Think it's on the old computer, which I had to move so we'd have room to carve the turkey. I probably shouldn't have set it up on the kitchen table... but it was only supposed to be there a little while to transfer files over. Except I keep finding more pictures and things I need to pull from it -
Drove it yesterday as a matter of fact. Try and drive it a couple times a week, all year round out here!
Yeah sure.......rub it in !...........actually, it's not to bad here....I can still get out about once a week when it stops raining.....
Driven when its not cold and snowing! Really like to uncork the fenderwell headers and drive it. No tickets yet, keeping my fingers crossed.
Yes, I own and drive it. She's a squeaky, creaky whore that marks her territory wherever I park her, but she starts on the first turn of the key every time!
Sacrificial lamb, cannon fodder I guess. I was one, too, but an Alliance membership made it all better!
both are mine.... the chevy i got in '99. ididnt get it driveable for a couple years, but i drive it alot now. the beezer i got in '06 took just under 2 years to build that. now it's got a fuckin' oil leak, so i gotta fix that. oh, well. it's winter anyhow.
I HAVE driven mine for very short periods of time, I have owned it since 1978.... Hope to be driving regularly by mid May 2009.... I am on a good tear now,,,, if I don't run out of snuff I just MIGHT make it....
own mine, though i doubt it has been driven in 30 yrs. The guy i bought it from said he saw its nose sticking out of a collapsed barn and inquired about it. and OLD couple owned it. said that there son had bought it to hot rod but something happened to him, drafted maybe, unsure, but they said it had been in the barn ever since. And that it had collapsed on it and they had been content to leave it there. They gave it to the guy i bought it from and i paid $950 for it. Its been sitting in my yard for a lil over a year and i have finally got caught up with my other projects(cars) and am gettin started on it. Im glad it sat there that year, my attitude has changed, back then i was sorda a purist and a "good guy" and had got it to restore, then i discoverd gassers and my attitude went rockabilly and everything went to hell lol.
I have been driving mine for three years . It's getting a make-over this winter though. Going to be a tudor next year. Season is too short up here for a roadster.
what the hell is a grenade inspector ! well i was told it was a post count thing . when you have enuff posts you are a grenade insp. , then your not a FNG ! i like being one better than a FNG !!!!! somewhere down the page we will be something else . i think it maybe explained in the rules , but cant find the rules ! DONT NEED NO STINKIN RULES !!!!! ............................. STEVE
i drive mine every day . take my kids to school/daycare .got pulled over the cop wanted to know what the three hundred cu.ft.argon bottle was for. I told him it wouldn't fit in the trunk.
Sounds like you have the tudor body all ready. Too bad as we could have done some trading as it's roadster season here in the winter, spring and fall and a bit in summer. Mike