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Event Coverage Goodguys is Cancelling This Why? Blue Suede Cruise Coverage

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by Malibob, Aug 23, 2010.

  1. hemi
    Joined: Jul 11, 2001
    Posts: 1,959


  2. KIRK!
    Joined: Feb 20, 2002
    Posts: 12,031


    As I see it you just called me an asshole and made yourself look like an idiot.

    You still didn't site any politics, just used the word again. People have been making money on hot rodding since day one. Are you really that dumb?
  3. zman
    Joined: Apr 2, 2001
    Posts: 16,783

    from Garner, NC

    Lol, he obviously has never put on a show. I don't think anyone is getting rich. Just the obvious stuff like insurance, venue, and staff heads you down that road quick enough. But yeah I think he may be.
  4. Malibob
    Joined: Feb 23, 2009
    Posts: 503

    from Pittsburgh

    You mean that people don't just give that to Good Guys? Wierd, maybe they are ruining the hobby with money then. You think they are trying to make a buck or just charging Good Guys cost?

    I can see the staff trying to get filthy rich making less than $10 an hour (a guess) but not insurance overcharging for their coverage, that would just be silly. I wish there was a sarcasm symbol.
  5. PossumJR.
    Joined: Oct 26, 2009
    Posts: 423

    from Walls,MS

    I have put on hot rod shows, plenty of them. I have paid my dues working shows and putting money into shows. I've been around long enough to know that show location and dates is alot of the time decided to try to please a sponsor or a few people that are in the "click" of whoever is putting on the just.....That would be poilitics. By the way it doesnt bother me one bit if you are one of the Assholes i was speaking of it doesnt make me look like an idiot it just proves my point.
  6. hemi
    Joined: Jul 11, 2001
    Posts: 1,959


    Shows are not free, and they take time and effort. If somebody is smart enough to figure out a way to support themselves by doing something that they love, well good for them. That's one of the most American freedoms we have. Hot rodding is not a charity. To look at it any other way is ignorant. You can't hate people because they figured out a way to make money in a way that you didn't. That's jealousy and it's unhealthy.
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2010
  7. hemi
    Joined: Jul 11, 2001
    Posts: 1,959


    Which ones? How did they work out, and did you guys make any money?

    Sponsors have no say in where the event is held, participation does. Nobody shows = no show. It's pretty unsophisticated, really.

    No, it doesn't, and you make yourself look bad.
  8. zman
    Joined: Apr 2, 2001
    Posts: 16,783

    from Garner, NC

    Wrong again. :rolleyes:
  9. Trucked Up
    Joined: Nov 6, 2006
    Posts: 1,580

    Trucked Up

    For those of you that dislike/like GG's let me explain the obvious to you, If they don't make money we don't have the option of any GG's events. Plain and simple they have to make money just like every business in America.

    Yes there are a few things at GG's events that I don't care for but I don't let that fact spoil what proves to be a great weekend for me each and every time.

    Yes I dislike the food prices, but we do have the option of bringing our own. Yes I dislike the price of tee-shirts, no one is forcing me to buy them. Yes I dislike the power parking idiots, just ignore them. Yes I dislike having to leave on Sundays, just be patient and there will be another event in 5 more days......Yes I dislike hotel prices, I can sleep in my ride if I choose. Just how much of this can be blamed on the GG's folks? Very little if any.

    I suppose what I am saying is that the fun and enjoyable things I get for my money is far beyod the negative issues. The drive to and from, time spent with old friends and the new friends made are what is important to me. Try living in Pikeville, Kentucky where the closest thing to a show or cruise in is two rodders at the car wash at the same time and many of you might appreciate things a little more........:D
  10. PossumJR.
    Joined: Oct 26, 2009
    Posts: 423

    from Walls,MS

    Which ones? How did they work out, and did you guys make any money?

    No we didnt make money THATS NOT WHAT HOT RODDING IS ABOUT. Yes the show made money but nobody put it in there pocket. We donated half the money to a hot rodder in need and used the rest to cover expense.
  11. hemi
    Joined: Jul 11, 2001
    Posts: 1,959


    What are you, like 20? Do you like being a parts manager? If you could get paid to go to hot rod shows... you would. It's that simple.
  12. hemi
    Joined: Jul 11, 2001
    Posts: 1,959


    Then I guess Roy Richter, Speedy Bill, Ed Iskenderian, Gene Winfield, Wally Parks, Robert Petersen, Vic Edelbrock, and anyone else who has ever made ANY money from hot rodding was doing it wrong? :confused::confused:
  13. Malibob
    Joined: Feb 23, 2009
    Posts: 503

    from Pittsburgh

    HOT RODDING is not about car shows. Hot rodding is taking something that you built and competing against someone else who built something of their very own. NOTHING to do with car shows. A car show is an event to gather with people of similar interests and see what they like compared to what you like, and while yes hot rods are often at car shows show cars are often not hot rods.

