How about some more info on your interestingly nasty deuce. the exhaust is awesome. You have a build thread?
Henry 5W. Have had it a little less than a year. It has always been dream of mine to own a Henry coupe. Very fortunate to be able to call this one mine. When I purchased the coupe it was already as you see it. Have a number of tasteful changes planned.
Here's my current ones. The hiboy with a B engine in the staging lane at the drags. I put it together in '98. The more-door from Atlanta I drove cross county in '06. The roadster from Cal new to me in '14.
Not sure if I posted my old sedan or not... But I'll kill two birds with one stone,photo and a reminder of the upcoming All Deuce Run.HRP
LUCKED into this a while back... Bought it from widow/owner of last 49 years. Painted in 1999 and unfortunately he got really sick for years and passed away about 7 years ago. 327, 4 speed > still needs interior done as he never got a chance to finish car. I've made a few changes so far > Changed wheels and tires> lowered another inch in rear> ditched the junk dual quads for single Cross Ram 4 barrel > Valve covers > new radiator.
Thanks for the kind words guys. Yes it's actually a honda color with jet black added to it. Ended up being a black cherry color
Axle-- I'm kinda selective about channeled cars but.......... Your car really makes the front of my pants feel funny!!!
Thanks for the compliments! I'm looking forward to putting some miles on it, now that the winter (up here), is on it's way out.
Oh why not? Working to make it look like 1963 (with just a couple cheats). 283, T10 with Hurst, roll and pleat. Working on a full hood to complete the picture.....................then just enjoy the heck out of driving it.
So does that pass muster as club initiation? I promise to play nice.............well most of the time at least.
My steel unchopped,unfilled, working cowl vent tubor. I bought it in Denver last week and drove it 1300 miles home. She is gonna get a new interior and a lil de street rodding here and there.