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Goodguys columbus

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by booboo, Jun 21, 2012.

  1. i got back a couple hours ago FREAKING HOT attendance was way down probably due to heat and high gas prices or????

    i took around a thousand pics not my best effort ill get em posted later still a good time but damn IT WAS HOT
  2. n847
    Joined: Apr 22, 2010
    Posts: 2,724


    any word on those pics? I understand it can be difficult to load up that many!
  3. ive got about 89 more to load into photobucket then ill post alink they are loading as i type this
  4. scrap metal 48
    Joined: Sep 6, 2009
    Posts: 6,110

    scrap metal 48

    Got back a little while ago.. Good time but it was a little warm, no it was F%*KING HOT........
  5. Got back last night. My first time to a Goodguys show. Just a spectator though. Yes, it was a bit warm. Car said 106 when we left around 3:00. :eek:
  6. Trucked Up
    Joined: Nov 6, 2006
    Posts: 1,580

    Trucked Up

    Another great weekend courtesy of the GG's folks.

    Two exceptions, the weather and the two JACKA$$ES that arrived around 11 AM and made a huge scene by power parking, moving others property (not spot saving seats but actually someones picnic table, ice cooler, and all their personal belongings) blocking/parking in the exit out of the area for everyone behind them. Tied up event security and 4 Ohio State Troopers for over an hour and a half trying to settle the matter.

    Every pancake has two sides but the fact is this situation could have been avoided had these JACKA$$ES just parked in one of the over 1000 empty places on the grounds.But so many "Wake up at the crack of noon JACKA$$ES" feel entilted to the same real estate as those that arrive at 5 AM. The people offended here were not power parkers or spot savers. In fact they were about 8-10 cars parked side by side with about 3 feet between them. By no means power parkers. In addition I was not part of the group nor have I ever met any of those involved just so you know I'm not taking sides.

    If GG's, and other promoters, don't address this situation I can clearly see the future of our hobby disrupted. This is begining to be a common occurance at most events I attend and it will surely end in personal injury or possibly death. Then the lawsuits follow and our hobby will never be the same.
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2012
  7. GARY T.
    Joined: Mar 23, 2008
    Posts: 1,985

    GARY T.
    from S.W. Pa

    any pics of them,so we know who they are??
  8. raprap
    Joined: Oct 8, 2009
    Posts: 768

    from Ohio

    I had a similar problem yesterday too. Got up early to get a good spot. All the good spots were taken but found a nice corner to be with great exposure to watch the rods cruise by. Then some knucklehead squeezed in on the corner, blocked my view with his 70's pick up, dumped his lawn chairs and cooler under my canopy and was gone!
    I took his chairs and cooler and placed them very carefully in the dumpster. When the ass came back in a few hours, he and five buddies asked what happened to their stuff? I said the guy who you pissed off told GG officials and they're on they way back to tow your truck!
    They immediately piled in their truck and took off. Never saw them again.

    Some people don't have a clue and I guess they must think that rules do not apply to them. Maybe reinstall the '48 cutoff date and have a separate event for the newer stuff...or take a dumb ass test.
    Otherwise, lots of rods and way too freakin hot. Left early on Fri & Sat. like alot of folks.
    Town & Country.jpg

    Organ Pipes old Car.jpg


    Tire 1.jpg
  9. raprap
    Joined: Oct 8, 2009
    Posts: 768

    from Ohio

  10. GARY T.
    Joined: Mar 23, 2008
    Posts: 1,985

    GARY T.
    from S.W. Pa

    GOOD FOR YOU---I like the way you handled that!
    I'll vote for the early cutoff!
  11. raprap
    Joined: Oct 8, 2009
    Posts: 768

    from Ohio

    Thanks Gary! I'm with you, go back to the '48 cut off.
    I heard some rodder's talking about NSRA Nashville & York events. After NSRA extended their years to 1978, the pre-'48 rods attendence was down about 35-40%. Sparse vendors in the halls and these long time rodders said that they would not be surprised if both thoses events were cancelled in the near future. I know they are trying to invlove "a younger" crowd, but don't cut off the older golden goose that is the core for these events.
  12. Trucked Up
    Joined: Nov 6, 2006
    Posts: 1,580

    Trucked Up

    No pictures but they were from the Columbus area. One was in a maroon '67/'68 Camaro and the other was in a ?????? '69 '70 ???? huge white Pontiac ?????? Boneville convertabile.