    Back to the SUBJECT, at least someone picked up the Blue Suede Cruise.
  14. KIRK!
    Joined: Feb 20, 2002
    Posts: 12,031


    Well, you are wrong or stupid, you pick. You may also select idiot.

    I have been at Goodguys for seven years and am highly involved in the process. There has not been even one event since I have been here that has been started or ended for any reason other than seeking a successful event. Are you naive enough to believe that a company would put pleasing some "click" over making a profit. A company who worked like that wouldn't be around very long. Events are created to hopefully fill a need, like in an area that has hot rodders but no big show yet or added to an area whose event is so well-received that it is thought more than one would be successful. Events are ended for one reason - loss of money.

    Goodguys is a business. As is every one of the Alliance vendors on the HAMB. They didn't become Alliance vendors only out of the kindness of their heart, they hope to generate business.

    And what are the shows you have put on? Have I, or anyone, heard of them? You did them for free? More power to you. I started a little show called Billetproof. I made product the very first year TO MAKE MONEY! I lost money the first three years, but from that point on there was profit. The event moved several times. I guess according to you that was to politically please some "click" (which is actually "clique"). Well, the reality was that the event outgrew venues or they became unavailable.

    I'm not sure why I'm even wasting my time trying to make this point. It's like trying to convince a conspiracy theorist. It's more fun for them to believe the outrageous than it is to believe the truth.
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2010
  15. hemi
    Joined: Jul 11, 2001
    Posts: 1,959


    HOT RODDING is not about car shows. Hot rodding is taking something that you built and competing against someone else who built something of their very own.

    uh-huh... where? On the street? At a drag strip? In a parking lot? For a girl's attention?

    It's not just about car shows, but they are a huge part in keeping hot rodding alive. They create a demand that is filled by companies who meet those demands.... and they inspire other people to build things they normally wouldn't. How many cars have been finished with a particular car show as the deadline?
  16. KIRK!
    Joined: Feb 20, 2002
    Posts: 12,031


    Really? Says who?

    Your statements just get dumber and dumber.

    Boy, (according to you) there are a lot of great men who don't know what hot rodding is about then:

    -Gene Winfield
    -George Barris
    -Sam Barris
    -Andy Brizio
    -Vic Edelbrock
    -Barney Navarro
    -Every Alliance vendor
    -Ed Roth
    -Thom Taylor
    -Tom Medley
    -Larry Watson
    -Keith Weesner
    -Jeff Norwell
    -Wally Parks
    -Robert Petersen
    -John Buttera
    -Rich Guasco
    -Dee Wescott
    -Bill Hines
    -Pete and Jake
    -Jimmy White
    -Ed Winfield
    -George Riley
    -Steve Evans
    -Joe Bailon
    -Dean Moon
    -Rod Powell
    -Pat Ganahl
    -Tommy The Greek
    -Ken Howard
    -Steve Coonan
    -Stu Hilborn
    -Clay Smith
    -Harry Westergard
    -Tex Smith
    -George Trosley
    -Corky Coker
    -Vern Tardell
    -Pete Millar
    -Etc etc

    How long of a list would you like?

    Hot rodding is a hobby for most. Name ONE hobby that doesn't have an industry attached that is making money. I have an endless list of ones that do.
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2010
  17. Malibob
    Joined: Feb 23, 2009
    Posts: 503

    from Pittsburgh

    Hemi, you missed my point. We dont build our cars FOR car shows. We build our cars to drive them, enjoy them, dust other people with them and most of all work on them. And while yes, we do attend car shows with them (because they are cool) we dont specifically have a car show vehicle couped up in a trailer with blingy wheels and attention grabbing paint and whatever cliche things to get attention spread all over. Those people are NOT hot rodders IMO, they are car show people- specifically car show people.

