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Growing up, I remember...

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by 3wLarry, May 27, 2010.

  1. Mazooma1
    Joined: Jun 5, 2007
    Posts: 13,545


    I'm not sure if Pee Chee folders were national or not, but every kid in high school around here would remember them........I wouldn't know, maybe they are still sold....:confused:

    Atwater Mike, Deuces and Chavezk21 like this.
  2. 1970's Green Machine...

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  3. jim galli
    Joined: Sep 28, 2009
    Posts: 385

    jim galli
    Member high school, one of the jocks had a '40 Tudor and another had a '46 convert.........and we didn't consider those old enough to be interesting.
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  4. Mazooma1
    Joined: Jun 5, 2007
    Posts: 13,545


  5. When you had to go to the circus to see a lady with tattoos.....
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  6. Going to the movie theater on Saturday with the admission being 10 Coca-Cola bottle caps.

    Picking up soda bottles along the side of the road for spending money

    Steping on hot tar bubbles when running across the old country roads barefoot during the summer,and how bad it really hurt.

    The smell of anyone within a country mile cooking fried chicken on a hot summer evening,,no air condition so every window was open.

    Witch Hazel and flat top hair cuts.

    Roy Rogers and Dale Evans,,an the Untouchables

    Wax lips and flavor straws.

    And that wonderful old Schwinn bicycle my granddad pull out of the dump and fixed up for me.:)

    I grew up in a poor family but I had good parents that did the best they could and gave us everything we needed.

    I had a great childhood,,thanks for reminding me.:) HRP
    Last edited: May 27, 2010
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  7. hell I was mowing whole lawns with a push mower for 50 cents. had a compost heap from cleaning up after my horse. I'd push a wheelbarrel load a couple miles for 50 cents.

    used to walk from Azusa to Covina with a wagon picking up pop bottles worth 2 cents each.

    T.V. only had 1 station in L.A. KTLA and it didn' come on the air till after 5 pm and shut down 4 hours later

    in the late 50's early 60's when Radials came in, they weren't safe at high speeds. had a local cop tell me about running bias ply and the FBI using radials in a high speed pursuit. FBI lost all 3 cars to shredded tires and the local cops making the bust.

    I remember pulling into the Powerine station catie-corner from Blairs Speed Shop hit the wire rack full of those glass oil bottles. had to leave my spare tire till I could come up with $3.00. thankfully they only charged me for the oil and not the glass.

    in 1959 I had a Triumph Bonneville (first year) and a NSU Prinz that got better gas miliage than the bike. I ran out of gas in the Prinz and pushed it a half mile to a gas station 4 guys in the car pooled all our cash and bought 7 cents of gas. the kid in the station over ran it a we got 10 cents worth (over a half gallon) and made it 10 miles to home

    every one talks bad about AM but there was no FM all the hot jocks were banging out all the hits on AM. Used to go to the studio and sit in with Dick Hugg Huggy boy
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  8. Mazooma1
    Joined: Jun 5, 2007
    Posts: 13,545


    My grandfather damned near killed me when I put one of these under the cushion of his chair for our weekly sunday fried chicken dinner.
    You did NOT mess with grandpa!
    My sister and I still laugh about that one.........I know they still sell them, but 50 years ago and doing that to an adult was taboo!



    Last edited: May 27, 2010
  9. phukinartie
    Joined: Oct 8, 2008
    Posts: 965


    Being able to tell what county a car was from by looking at their license plate
    Tv repair shops
    Truckers that looked like cowboys
    Notes from your mom to get her smokes
    Being trusted to bring your report card home
    Your moms arm keeping you out of the dashboard on a short stop
    Jumping tonka trucks with my Schwinn
    Wondering how your dad could always fart by a mere pull on his finger
    6 foot tall State Troopers
    People who fixed you lunch when you worked at their house
    Being your dads automatic transmission
    Hemp rope
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  10. Mazooma1
    Joined: Jun 5, 2007
    Posts: 13,545


    Thanks, Larry...nice way to get me to waste time with this thread when I should be doing something important.
    Oh shit, that's right, I don't have anything important to do...:(:)
    Deuces likes this.
  11. hugh m
    Joined: Jul 18, 2007
    Posts: 2,143

    hugh m
    from ct.

