PHartman, Gabby, and myself decided to do a road trip home from Bonneville. No, wr are not in any old cars - just looking for interesting places to explore, trying to find the unexpected. Our first day out we meet Regis in Green River, Wyoming. What drew us to his place is the Mod A pickup with a motorcycle in the bed 30 feet in the air. It's been out there 20 years according to Regis but it looks to have been out there a lot more .... Had a few interesting pieces outside ... But when we went inside his shop, we were blown away .... First, he has a stripper pole that he says can hold 3 dancers .... A bunch of motorcycles, apparel, signs, a hospital gurney .... ... and sone old cars and parts ... Just an unexpected, interesting place and Regis is a hoot! We ran into him after we had lunch in a place he suggested and was going to come in and tell us someone had just run into our rental! Lol!
Keep 'em coming, some of us don't get out much! I have a Chevy dash like that, but mines just the dash ( no gauges or glove box). Stay tuned for more adventures of the Three Hambitos.
So we stopped for the night in Medicine Bow, WY at the Virginian Hotel. It's really a time warp in that it's an old time western hotel, bar, saloon. Saw this outside as we drove up .... This place is a real throw back and the three of us love it. Built in 1911, we feel like we're living in a western movie ... Unreal ....
One time I stayed in a place in Kingman, AZ that somehow had similar vibes. Tumbleweed, you were there! Winduptoy loved the place... maybe!
Tom, Lynda and I were on an out west swing of national parks with our travel trailer in July. Would you believe we turned around next to that Model A pickup on the poles on our way to Grand Teton National Park. Of course there was not time to check it out and I forgot all about it till I saw your pictures.
Ah, the "riding in air-conditioned comfort" trip home.......I understand completely. Thanks for the pictures. Looks like a fun trip back to Virginia.
We left Medicine Bow and found this cool house about 15 miles down the road, ... Cool stone house, right? Nope - made from dinosaur bones ... If course, Wyoming had it's share iof thieves and robbers .... On our way to Devil's Tower near Spearfish, SD ....
So, we are trying to take as many backroads as possible - we are on Rt 30, the Lincoln Highway, and will hop on 34 north soon, all in Wyoming ... Hey, here is a nice business opportunity for sale ... Lol!
Stopped in at Frank Jones private 55-56-57 Chevy collection off of I-25 .... So, a building of convertibles ... A building of wagons ... A building of hard tops .... And there was a building of 4-doors too. There was also a super clean 210 ... ... a T-bird in their midst plus this ... This 30-31 had the cleanest bed and tailgate we have ever seen. With all if these cars, we asked about the 210 and the Mod A pickup and we could not get a price out of him. As usual, all the completely restored cars were not for sale .... The owner ain't no spring chicken either .... so, you know what happens in a few years ....