    Even the nicest cars at the shows i like to go to are DRIVEN. That is what makes them cool.
  18. hemi
    Joined: Jul 11, 2001
    Posts: 1,959


    Point taken and agreed with to an extent, but I also know plenty of people who've built perfectly drivable cars just to participate in shows like VLV, The Round Up, Billetproof, Greasarama, and CHRR...
  19. Malibob
    Joined: Feb 23, 2009
    Posts: 503

    from Pittsburgh

    Those are more than just a "show" though, isnt there some sort of event there to show what your car can do?
  20. Larry T
    Joined: Nov 24, 2004
    Posts: 7,902

    Larry T

    I'm old enough to realize that there are MANY facets to the hot rod world and they don't all center around what I like. That doesn't make them wrong, just different. If you don't like show cars or car shows, just ignore them. It's probably not gonna bankrupt Good Guys, NSRA or the ISCA.
    I've always found ideas and detail work on cars that they rolled out of an enclosed trailer that I could steal, so bring them on.
    Anyway, I'll leave ya'll in the box you live in and I'll go back to mine (not many people there, LOL)
    Larry T
  21. hemi
    Joined: Jul 11, 2001
    Posts: 1,959


    I would venture to say that even on the tiniest of levels, throughout history, people have built cars to cruise the burger joint on the weekends, and the burger joints have not run them off because they were buying more food than if they didn't let them hang out... until it was reversed... Speed Shops, drag strips, lake beds... if there wasn't a profit, it wouldn't have happened. Nothing would...
  22. PossumJR.
    Joined: Oct 26, 2009
    Posts: 423

    from Walls,MS

    No we didnt make money THATS NOT WHAT HOT RODDING IS ABOUT.Really? Says who?

    Your statements just get dumber and dumber.

    ok let me re phrase so you understand ......Its not what hot rodding is about TO ME or the people i cruise with. We would rather help each other working on whoevers hot rod needs work and cruise to whatever is goin on at the time THATS what hot rodding is not trying to figure out how to make a buck off somebody.
  23. Malibob
    Joined: Feb 23, 2009
    Posts: 503

    from Pittsburgh

    Larry T, yes there are many facets to hot rodding and going to car shows is a part of it for a lot of us. Also I am not knocking show cars, lots of great design ideas and fabrication work are often on show cars so they are cool to look at. I guess my point is that not many show cars are hot rods in their true form, they are a show version of a hot rod. And God bless those of you who run your show cars then go and clean them all up again. That truely is love of your hobby.
  24. hemi
    Joined: Jul 11, 2001
    Posts: 1,959


    You can join Dontlifttoshift in the autocross at any one of the events he is attending next year and get spanked by a hot rod that goes, or you can enter any friday night test and tune at your local strip, or if we have any drag racing events left, like the friday night drags in Columbus, or in Puyallup, you can get teched and run as much as they will allow. Or you can make laps in excess of 100mph on the racetracks we have events at during the track cruises.

    All of these are from our "car show"





    Here's me:


    A hot rodder and her dad:

  25. KIRK!
    Joined: Feb 20, 2002
    Posts: 12,031


    Yes, that's part of hot rodding. One of the best parts.

    Have you ever bought or sold parts at a swap meet? I'll bet you money was made there. Also, I'm pretty sure someone organized it and charged money to sellers and/or buyers. The parts at that swap meet were manufactured by someone. Were they old speed parts? I guess Baney Navarro or VIc Edelbrock didn't know what hot rodding was about when they designed and sold those parts originally to make a profit. Oh, you only bought old stock parts. Oops, they were also designed and manufactured to make a profit.

    I have yet to meet the guy who can make every single piece of his hot rod himself and does not need to sellout and support all those companies who "don't know what hot rodding is about."
  26. Malibob
    Joined: Feb 23, 2009
    Posts: 503

    from Pittsburgh

    Those are way more than just a car show to me. Those are meccas for "hot rodders" to play. Kudos man. That looks incredibly fun.
  27. PossumJR.
    Joined: Oct 26, 2009
    Posts: 423

    from Walls,MS

    Theres nothing wrong with making money on hot rodding thats not the point, What im trying to say is some people are in for only that reason,making money. They dont truely love hot rodding or what its about they just wanna make money.
  28. Trucked Up
    Joined: Nov 6, 2006
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    Trucked Up

    Hemi I get to do the 100 MPH deal on the way to every event...:D
  29. KIRK!
    Joined: Feb 20, 2002
    Posts: 12,031


    Still not making sense. Did you see my long list of hot rod greats? They were in it for PROFIT.

    I would be willing to bet anything that pretty much EVERY person who runs a company making money in the hot rod industry started as a hot rodder first and then saw that they could make money doing something they love. I know I do. Can you name the key players here at Goodguys who aren't passionate about hot rods when they're not at work.

    Who are the (outside) people who saw hot rodding as a money making opportunity who were not hot rodders? I spend over 60 days a year at hot rod events and have yet to meet them.
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2010
  30. hemi
    Joined: Jul 11, 2001
    Posts: 1,959


    You and me both, if I can drive to them... here's me on the way to Bowling Green:


    Otherwise, I'm doing 400mph in an airplane... :D

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