    A C Gilbert's grandson worked for me for a while, his Mom had a gold plated Erector Set on the floor of her basement. Wooden box, but every part inside was GOLD plated. The factory is now divided up into rental spaces, but at least it still stands.
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  12. Hdonlybob
    Joined: Feb 1, 2005
    Posts: 4,135


    Awesome post...yep, at 66 years old, I remember most all of these.
    Don't forget the live fly zapper on the bakery front door.
    I also had a foot button to change radio stations. (Stock on a 47 Nash).....Oh yah, that same car had the rear seat back that folded up, and you had a bed into the trunk!! OMG what high school days those were.....:eek:;):confused:
    Also how about the free Crown Red/blue/or green Standard Gas Crown air valve caps!!
    Then later on when the "Reverbarators" came out you were KING of the circuit if you had one of those!!
    Last edited: May 27, 2010
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  13. I have one just like that! same color and everything. It has to be from 2001 or so.
  14. hrm2k
    Joined: Oct 2, 2007
    Posts: 5,269


    :eek: you might get some lashes for that :cool:
  15. Mazooma1, are you referring to your childhood or mine? :eek:

    PeeChee folders, vacuum tube testers (I used to restore old radios and keep the family's TVs going when I was a kid) and visits by the Helms Man (I'm still addicted to jelly and glazed donuts as a result, and all we got here is Duncan's) all figured large in my misspent youth.
    Deuces likes this.
  16. Old6rodder
    Joined: Jun 20, 2006
    Posts: 2,546

    from SoCal
    1. HA/GR owners group

    My first ('52 Chev) Sedan Delivery. I put a Rambler folding bench seat in it and my girlfriend's dad forbade her to ride in it. :D
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  17. Mr48chev
    Joined: Dec 28, 2007
    Posts: 35,191


    Getting a use Hiawatha bike complete with tank and springer front forks from my dad after he traded a lawn mower for it. Wish I still had that one.

    Later having dad bring me a Sears two speed bike with white walls and a tank with lights in it for my Birthday when I was 12. Years later I rode that one to town many times to get parts for my 51 Merc.

    Piling into my grandparents 54 Chev tudor with my cousins and going to Long Beach Wa with them for a few days vacation and clam digging.
    Going trout fishing up in the mountains in that same car and having my grandfather have to stop and put the muffler back on when he drug it off on rough roads. Digging worms for those same fishing trips.

    Having to let the phone at home ring at least three times because my sisters boyfriend might be calling from a specific pay phone in town and hang up on the second ring so she could call back and save him the dime.

    Hoeing sugar beets with a short handled hoe when I was 16 to pay for gas and insurance for my 51 Merc coupe.

    Buying a fader switch and rear seat speaker for the same 51 Merc and thinking I had the world on a string with sound from both ends of the interior.

    Buying a used battery from Jim Willy who had a wrecking yard a mile from the house for 5.00. The man sold me a lot of pieces for fair prices for that car.

    Going to Valu-Mart and buying a floor shift for 19.95 for the Merc when my column shifter collar broke. I think they gave me a discount because I didn't have quite enough cash.

    Assembling Honda 50s at the Honda bike shop (no Honda cars then) in summer of 1964 as a summer job. My first real job working for someone who didn't farm.

    Getting drafted before they had draft numbers.

    Writing a letter back to my buddy Keith Studdard who was in Viet Nam too confirming that yes indeed he had a very fast 56 Ford tudor wagon with a 352 and fourspeed that gave 396 Chevelles fits. I think at the time he still had the worlds largest pile of blown up Mid 50's Ford three speeds behind his garage at home.
    Racing his Mustang with my 69 Cutlass when we both got home after we got out of the Army and then getting chased by the Prosser Wa police car (Buick) half way to Benton City at 122 mph. The police Buick could only do 118 though.
    I got married a month after that episode and life changed.
    Atwater Mike and Deuces like this.
  18. Add to the above posting:

    • Going to Sears on Soto Street and seeing the flashing neon signs on its tower;
    • Buying Gilmore Gasoline;
    • Car shows at the Pan Pacific Auditorium;
    • Riding the Red Car to Alhambra with my mum and then getting on trolleys to get to wherever we were going;
    • When the Hollywood Freeway ended at the bottom of the Cauenga Pass and San Fernando Road was the main route to the Grapevine;
    • When Orange County had oranges and Knott's Berry Farm was a berry farm;
    • This list could go on, forever...:eek:
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  19. SinisterCustom
    Joined: Feb 18, 2004
    Posts: 8,277


    I can't remember what happened an hour ago, let alone growing up..........
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    Joined: Jul 19, 2006
    Posts: 1,297

    from Lampe,Mo.

