Congrats there is no grater feeling in life as when you see your little one come out, it changes your life for ever for the best. my little dude is 14 months and wouldn't have it any other way
Congratulations,in 1977 I was experiencing what you are now with one exception,,they came as a match pair,twin girls,,life has never been the same.HRP
You guys are great, all has gone real well, I just came home to get the boys now back to the hospital to introduce them to their "little sister" As far as bringing her home in the hotrod. The model A has a heater but once I put the 6 duece setup on it, it wont' get warm enough, only runs at about 145. The 64 f100 is lowered up front by the previous owner so that there is no travel so it rides way to rough So, I have about two days to get the seat belts in the 56 belair beauville 9 passsenger we bought because we were outgrowing the others. Yeah I have had several months and now it comes down to two days. LOL I fully intend to bring her home in the wagon. Joe
Your life is going to change for the better. My 4 year old blue eyed princess asked me today "Daddy when are you going to work on my hotrod"? Her hotrod just happens to be a Henry Deuce Roadster. I tell her that her hotrod will be the most fun of the bunch.
Congrats on you new baby girl! Two of the best times of my life were 3:05am 12/4/89 and 5:00pm 7/2/91. Two boys and they have been the main focus of my life for the past 21 years. Cherish every day, cuz they grow up quick! Conor
congrats ! i have two little girls, a one year old and i five year old. just got home from parent watch day at ballet school.
A sincere congratulations to you and the new mother. This is a moment that will forever change your life...all for the better.
Congrats.We had our first(girl),in Nov.'09.Its the best feelin in the world.May the Good Lord watch over her and your family.
Congrats!! 2 you and the new mama, this ought 2 be a very special holiday season! cheers to you guys 4 health and happiness.
Whahoo! Kids are so much fun. I've been a dad for almost 2 years now and wouldn't change it. No matter how bad of a day I may have at work, when my little girl runs up to me as soon as I walk in the door at home, I feel happy. She doesn't even car that i still smell of metal.
Your life is about to radically change...for the better...congratulations! My Game is Over- Final Score Boys 3 Girls 2
Ha! At the hospital with the wife checking in to have a baby and postin threads on the HAMB. Congrats bro. Mine is 4 and think shes grown.
greatest thing i ever saw on the hamb haha! but congrats, best thing to ever happen to ya (just ask my dad)