I dropped a car off for a customer near Scranton last week. While on the way to his house I noticed quite a few cars and trucks sitting in yards that needed to be saved. I mentioned this to him and he proceeded to tell me about a yard literally around the corner. Being the curious type that I am, I stopped in. It was a walk back to the way I remembered yards from my youth - just better. TONS of convertibles, deliveries and wagons. Surprisingly few 4 doors. Very little past the early 70's. Owner knows what he has, but also realizes these are returning to their base elements quickly. Prices were reasonable. He let me walk the yard and take pics without holding my hand and even took the time to tell me where he had stuff hidden away. I only spent three hours there covering better than 20 acres and completely fried the only batteries I had with me, but it was worth the time and sunburn. Here's a few pics.
Man thats neat.I wish i could find a yard like that around here.I scope for one all the time on old roads ,but havent found one yet...
Thats Bob Englers yard near Nuangola,Pa. The empty field to the left of the buses used to be full of cars too. Great place for 50's and 60's parts.
thats what i want someday. yea when i grow up i want to have a junk yard. but somewhere drier so the cars last longer.
thanks for blowing the secret mazdaslam yes there use to be TONS more on the left field. all 40's and 50s sleds. i spent the day there last time i was there.
I was reading through several of my old Cars and Parts magazines from the eighties and nineties and wondering how many of the old yards they use to feature are actually still around. This is probably one of them.
great photos, that is the kind that used to be around here about 10 years ago. most have been sold for scrap now. good to see some real cars in a real junkyard
Thanks for all the PM's about the yard, but the guys are right. It's Engler's Auto parts. I don't know if it's Nuangola, or Mountain Top PA. But that'll get you in the ball park. It's about 3-4 miles off I-81, just north of I-80, south of Scranton probably 15-20 miles. Does that help? Here's a few more pics (I only took 175 - LOL!) Bruce
Wow! That el camino is gooooone! Some of those mopars look salvagable. And that phoenix... I havn't seen one of those in 25 years! The ambulance is tits!
Cool stuff, wish I had more of the older stuff in our yard. We have about 20-25 old ones, the rest are 97 and above.
If you think that is something, check out this WWII scrap drive collection. Look at all the hotrods we dropped on the Axis!
It's closer to Hazelton than Scranton. It's a couple miles west off of the Interstate 81 Nuangola exit. I took my tools and camera for a walk in that yard a few times. Did you get to see his cars in the garage?
I've been going to Engler's for more than ten years now. He used to have more, and a lot of the stuff has really rotted since the first time I toured the place. The yard was better before he started going to Carlisle, now you see NJ/NY plates everytime you go. They are stripping the place out and reselling on ebay, no doubt. Still good for trim and small stuff, no good for sheetmetal. He has lots of complete engines though, and takes good care of the yard.
It looks impressive from space.... http://maps.google.ca/maps?f=q&hl=e...3821,-76.000232&spn=0.005139,0.01133&t=h&z=17 Flatman