    Blowing Up Model Cars With ,,,,M-80's
    Flushing M-80's down the toilets at the Marshalltown,Iowa,YMCA during a Pep Rally,,rupturing all the sewer pipes,,
    Throwing Water Balloons Off The Roof Of the YMCA at the Cops Cars when they Got There
    escaping down the fire escape into the alley and hop ing in Bob Nalls '49 Chevy Lime Green Custom and blasting away ,,never got caught ,,
    Oh ,,and that is the same Bob Nall that owns "the Adult Toy Factory" in las Cruces,N,Mex,,,
    Having a great best friend for over 51 years ,,Bob Nall ,,
    A&W Root Beer Stands
    15 Cent Maid Rite Hamburgers ,,,yumm,,yumm,,
    Air Force Basic Training,,1961,,San Antonio Texas ,,in the SUMMER,,!!!
    The Cold War ,,,such fun ,,
    learning to sleep with B-52's landing and taking off all nite long ,,Walker AFB,,Roswell,N Mex ,1962 & '63,,
    the 1964 Alaska Earth Quake ,,,Whew! such a deal that was ,,
    Moose hunting in Alaska
    Panning for Gold in the Alaska Sreams when Gold was Frozen By the FEDS at $35 an ounce ,,
    in the early '70's when POT was $10 -$20 bucks an ounce ,,oops,,might nota said that part ,,Righr Chech n Chong ??

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  21. 117harv
    Joined: Nov 12, 2009
    Posts: 6,586


    hotrodprimer and mazooma1 thanks for the posts, lawn darts forgot all about those, big fun after dad sharpened them and then they would poke holes in the yellow plastic ring and stick. Wax lips and poping tar bubles, had them, did it, man things were simple back when.

    I think they could open an art gallery with thousands of those pee chee folders, they all had their owners custom touches. Captions for the pics, poems and doodles not limited to monsters, cars, faces, rock lyrics, abstract, etc.
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  22. 19Fordy
    Joined: May 17, 2003
    Posts: 8,260


    The air hose bell ringing when you pulled into a real gas station with an attendant.

    FREE air.

    Milk vending machines 25 cents a qt.

    Esso Credit card

    SUNOCO 260

    Free glass with fill up.

    Filling my car with drain oil.

    Fixing my bicycle tire at the local gas station with a hot patch kit.

    Hitch hiking without fear.
    Last edited: May 27, 2010
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  23. chaos10meter
    Joined: Feb 21, 2007
    Posts: 2,191

    from PA.

    Big bags of pot for 5 dollars.
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  24. Pir8Darryl
    Joined: Jan 9, 2008
    Posts: 2,487


    Flipping thru the Sears and Robuck catalog because nothing was on TV.
    The milk man delivering bread, milk, ice cream,,, and that "special" service to the lady next door ;)
    When bottled water was a joke.

    Lots of good memories here!
    Deuces likes this.
  25. Not ment to be derogatory in any way....just an observation of the way times have changed......I know plenty of gals with ink......:)
  26. How about begging your mom and grandmother for their S & H Green Stamps to get that cool (you fill in the blank) at the Green Stamp Store.

    Jiffy Pop,, pop corn in the aluminum covered pan the expanded as it poped,,,amazing for a kid! HRP

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    Last edited: May 27, 2010
  27. tromollo
    Joined: Nov 27, 2008
    Posts: 146

    from Easton PA

    I remember laying on the deck lid inside my dads chrysler with my nose up against the glass while he was driving . to get me down he would slam on the brakes .
    I remember my little brother comming home from the hospital ( when he was born ) with my mom holding him in the front seat didnt have car seats !
    I remember all the kids in the block .in the back of my dads pickup truck .going down the road to the icecream stand .at least 10 of us
    I remember driving up and down the strip on a friday nite.people would sit along the road on lawn chairs to watch . Those were the days for sure !
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  28. Old6rodder
    Joined: Jun 20, 2006
    Posts: 2,546

    from SoCal
    1. HA/GR owners group

    B-36s taking off & landing over our grade school at Fort Bliss.
    Nike installation & drills on the pathway to school there.
    Playing in the run-off water pool at the pumping station on the way home.
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  29. rixrex
    Joined: Jun 25, 2006
    Posts: 1,433


    pulling in to a gas station and saying "gimme a dollar please" which at the time was about three gallons of gas..sitting in the way back of a stationwagon and watching the road go by out the back tailgate glass..walking with my sisters or riding our bikes to school a few miles and not us or our parents having to worry about creeps and molesters..I had a little transistor radio with an earplug, bopping down the street listening to "The Duke of Earl", how hip was that!?...big sigh...
    Last edited: May 27, 2010
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  30. SlamIam
    Joined: Oct 8, 2007
    Posts: 468


    No A/C.

    In the early sixties in Fresno the average car was no A/C, all windows down, AM radio tuned to boss radio 1300 KYNO. You only came out after dark. If you drove fast you felt a little cooler. You drove in a T shirt with a cold drink in your hand. You talked to any guy or girl in the cars alongside, or standing on the sidewalk - all windows down. It was a giant rolling party.

    Sitting at the light on Belmont & Palm one summer night in '66, street packed with kids in cars, all windows down, every car in all lanes left, right, front and back playing 1300 KYNO, every kid singing along. Together.

    There's nothing like it today.
    Deuces likes this.

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