I have a 350 chevy with a gear drive that I have set at 6 degree advance cam timing, is this going to hurt anything or just give me more low end power?
Advancing the cam (or retarding it, for that matter) does not make more power. It moves the peaks. As for problems, without an exhaustive list of exactly what parts are used in the engine, what machining was done, and a host of other variables, we'd just be guessing.
Advancing the cam timing can reduce valve to piston clearance too far....of course, this depends on how big the cam is, and how deep the notches in the piston are. You should check the clearance.
Yup, for sure. That could be a really ugly event if you don't. I like me some modeling clay for that. Low-tech, but has never let me down.
Thanks guys, too many unknowns, I should have just left the timing chain set-up until I completely go through the engine. I probably need to change it back before I fire.
You better change it back, or check valve clearance before you light it, or a mess of bent valves or worse could be in your future.
If u ran the cam the same advance with a chain instead of gear drive, the results would be the same as far as piston to valve clearance.......or am I missing something here??? it should always be checked but especially when advancing the cam.......
Thanks guys.....I spent today tearing apart my engine and putting the timing chain back in, I'll save the gear drive until I completely go through the engine and know what is what. Bad news is.....I had green stuff in my oil! The only thing I can think of is my intake is leaking and dumping anti freeze in the crank case. I little back story on this the engine ran fine when I bought it. I changed the pan out with a cast aluminum pan, gear drive (which I changed back today to the timing chain) and pulled the intake which is a tunnel ram in order to pull the engine out. So, I was surprised to see anti-freeze in the pan when I was pulling to change out the timing chain. I just added fluids this week, probably pre-mature since I just ended up draining them to change the damn timing chain. Any thoughts? Intake is the only thing I can think of.
Can someone give me thoughts advice on a pertronix distributor? Yeah rookie rodder here......I have spent more doing and re-doing than I would like to have....starting to cut into my bourbon costs! I bought a MSD HEI distributor only to find out it does not work with a tunnel ram intake (too big). I purchased a lower left alternator mounting bracket to find out it will not work due to clearance on my frame.....and the list goes on. Craigslist has become my friend selling off parts I have removed or that have not worked.....I have to laugh or I would just cry! I used to build/rebuild diesel engines.....the gas thing is all new to me.
Just because advance is available why would you not stay stock if nothing else is known. Better degree motor and check valve clearance too many variables