my steel 5 window .. running a 351 and C6 ..... saving for a hood Screen Shot 2015-10-12 At 10.55.42 PM by Cruzerdog posted Oct 12, 2015 at 11:13 PM
This is one nice Tudor. Saw this cruising Foothill Bl. in Monrovia one day so I followed it in CVS's parking lot to meet the owner, great guy, build & style. It was at our Outriders Picnic as well. Here's my App: Grabbed this from the HAMB LARS 2015 coverage, This is Tom's pix so his TM not to mention a great pic . This was a HAMB find as a chassis back in 08, I got the low down on its Hot Rod build before I made it a roadster. It was a SRM Feature back in 93 w/a Modified Tudor body made into a Tub with a genuine George Duvall windshield sourced from king of Color-Stan Betz himself. Had cool bobbed fenders, slot mags and a cool plate. It was originally built by Butch Carlton a former dry lake/salt racer who now resides in AZ. When featured it was owned by Mike Gamel who rebuilt it with "Pops" and removed the fenders and swapped the slots for Centerline Champ 500's. Ran a hot 350 and a turbo 400. He decided that he wanted a upgrade in the chassis dept. so a replacement was procured from TCI with hairpins, coil overs and again disc brakes in the front. Another HAMBer bought the chassis for a build so it sat for a couple of years in Saugus, till he decided to let it go. I needed a chassis for a 47 era 29 lakes roadster, when I got the history I thought I remembered seeing this car around. Thom Taylor confirmed that it was indeed the same car so It was going to become a tub again. At 1st I almost grabbed a 30/31 roadster body and was going to do a duvall. The tub body looked like more fun, but I wasn't able to find any rear body pieces that I could put on the 32 firewall, roadster cowl,dash,doors & sub rails. It was easier to locate roadster pieces, so after looking at lots of funky rear 1/2's I got it together with nice sheet metal sourced thru a number of places including Antique Auto Sheet Metal-Brookville Roadster. Eventually I hope to put a Flat Cad in it, but not anytime soon . We are lucky to have 3 Deuces, another Flatty Powered Roadster below, I've had it since the early millennium I went a couple directions outside of the Hot Rod Build Deal, finally drove it last yr. about this time. Was a blast to drive and a goal achieved as it's parts were my 1st ever Deuce parts bought when one could get a grille shell/insert for $50.00 and a firewall for $40.00. They're out of the park today !!! (Photo Credit Don Dillard). And lastly a Banger Powered BB Stake Truck,which I've had for along time..... Am I in Larry?????
been in the Deuce club for a long time, this car has been pictured in this post before but with a way different look, but a few years back i decided to completely redo the car going with a way earlier style. The first post i did on this car was December 2003, it was my 3rd post i started on the hamb so its been with me for a long time, here it is: Here is the last post i started on the car : it feels good to have it back on the road, been too long!
Here's Mine!!! This is my first Hot Rod and my first post here. I've been a car/motorsports guy for a long time.
A couple more, my favorite Hot Dog stand from Chicago opened two locations in PHX and the second picture is from Sanderson Ford's Deuce Day 9 on Halloween.
Add me to your list. Here is my 5 window.Original henry body, cornhusker chassis, 52 merc flathead,5 speed and winters quick-change rear.