I bought a full glass set for my 57 chevy, the windshield is the last to be installed, I inspected the windshield when it arrived a few years back , but not closely enough, there is some kind of epoxy still on it, can a glass shop remove this and polish it out?
I agree, unfortunately it cannot be repaired. Do you still have the receipt from the company you purchased it from? give them a call and send them some photos, That should never happen to new glass. HRP
I have the receipt, but I would like to install it today, it is definately a resin or epoxy on the inside and outside very thin about .020, super hard material.
You can't "feel" delaminated glass. It is on the inside, between the layers. If you feel it, it is on the outside. Like they said above, razor blade and you may try softening it with some paint reducer.
I would not heat it, I once cracked a windshield by draping a trouble light over the rear view mirror so my striper could see.... simply scrape it off with a razor blade, glass is smooth there is nothing for glue to bite into, It should come right off
If you can mostly scrape the glass clean but still feel the need for some polishing, this video looks like a pretty good tutorial. If you've not done this before you might want to practice on some of your old glass first. Maybe @Lloyd's paint & glass has some suggestions.
Yeah if you can feel it on the glass, just spray it with window cleaner and use a new single edge razor blade. If there's residue left you can hand rub it with buffing compound, but it should come off with a blade. A used blade will scratch the hell out of the glass, and doing it dry will scratch it also