    Two things that in my opinion defined these guys was that after a solid one and a half hours of Ohio State Troopers and the event security trying to defuse the tension and the area as a whole agreeing that these two were 100% bully a$$holes they decided to stay in the same area that they were so much disliked.

    Second, and I need to add something that I totally disagree with, the guy in the Camaro was the one that moved the peoples personal belongings in order to park his car across the front ends of three cars. The lady that the table and property belonged to went balistic when she returned to her car. The Camaro guy was long gone, swapping or whatever, after 15 minutes of boiling she took a full bag of Tostitos and crunched them up and spread them all over the guys Camaro. This I do not agree with at all. By doing that she just joined the a$$hole group. And to my second thought of how much these guys were a$$holes. For whatever reason the Troopers would not make her clean out the mans car, please don't think I am defending any of these people involved, but Camaro a$$hole stood by while fairgrounds staff cleaned his car out. That was without class. Yes I would allow the one that messed my ride up to clean it up, but someone not involved having to vacuum his car was wrong. And for that I appoligized to the staff worker for Camaro a$$holes lack of class. Then I loaded my truck and headed south towards the house. I had seen enough and didn't want to see was possibly could have been round two as these a$$holes seemed to thrive off friction and they stayed around in a hostile surrounding.
  13. 48stude
    Joined: Jul 31, 2004
    Posts: 1,355


    I went over Saturday ,needed to talk to B&M . It was Freakin hot. Didn't feel like taking many pictures. I thought there were a lot of Hamb friendly rides there
    Here's the few pics I took. Bill

    Attached Files:

  14. 48stude
    Joined: Jul 31, 2004
    Posts: 1,355



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  15. raprap
    Joined: Oct 8, 2009
    Posts: 768

    from Ohio

    Trucked up-
    Sorry that had to happen. That really sucks and ruins the day for you and probably alot others in the area. I saw your truck and it's very kool. Keep attending and don't let assholes ruin it!
  16. Trucked Up
    Joined: Nov 6, 2006
    Posts: 1,580

    Trucked Up

    These guys were grow men in their 50's so I don't equate it to year of make car owners. A$$holes can be driving anything.

    The lady was in her 50's so none of them were punks. Again I understand the ladys anger but I just don't agree with touching anyones ride, even the a$$holes ride.

    With todays society being full of those with short fuses, alcohol, drugs and guns I can see the end result. I haven't a clue how promoters can remedy this but if they see what we the Joe Q. Public see they will make it priorty one. Any good attorney worth his salt will research the history of complaints, suggestions and comments made to the promoter and thus use those comments to suggest that the promoter ignored the warnings. Then multiply the lawsuit 10 fold.

    Just my humble opinion.
  17. GARY T.
    Joined: Mar 23, 2008
    Posts: 1,985

    GARY T.
    from S.W. Pa

    frog follies frog follies frog follies !!!!!!!!!!!:d:d:d
  18. lucky ink
    Joined: Feb 18, 2011
    Posts: 361

    lucky ink

    Haven't been on Sunday for years....But wasn't much up there's some that caught my eye though.[​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]
  19. vert1940
    Joined: Aug 10, 2006
    Posts: 395


    so hot there,didn't feel like doing much of anything...saw rap-raps car and got to meet carlos...very nice was perfect for walking around...unfortunately most people went home.lots of empty spaces on the grounds all weekend...lots of wives didn't make the trip because of the heat
  20. scrap metal 48
    Joined: Sep 6, 2009
    Posts: 6,110

    scrap metal 48

    Goodguys was never 48 and older.. Usually 64 or 72 and older.. I have model A's but like the newer stuff too.. That's why I joined Goodguys.. You find power parkers eveywhere.. Maybe if there weren't so many tents and chairs taking up spaces, there would be more room to park..
  21. sj71189
    Joined: Mar 14, 2011
    Posts: 32


