My avatar is the prototype Shelby CSX7000 car right out of the assembly plant here. This was the day of its first "sea trials". The airport (VGT) was a great place to see and be seen and make a few early am passes down the long taxiway. Weber 4x2 intake on a 302sbf and a toploader. Took it out to Mesquite and back - aside from some problems with cooling (some things never change) it was a major treat. RHIP dj
My avatar was my first Hot Rod build that started with just the body. I did most of the work myself, but has since been sold (I'm a DumbAss). I do have it tatooed on me so that I always have it with me. !
I own one, just not this one. (I guess it could be mine!) I'm embarrassed to show mine in its present condition. I've had mine since 1977!
Guess this says it all <O</O From the slang expression having one's head up one's ass, thus, wearing the ass as a hat. The term is extended to people who are clueless or bumbling, who don't understand what is going on. <O</O <O</O Heres my coupe in my old avatar, I own it, drive it, and sometimes race it. <O</O
Added my avatar just to participate. This my '65 Rambler I've had for 17 years. I just turned 31 so I have had it a little longer than I haven't had it. I drive it almost everyday in the spring, summer, fall, but don't take it out in the snow when they're laying salt down
High maintenance but I love 'em question . who is the girl in front ?? looks like an actress !!!!! What do you care? Hot Rod Michelle .. Profesional Slacker/ Student Cal. State University Northridge i care because im just like that . as i stated in the beginning , NO OFFENSE intended . your bio is a great read . thank you & i hope i answered your question . there are many girls in the hobby , im glad your one ! ................... steve
Bought it in 1990, it was a daily for a while. Now it is an occasionally. 18 years and about 70 some thousand miles, 2 1/2 motors, 4 transmissions 6 different colors, and countless set of tires....
18 years and about 70 some thousand miles, 2 1/2 motors, 4 transmissions 6 different colors, and countless set of tires.... that is a TRUE HOTRODDER ....... thank you .................... steve
I drove mine once w/ the original flat 6 and suspension - then I took it all apart. I hope to have her running in the next few months. She's real close to being road worthy
Not only Drive it but Every aspect of Frame Off build minus Chrome plating, cutting the glass and Machine shop work was done right here in my Home Shop. Plus,, The Tuck-n-Roll on the Back seat sees a little action now and then. I an one Lucky Dog!! The Wizzard
Go to the profile section of manage your account there is an avatar section. You grab a pic from your computer, see sizes reqd., and load 'em up. The camera I use came with simple software to fiddle with (re-size) the images.'re not digital yet...well......nevermind....
Yeah, that's me and my '63 Buick in the avatar. It runs and drives, but I don't have a title yet, but as of last week the car (should) pass inspection. So keep your fingers crossed.