Eyeball, the pics on the salt are great! Every Deuce roadster (and its owner) deserves to be there at least once in it's lifetime!
We moved the 40 coupe out of the show room to load for detroit and i finally got some better pictures of my 3 window. Check out the shine on the wheels!! Took our new school guy 2 months to bring them back from5 years of neglect. We don't call him speedy for nothing.
How many of these "32's" are fiberglass or Brookville? I really don't think they count. Out of respect for the breed I would assume you would cordially delete your pics if your car is not authentic. Kit cars are not real 32's. This always bugs me. Guys that say their car is a 32 Ford when it just looks like one but never came off the assembly line are lame. Am I the only one that is thinking this? What do I know. I do have to admit that the majority of the cars posted on this thread look real. I just think a few are questionable. Anyone else feel the same?
I don't want to bend anyone's nose out of joint here but real steel, glass, or repro steel the same amount of work and innovation went into each build so why bitch about it. Everyone knows there are many times the number of deuces on the road now than could possibly have survived the last 77 year so why smack down on someone when they put just as much time, determination, ingenuity and money in the building of their glass or repro steel car as someone who was lucky enough to find a real one to build. In most parts of the country anything worth saving has long since been snatched up. Lighten up!
How do you figure? Piecing together 75 year old Ford parts...like Doug's 5W that was built out of something like 7 bodies takes a bit more time, determination, ingenuity vs. buying catalog parts. I can appreciate glass and repro steel cars...I just don't think its fair to say it takes just as much to build one of them... Neal
I enjoy looking at '32's regardless of their origin or material of construction. Mine's steel, but I don't consider glass cars, cars made from accumulated parts, or cars with repro frames or other parts to be "fakes" or "kit cars". There are some '32 kit cars out there, and I haven't seen one I'd want to own, but that's ok with me too.
You sound like the guy who ambushed me at the gun show and was whining about kit cars. I think his problem was that his purchased tri-5 missed out on a trophy awarded to a perhaps plastic car last year and it still galls him. So what the hell should I call my Wescott bodied roadster?
Shame on you guys! Wow, 617 posts and someone finally comes up with this bullshit to give us the drama fix for those who need some conflict! Sure some originals are pieced together out of 7 bodies to make one "original" Henry, but couldn't you call that a mongrel because its not "original" as Henry built it? Maybe we should adopt the Antique Automobile Club of America's standards to make you happy? Oops, then we would all have to leave this site! Or does it confine ownership of a Deuce to the guys who can afford the multitude of pristine originals that cost $60K or more? Or the original rough project that costs $30K or more? I think both of you are missing the point. It's the love for the Deuce, it's design, history and beauty that makes you want one enough to build it in any form and enjoy it whether its original, modified or reproduced. I expect this kind of scorn from the Corvette snobs, not Hot Rodder's! Not everyone has the money to buy an original, or the talent to piece one together out of 7 cars, but if they build it themselves by using the aftermarket or whatever combination of parts they can assemble, why look down your nose at them for simply wanting to enjoy a Deuce? The fact you can do this and that it has made it possible for everyone to have a Deuce is a testament to the enduring power of the design. I have 12 Deuces, two of them are reproductions (a Brookville roadster and a Gibbon roadster) and I don't look down my nose at anyone who owns a '32 in any form because I've had plenty of fun in my old Gibbon bodied roadster for almost 50K miles, won several Good Guys awards with it, and I'll keep it forever for the memories of all the fun I've had with it. Why should you deny anyone from recognition of posting their Deuce here? Sure I want original steel cars and am damn glad I've captured 10 of them but i don't begrudge anyone for building a repro because I would have never had the fun I've had with my "fake" Deuce kit car and I never would have pursued the originals I've got if I hadn't started with that. That's all I could afford when I built that car then and the same thing is true for many guys today. Why do people want to put rules on the free form of Hot Rods anyway? Isn't that a contradiction of what it's all about? Wanting to look down on other guy's cars says a lot more about you and your character than it does their car. And if you don't own a Deuce, how can you say who should be posting on this thread?
Guess my question is who will be the Duece Club police that determines the percentage of content for each car? Is an original duece frame and a fiberglass car a duece? Is a toal original body and an aftermarket frame a duece. Is original door handles on a brookville car a deuce?. And if anyone hasnt figured it out, these are rhetorical questions. O/T but the last NSRA give away car (you know that pre48 club) was a totat reprocuction of a 37 ford coupe they never built.(3 Window) how the heck does that qualify for a pre 48. My point is enjoy it, dont like it move on. Lots of cars on here dont meet the Hamb criteria (what ever that may be exactly) but hey having fun with CARS!!!. While we still have the freedom to do it.
Yeah, I can definitely see that. Okay, then how about this scenario(?)...... Gentleman A buys a beautifully finished, chopped perfect, sits right, STEEL '32 3W, while gentleman B buys someone's aborted, glass bodied 3 window project, ugly out of the mold chop, Mr. B chops the glass body to suit his style as well as repairs numerous other sins, who has your respect? Especially when gentleman B is the one who did the metal work on Mr. A's Henry '32 to be able to afford his roached glass project! haha BTW, I love your RPU
I was enjoying this thread before you made your comment. ( you have a right though) All I have to say is who cares about original steel, glass, or kit! I just like the '32 design and the owners take on it!
Gotta respect the reproductions, if it wasnt for them some of us would never have gotten a original ( from being so picked over ) What you accept as a 32 will have to be something you do in your own mind. My opinion on what makes a 32 a real 32 is the body. If its a real 32 body than to me its a 32 ford, dont care about the frame and axles etc. BUT that's my opinion! and im not gonna knock the people with reproductions.
Thats easily separated between the cars and the guys. I would respect the guy that built his car himself more so than a guy who just bought one. But the steel 32 would be much more interesting to me.
Look, I had no intention of starting a drama session here. When I go to car shows and I see a fiberglass 32 and the guy puts the tag in the window saying it is a 32 Ford(or any other year for that matter) it just bugs me. It's a facsimile of the real thing and should be stated as such. Seems like the I was just stating my opinion. I have that right like the rest of you. Of course you know what they say about opinions. You can enjoy whatever you have and that's great. I enjoy what I have . I just think steel is real. I don't mind brookville as much as fiberglass but that just me. If it wasn't for them a lot of these great old cars would never get fixed. Some of you guys are so touchy. Chill out. (By the way I do not own a 32. I have a steel 29 Ford roadster pickup. I am building a steel 34- 5 window coupe and have a steel 40 Sedan Delivery project to build if it doesn't sell here in the near future. I am also helping my brother put together his real Henry chopped 3 window coupe that he bought last year. Here's a picture of that. I should be pretty cool when it's done.(Rudy Rodriguez chopped it)
Let's just keep this thread to pictures only boys. Here is the one I just finished and drove for the first time today
Everyone just keep posting pics of their Deuces, so all of us can enjoy what you have built regardless of its origin. This site is supposed to be about what we enjoy together, not what divides us. There is enough of that already in today's world.
Many years ago I built a glass Cobra replica. I can't tell you how many guys asked me if it was real. I always said yea its real fast and real fun. That usually shut them up. I've also has two glass 32s that I just loved.... but now I'm a just a steel 32 snob Not really. Its not what you start out with its what you finish with.