Some of you will recall my previous postings related to the first viewing, eventual purchase (after 9 years), and a few upgrades related to getting the car back onto the road. It occurred to me that I'd never shared any of the videos of the car's first time out onto the road. My neighbor went along on the ride and captured the short video. The smoke from the exhaust system was from when I filled the cylinders with transmission fluid in order to un-stick the engine. The cylinders with open exhaust valve allowed the oil to run into the exhaust system - yes, the "muffler bearings" got lubricated. LOL
Thank you. Yes, although Mr. Penley didn’t start or drive the car during those last 41 years, he did regularly go to the basement to wipe the car down and to sit & admire it. He told me that he never needed to drive the car to enjoy it. He also said that when he drove the car, it was other people that got to enjoy looking at the car. Here’s a few photo from the first time that I saw the car.
Damn that’s even nicer than I first thought. And you’ve now had a 3 year grin/smile on your face I'd bet!
Thank you. It’s still difficult to believe that the car belongs to me. I still refer to it as “Mr. Penleys car”. Considering the type of car that I normally start with, it can be intimidating to work on this car. The junk that I typically brought home was usually so rough that most anything I did to it was an improvement. With this car, I carefully consider any project.
I can't believe after sitting for 40 plus years and the engine stuck that it sounded that good. And you drove it like a real car not a garage queen only thing that would make ti better is having it in my driveway. enjoy
When I first started the engine, it ran terrible. Multiple exhaust valves were not closing completely. I was able to get them all closing, except one. I pulled the intake & cylinder head to gain access to the culprit. I’m fairly certain that this valve stuck during the last time Mr. Penley drove the car. His nephew (who was along on the last drive in 1977) said that the car wasn’t running well and that uncle Ken was mad at it when he parked the car in the basement. This probably explains why he never drove the car again. B