That was once more dangerous than you might think. I once read an article in a very old Reader's Digest (1934, IIRC) about the dangers of fluorescent bulbs (kids dying after breaking them playing swordfight!) The article did mention that the gas in the lights was being reformulated so it wouldn't happen in the future.
Yeah, this was before they put the flexable metal casing around the wire. We'd get in the phone booth, take the reciever off the hook and extend it, then stick a tack into the wire at about the halfway point of it's length. Bam! You had a dial tone! We'd talk as long as we wanted, for free. Yeah, it was wrong, but we were broke and we thought it was cool.
Finding the tattoos in the Cracker Jack was the jackpot! Next up was the magnifying glass so you could go out and burn ants. Feeding endless dimes and nickels into the pay phone at the mall to make long distance calls to the girl you met at the resort on summer vacation.....The operator coming on and telling you to deposit more $. Camp shorts with all the pockets and the keychain clip .
Anybody remember the cereal box submarine that was powered by bacon soda? You hooked it up with the bacon soda and it actually ran under water. It came in a box of Kix, or Trix, or something. Speaking of submarines, does anyone remember the submarine races?
This is my most favorite thread here on the H.A.M.B. So many memories. Remember buying one of those Big Bang Canon at the firework stand and blasting it all day long. Or putting a marble inside. How about comics like Hot Stuff and Richie Rich and those advertisements like X Ray glasses or shocking pens. Or that ad of Charles Atlas on building muscles. So much fun, a way better time to be a kid.
You obviously don't do the grocery shopping at your house, do you? That would be "baking soda" also know as bicarbonate of soda or sodium bicarbonate.
I remember the day we got a new telephone, it was made out of black plastic and had a dial on it. Telephone guy took the old wood one off the wall and took it with him. Our new phone number was 498 and 2 long rings meant the call was for us. (4 party line) Damn, that's a long time ago!
Hahaha! Just perfect. Man, your childhood sounds a lot like mine. Rode my bike to school first day of first grade . . . Grreat post, brother!
Outside vending machines where you could buy a quart of milk for 25 cents. Sometimes the machine would get "stuck' and the quarts of milk just kept coming out. This was in the 60's.
Listening to the Giants play ball on the AM with mom so we could tell dad when he got home from the mill what happened in a day game. Mom trying to explain to me what the newsman was talking about when they would mention local guys from our county who were KIA or MIA, looking at Cambodia and Viet Nam on the globe with her and learning deep respect for men like my dad and his friends who had simply gone over because it was their turn. When your number comes up, you go. That's the kind of people I miss. I had a Big Wheel too. Miss the shit outta that! Wind in your face, go where ever you want.. I was 4 years old, dammit, I can wipe my own ass finally!
Phantom comics Green plastic soldiers Spud guns (see above) Lone Ranger Gene Autrey 3 Stooges Westerns & Biblical epics Steel beer cans with ring pulls metal flake speed boats Mr. Motorcross Flexi deck skateboards Anzac Day (with Real diggers) Tom & Jerry kids getting a smack if they played up And NO P.C. bull crap!!
Good call Blue. Not regional at all, I'm sure it was all over the States. Had it in Miami as a kid, but not just car lots . . . Grand Openings of new stores, etc. All the time.
Done not all that long ago here in the north East for car lots and Grand Openings. Still done every year for the local Fair! also high flying big ass balloons like small blimps on tether lines.
I can't remember my draft card number but I do remember missing the call by 2 numbers!!! and i mean like they called 1234567 and my number was 1234569 Id have gone if they called me up but by 1972 things were all messed up over there.
SEE THAT!!! I was right after all. I'm fixin' to run out right now and get me a whole half a six pack. Thanks Mazooma!
I remember Tonka trucks, the cool ones selling new for $3.00 inthe box. Now you are lucky to find one that is recogniable for less than $300.00. Wandering the the streets till all hours & not worrying. Folks that would help you, with out worry of lawsuit stores closed at 7:00 pm and did not open again till Monday. Saturday maybe til noon - NO Sundays!! Ever!! But I'm sure we'er better off now with our 24\7\365, cell phones & IM--- NOT
35 cent smokes? I remember 20 cent vending machines in Maryland (had to buy from vending machines cause I was too young to get them over the counter). Anyway, you put 20 cents in the machine and out came a pack of cigarettes with 2 shiny new pennies inside the celophane wrapper cause they were only 18 cents a pack.