Anyone sold anything to user: slayer_js ? He is from Germany and interested in my wagon, says that he has bought cars from US and had them shipped over before..looking for some references.. Thanks!
I just got a wire transfer ($30,000) last week, cleared my bank the day it arrived. They will need: your swift #, details your bank location your acct. # your routing # to do the wire transfer. Very safe (I have 2 daughters in the bank buss, very easy and safest way going, whether its local or state to state or over seas) and they usually do all the delivery, shipping and duties. Transfer take 7 to 10 days so be paitent. My bank actually mailed a letter confirming my $$$$$$. Their trucking company picking up my car for them today for delivery to France! Besides they have all the money today. Our dollar is not worth a dollar right now. Do it before he changes his mind
Wire transfers are the best way to go. If you are worried about someone accessing your primary account just open an account to recieve the payment, transfer the money and close it. The shipping will be his problem unless you make it part of the deal. Good luck with it.