I brought a bunch of (mostly) model A parts home today. In the mix was this steering box. It has a plastic plug in it, and fresh paint, so it might be rebuilt. The number in the casting is 4cc39. It's a Gemmer box. Can anyone tell me what it is, and if it's of any use in a pre- '40 build? Thanks.
Looks like you can barely see the sector shaft in the photo, part splined, part smooth 1953-56 F100. Is the steering wheel end splined? The F1, F100 boxes were popular in pre 40s builds.
Id guess F-100 Gemmers were mainly used on Fords and Dodge trucks. The way the sector shaft and worm go into box, its not the desirable F1 box but still hold value.
Thanks. It might be too new for what I'm trying to do. To this point, I've managed to stay pre-40 with all my parts.
Not at home so can’t positively I’d thru comparison but it appears like the same box that’s in my 53 F100 as others hav suggested
Photos of the old box outta my 53 F100. Digits are different but box appears pretty much identical. If the action is smooth and box is in good shape worth a few bucks. Rebuilt boxes go for about $500 in my recollection. I believe 53 - 55 are the same, 56 has couple inches longer steering shaft.
I have a pitman arm from a known f100 that fits a 1.250 sector shaft. I would have thought if it were F2, F3 or bigger that the sector would be larger too.