I think if your garage is not dirty or cluttered then your not doing anything in there, but i have gone in some garages that there is no way you can get anythink done in there because its just to dirty and cluttered.
I tried once to keep my garage clutter free. I emptied it into the driveway to organize and a car pulled up, a guy gets out and starts looking through my stuff and asks how much for the engine hoist. Another guy walks up and asks what the wheels fit and how much I wanted. This ain't no damn yard sale! I don't attempt to de-clutter it that much anymore.
Sheeee-it.. You got a garage? In my best Monty Python voice: "Luxury". I use my brother's small garage when I can. Have to move my stuff in.. do the work.. move it out.. clean up. My car stuff is under tarps at home. But hey.. I still have car stuff so I'm not too unhappy.
I take my cluttered garage any day, My brothers garage is so clean I am afraid to walk in it. I like comfortable and not having to worry about spotless. Love working and enjoying the time I can spend in it. But I wish somebody quit hiding my damn tools already.
My shop is never really clean or organized and since my youngest son is now home and using it for his projects also it really suffers from the "if I am done with it I'll just leave it here" syndrome. I added 750 sq ft to it last year, and did all of the "make it neat" stuff, dry wall, paint, epoxy the floor etc and then my son decided that his new Husky motard needed to live there plus my dormant lakester project so it is starting to look like the original shop. I live by these words "NEATNESS IS THE REFUGE OF A SMALL MIND!" Rex
happens to me usually because by the end of the day id rather pic up a beer then pick up my tools and put them away
I solved that problem. Sold everything, including my workshop. The guy who bought it is OCD to the point that as he was moving into my old house, he had a guy out by the pool scooping out each leaf as it fell into the water. I am sure the shop is spotless at last.
Most of the time my shop is orderly,,but my workbench is piled up with everything thats not in the floor! HRP
I work long hours during the week. Get a few hours of garage time on the weekends. I try and clean up the hand tools. Rest is organized kaos...
I don't really understand the question! And I am amazed how neat those garages pictured here look. I do have a three car garage with three cars and enough junk---oops parts--to build a few more. Have shed out back with three more cars sort of parked in it, plus more important stuff. I think! A carport with a Studebaker Commander my son and I are going to finish right away. Well we said that 15 years ago when we parked it there. Plus two of those el cheapo pole shelters for the late model junk I drive. When I need a tool I ask the kid what he was working on last week and dig till I find it, usually! Other than that no further comment.
My shop is pretty cluttered, I have to move something somewhere else to work on anything. The worst I have ever seen was a friend, who's nickname is NitWit, he built sand rails and rebuilt wrecked cars as a sideline. He had tools stacked on those long pegboard wire hangers. When he needed a tool and couldn't find it right away he would just grab another and keep working. When the project was done he'd sweep everything into one big pile and sort it out and put it all back on the pegboard. I was there once when all the tools were off the board and he needed a certain wrench, he broomed everything into a pile and then used the broom handle to stir the pile till the right wrench showed up.
One car garage, no basement or other storage in our unit. Problem two is wife and daughter that "clean up the house" by moving what is in their way out to the garage. And I don't mean putting it somewhere out there: oh no, they just pitch it from the doorway (unless it's breakable). With my work schedule right now, I get Saturday afternoon and Sunday evening "off", as well as Monday and Friday mornings. That's my time to do my laundry, clean the house, run my errands, etc. Doing some stuff in the garage is on the list, since I'm tired of a "path" that is barely there. I doubt if I ever will actually work on any type of vehicle in this one. But, I can always dream.