<-- Owner Operated for the last 10 years, Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter when my newer vehicles can't handle the cold--Blue's been more faithful than my dog I've had 13yrs!
KIRK! has a mighty fine one, and I also like the Bossman Ryans. And let us not forget DreddyBear's. There are definitely a couple choice ones floating around.
Hope to have it back together and NOT pink this summer (the guy I got it from, got it from another guy that painted it pink (must've been during the "pastel phase" of rodding) said he could never find out WHY it was painted pink... one of life's mysteries....
yup , drive it almost everyday im home , hope to one day get off my piss poor lazy ass and make it better..
I own mine but cant drive it currently or else Ill slam into something. The master cylinder came in yesterday though
I've owned my '37 in my avatar since 1981 when I bought it off of a trailer at the Turkey Rod Run. Took five years to build it and I am still driving it often (in the good months). Been a great ride.