    Went down yesterday. Took Dad's '72. Got there about 8. Got a great spot. Even though there wasn't as many people, I think I liked it more because it wasn't crowded and you could walk around without being ran over by 20 vehicles. Left about 2:30 or so after we cruised around real quick. Had a pretty good time.
  22. Sounds like a few tempers were running hot.HRP
  23. 40Standard
    Joined: Jul 30, 2005
    Posts: 5,970

    from Indy

    I didn't have a problem parking nor did I see the ass clowns involved. It was hot but I still had a good time
  24. Trucked Up
    Joined: Nov 6, 2006
    Posts: 1,580

    Trucked Up

    Thanks. No plans on letting the a$$hole faction run me off. But I worry about where its heading.

    Appreciate the compliments. The ones from our peers mean the most.
  25. Trucked Up
    Joined: Nov 6, 2006
    Posts: 1,580

    Trucked Up

    As in my case I had no tent. Simply put I was parked alongside a walkway that the cars were using to acess the area around the Administration Building. One of the two parked in the walkway alonside side my truck leaving 16 inches between them. When I pointed out to the man that I couldn't get into my truck he said for me to get in the passenger side. All the while he blocked the only exit way for the 100 plus cars behind him.

    As to you point about tents and chairs I have no problem with them if they aren't used to tie up parking spots. Place them behind or in front of your vehicle and respect others. Many including my father of 75 years has problems with the heat and the shelter helps a lot.

    Lastly in this case there were thousands of parking spots available on the grounds. Just not any shady one available at 11 AM. These guys shoe horned their way in thus creating the situation.
  26. deadendcruiser
    Joined: Jul 18, 2007
    Posts: 691


    Went Fri and sat. Yeah, it was hot. Still a good time. My car didn't overheat, so it was a good trip for me.:D
  27. carlos
    Joined: May 2, 2005
    Posts: 1,388

    from ohio

    I"m with you scrap metal that is why I have always liked GG for that reason,I likem all and I have had and do have pre 48 stuff but just because its pre 48 damn sure dont make anyone better than anyone else.Actually some of the best cars there were later models.Respect the other guy period.Ifin you want a good spot GET your ass outta bed eat a donut in the car on they way to the grounds period.Cant get up at 9 go get some pancakes roll in at 11 and camp on top of somebody:D
  28. Malibob
    Joined: Feb 23, 2009
    Posts: 503

    from Pittsburgh

    Did they do the anything goes Sunday today? I looked through the yearbook and much to my dismay there was an '06 Dodge Magnum with 22" or something (they all look the same after 18") There was an '05 Silverado and an '04 (I think) GTO. I was DISGUSTED.

    I understand that they want everyones money so they open it up to all years on the last day but Goodguys should stick to their roots- there are more and more younder generation rodders with older cars and plenty of them to go around. Leave the new shlt to the local cruizes and the Heatwave shows or the like. I think they REALLY dropped the ball here with that.

    Oh- and here are my pics from Saturday
  29. Grumpy
    Joined: Jan 28, 2003
    Posts: 2,570

    from NE Ohio

    We went in for a few hours today before heading home.
    Yes, they allowed the Super Sunday late model crowd in today...but only saw maybe 20.
    Seemed no big issue considering 80% of the crowd was gone.

    Trucked Up. Saw your truck but missed ya. Sorry for the idiots causing grief. My issue with parking is this...
    The show is for the cars... when each year, more and more vendors are given choice areas and the cars are pushed farther out into a huge blacktop "Mall" parking lot, people are going to squeeze into whatever choice spots there are.
    I feel they need to add a second major midway 150 yards behind one we drive through when entering.
    Thus creating a huge circle to cruise, more folks out in Hells Kitchen have more access to food and thus making parking in that huge blacktop lot not a miserable experience.

    But whatever. We sleep about 12 hrs in our hotel beds because we spend much more time at grounds buttcrack early to stake claim to our choice spots.
    And we also have several friends who assume they can roll in at 11-noon and grab a spot by us.
    We warn them they may be SOL

    It was crazy hot but we had another great trip. My 13th straight Columbus event.
  30. i for one am still not happy about where theyve decided to put the damn motocross ??? track or whatever they call it

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