Last weekend I went to San Luis Roadsters 40th run. Great run in San Luis Obispo,Ca. A friend told me about a 36 3/window for sale in Santa Maria 20 mins. south. I went to see it Friday afternoon and found out it is a coupe I've been drooling over at the Bent Axles show every July. Jerry Gaskill bought it in 1974 from original owners son. Jerry finished it in 1976. Paint and body work by Sam Foose super dark black. White leather, 41 bumpers, 40 chrome steering column, smooth hood sides, white top insert, 350/350 , 9'' rear, duel appleton spots, Today I went up and brought it home.Didn't want to drive with the old tires.
My absolute favorite pre-war car, period. The Hot Wheels version hooked me. Nice score, is the dog eyeballing it for a chop?
New Firestone WW tires and go...and if ya really need another set of rims and add the Blackwalls to’s pretty damn perfect the way it sits...
I can appreciate the desire to "make it your own" by switching out the tire/wheel combination, but in my opinion that car is perfection as is. Beautiful car, enjoy!
Nothing there to change, other than the oil once in a while. It's perfect just the way it is. Drive the wheels off of it.
Beautiful. I'd do Torque Thrusts and blackwalls, but I'm a hot rod kinda guy. Keep a set of steelies and WW for when you want a change. Can't go wrong either way.
bitchin car... another vote for not changing a thing... IMHO changing historic cars is like tearing pages out of the history books... but that's just me ... congrats
It has held up very well over the years. Looks like a high dollar car. Congrats, take good care of her.