When I was in the Army I was in the 327 Signal Battalion (Airborne). A number of buddies back home noticed and commented on it.
I work with 1200 people and the only extension I remember is the girl at 454? And the number 420 comes up daily.
A buddy of mine and I would always go through the hymnal in church (instead of listening to the sermon) and try to name the manufacturer(s) of the different displacements/page numbers. There were quite a few of them that had a hym name that just seemed to fit the displacement number. The only one I can remember right now was #426, Nearer my God to Thee. Lots of fun for a couple of 16 year olds, and made church go a lot quicker.
I do it a lot ...calibers and cubic inches ........my phone is 289 I do it on pc passwords too, so much easier to remember ......