with it this summer.
some of the most fun I had messing with a buddies car was over gas milage. I would go over to his house every night and siphon a gallon of gas out of his car and save it. After a couple of weeks of this he noticed that his gas milage had gone to crap so he started with a tune up. Of course that didnt do any good because I was still "storing" a gallon of gas every night. Then he started buying every gas milage saving device know to man, so I started adding his gas that I had been "storing" back 1 gallon each night. It was fun to listen to him brag about his gas milage and then watch him working on the car when I ran out of the gas I had been "storing". Yes I have a devious mind and sometimes I have way too much time on my hands.
Even more summer/wheelcover fun is a couple of fish in the wheel cover. Two days later is when the fun(k) really begins.
How odd, I just woke up this morning remebering how we used to cut a bike inner tube about 12 inches long and put it on someone's tailpipe. Sounds great. Haven't done that in over 20 years. Must be the long winter getting to us all.
Wire tie. Get one of those huge wire ties and put it on the drive shaft. Every time it comes around it laps the tunnel. Sounds like something bad is happening to the drive train. Gotta be careful who ya do it to. Some guys really come unglued.
A bunch of my buddies are electrictians so they drive the big white vans. Always gets 'em, take that black sqeeze shoe polish and write "Free Candy" on the passenger side. Ready made Pedo' van right there.
A buddy at work was supposed to give me a ride home one day and forgot me. The next day I picked up the rear of his Blazer with a forklift and blocked his axle up where his rear tires were about a half inch off the ground. He got in it to go home and was revving it up in forward then reverse. Some of us were hiding and watching. He finally got out and saw his rear tires still spinning. It was hillarious. I was afraid it would rock off of the blocks and run through the building! He said he had the speedo up to 50 or so.
I used to work with a kid who would drive his ole mans truck into work every day. he was a little bit of a wize ass so when I went out on a call one day I took all the hubcaps off the truck and hid them under the spare that was in the bed. took him two days before his ole man noticed and another week before they found them in the bed.....
another funny but harmless prank along the lines of the spinner hubcaps, is slap a set of those light up valve stem caps on your buddies car so he looks like a doofus driving around at night. i inagine many here just don't understand the embarrasment of being spotted with such dumb shit attached to your car.
LOL this is great , I really like the gas trick that is a new one, I know someone that would be real fun on... the big zip tie (panduit strap) is a good one I have had that one done to me and it made a racket.. Now for the evil stuff, 9oz of wheel weights on the inside front tire.... (thanks uncle John it was a fun ride home) oil in the gas tank... car smokes and I havent found a mechanic yet that will figure it out... moth balls in the gas tank ... lowers the octane rating that it will run like crap and ping real bad... the best one ever-done to me.......... run the windshild washer pump up the bottom of the steering collum so it sprays right in their lap, then tape the nob/button on... then turn the radio up full blast..... when they get in and turn the key ....... by the time they turn the radio down/ off they are soaked.. and you have a great picture when they get out of the car/truck...... enjoy... the things we do to our freinds......
That's funny, I remember doing that to a buddy once too. At The Turkey Rod Run I swapped out the crown tire valve covers on his T with little pink pig ones right in front of him, he didn't even notice. He called me the next day and told me "someone stole my cool tire valve covers and replaced 'em with pink pigs, I'm gonna kill the summbitch that did this." He's a Bar-B-Que eating fatso so the joke's doubly funny.
take some barbies and tie them up to the rear end with about 10 feet of fishin line then toss them under the car so you cant see them, when he drives off they will start draggin behind. might go well with the spinners.
I have a buddy that would go to a car and take ChapStick and smear it on the edges of the wiper plades. And then put some dirt or debris on the windshield that would cause them to turn on the wipers and the chapstick would smear all over the windshield. That shit does not like to come off, it has a wax in it. Washer fluid makes it worse. Soap and water doesn't even touch it, just spreads it around. We ended up using Rubbing Alcohol and lacqer thinner to get it off!!! Funny as hell, until you have to clean it off.
I put one of the rainbow stickers on a friends gas tank. Standing up you did not see it, but if you were sittting in a car behind him it was visible. it was a good month before he found it. Afterwards he said "that's why guys have been waving and smiling." The worst part of it was me going in to buy the sticker and getting that look from the girl at the head shop I use to buy stuff at when I was younger.
Remove one of the pieces of a two piece driveshaft. Especially fun when it's dark out. Tie a rope to the rear axle and tie the other end to their mailbox post, hide the rope next to the driveway in the grass. Leave enough so they get a good head of steam going before they rip thier own mailbox out of the ground and drag it behind them a while. Gravel in the hubcaps Make a realistic vanity plate "cover" (See Safariknuts art show post) for their plates made of cardboard, be creative, use carpet tape to hold it on. Nobody checks thier plates.
No offense to anyone. Know a totally macho meathead? Get a rainbow sticker and put it on his 4x4 in a place where he won't see it for a few days. He'll freakout when he starts getting winks from total strangers!
You guys left out my favorite! Take two jumper leads, and hook the horn/horn relay up to their brake light switch. As long as the brakes are on, the horn is too!! Another fun one is to hook up one of those big truck reverse "beepers" into the brake light circuit. Of course, if they won't see it when they take off, a bumper sticker can be a world of fun. "Two Beers and I'm Queer" or "I'm not Gay, but my Boyfriend is". Hahahahaha!!!!
Great thread. I have always been known as a joker. I think I've done almost all of them. The one with the bike tube on the tailpipe is new to me. Can't wait to try it. Eddie
I have bought one of those Scented addatives and emptied it into my buddies gas tank. His car exhaust smell like " Full Blown Bubble Gum" for a mounth. They have all kinds of weird scents Cherry Bomb, Groovey Grape, Rocket Cotton Candy, etc. I keep a bottle in the trunk of my car, you never know when you need to cover some bad gas fumes. Or mess with someone. Manhatten Oil and Liquid Horsepower Summit Racing caries it also.
When I was a kid one of the guys had a 58 chev with a 348 and a stick. It was pretty quick. He ran gas tank filler pipes with gas caps for cut outs just behind the front wheels. We never tired of removing the caps when he wasn't looking, easy on easy off! Phil, if you're still alive , I'm truly sorry for doing this too many times when once would have been enough.
It's been a while, so... http://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/showthread.php?t=125460&&showall=1 Mopar742000-"die hard greaser to the fucking bone I chop, drop, cut, section, slam, throw pins and more. i 'm a fop man goddam it that dapper dan shit's too thin. i spend more time in my gurage than i ever do in my house and i love rat rod hunnie bunnie's "