I get those as well for my 61 Dodge and my daily driver 1992 GMC Sonoma. how many running smogable registered cars are worth only $1,000 these days? not too many.
because if they do not pass smog they can not be registered and their days on the street are numbered, then the junkyard only pays $400.00. by the way the whole state is not smog crazy. there are many counties with no bi-annual smog check. you only need a smog check on transfer of ownership.
In the big picture. Your information got sold and now the pick and pull is in cahoots and benefits, imagine how many old folks or children of old folks think 1,000.00 is a fine offer for what ever vehicle. Checkout out that pick and pull and see how many vintage/ classic vehicles are being brought in. This should not be sent to pre 1974 vehicles anyhow. Someone is up to something.
This is how I got rid of my OT car back in 2007 in So Cal. The basic requirement was the car had to have a legit/valid FAIL during the smog test. The car owner submits paperwork to Sacramento for this program, then, owner receives and takes paperwork to local DMV office, then gets more paperwork to scrap the car within 72 hours. The car is taken to a specific salvage yard and must be drivable upon delivery. Owner gets $1,000 from the salvage yard.
It's not all of California, just certain areas. I have two registered pre-60 vehicles and have never seen a letter like that. Wait a sec, one pre-60 and a '67.
I used to go to LA on business quite a bit in the '60's and '70's. Anyone who was there in those days will understand why stuff like this is necessary.
You have to have owned it for one year. As mentioned it has to fail smog but if you are 'poor' like me you can get $1500, which I took when our OT BB suburban needed to go away. I only paid $1200 for it and it was only worth $1100 or so on the market. Yea I cuda saved the BB for a project but I already have two other BB powered vehicles,,,,, So for me it was worth it to get rid of it without the pain in the butt to sell it
Try and get rid of an old parts car with no title in Calif. The amount of regulation in Calif is staggering and most or all of it stupid, redundant,out of date, ineffective, Forest Gump said it best, "stupid is, as........." Calif lawmakers are working hard, unfortunately its not for you.
Wow! I never saw that line either. I seem to continually get those notices for all but my newest car from the BAAQMD and just get a little angry. ...and toss them. Now I won't feel so insulted. Thanks for pointing it out.
Well, now you know where all the cars are going and even have a phone number. Find out where they get dismantled. Parts Galore