DAMN Jesse that thing is sweeeeet If I'm ever in the LB how about a tour? It's one thing to make your own tools but you took it to a whole new level!!!! Also that table is sweet to whats the weight of it look heavy Tom
Jessie, what's the scoop on that fixture table? It looks like a precision version of an acorn table. Did you make that or is it a commercial piece? I haven't seen one like it before. Joe
Our shop makes their own, but that one has a ruler engraved into it. I would guess commercial, and heavy!! That planisher is beautiful! and if I had one like that, I'd be inspired to use it just because.
that 55' and that knuckle are kickin my ass right now!!dammit,jesse you got the life brother.that table is just ridiculous,ill take one of those lil hammers in candy blue too.sweet mag too!!post more pics im jonesin' heavy now...
Planishing hammer looks good. Jessie Congratulations on the record with the hydro car.That was my favorite episode.Have you ever thought of doing a show with just metal shaping and fabricating?For me personally I don't need any fluff,I would rather just feel like we were hanging with you in the shop. How the hell do you always stay two steps ahead of everyone else?
Amazing work...imagination and craftsmanship. True art. What is that on your shop floors? Clear epoxy over some kind of glaze????
I'll have to take a walk and pick up my issue and maybe a burger from Cisco's. Why does it close so early whenever i wanna get some for dinner no dice.
Best magazine out there. Its got such a great mix of everything kustom and cool. Ive turned a bunch of people onto it and they all say the same thing. Keep up the good work Jessie.
Nice plainishing hammer that you put together. I have a question for you on the air feed. Did you use a pedal to regulate the air or did you set it up with a straight line of air and just have a valve for on and off? If you used a pedal where did get it. My hammer that I am working on now has just a straight air line. Any help would be great. Keep up the great work that you do.
That little Milwaukee is a "Hand held" body hammer. So no foot switch. Just a little dial on the head to adjust the air pressure/strength. You can see me toggle it on & off in the video.
hey jesse...will my outfit make it in a p-51?????...seriously, what was a bigger rush - the PLANE ride or BONNEVILLE ride?...johnnyB
Hi Jesse love the mag and love your show my 10 year old son can't wait till its on.We watch it weekly as a family my son my wife and I.Great job keep it up.
Nice looking hammer. Is the lower arm adjustable for a deeper throat? Looks like Fay's influence is in there.
Just got my issue in the mail today great work as always, I guess I was a lucky one, I did'nt miss an issue with my subscription since the mag started, I did have to wait a bit but they all showed up...Keep up the good work FRANK, JESSE, AMY and the rest of the crew....You guys need to come to the CINCINNATI area and meet up with the 513 Crew, we have several top notch builders with lots of history around here, hell even a few NHRA Hall of Famers drivers/builders/painters SHORT ROUND and DAUBER for example ( Bill Roell and Jim Farr).. Any who thanks for the great mag its a great history lesson for some and an great look back for others..P.S. I still have my STOMPIN STU Jersey from 85, riders ready, pedals set!
The stompin stu article was very good.It brought back meomries of childhood. Still seems like a super nice guy.
Jesse, I have to ask. the plainishing hammer is pretty sweet, but how the hell do you find the time do this stuff??? I own a shop and been building stuff for over 20 yrs and there's never enough time in the day, and I know you have more going on than I do. I had a chance to do M.G. right after it started but just couldn't get away....you must never sleep ??