I used to have David Dickinson as my avatar, but he wasn't creepy enough. Now I have a hard time looking at mine for too long....I think I over-did it. <shudder>
I try to drive mine everyday but i've been laid up lately.Nothing fancy,but fun to drive.I like to just cruise the backroads out in the country where i live.
< Cool "period" auto art from the NHRA '62 Winternationals, which also happens to be the vintage of my daily rides.
<--------- mine. Took apart to detail under the hood and drop the Eldo 2x4 setup on, so, no, it's not on the road One of many loved and unfinished projects.
I own mine drive it as much as I can!!! I just can't seem to leave it alon--I keep adding and changing things.
This truck owns me! Does pushing the pieces around the garage count? Should have it back together by next summer.
Mine is my car from 3yrs ago this week when she went for a makeover. I'm hoping to have her back for the summer all shiney & new I drove her for 13yrs mostly every day except winter., 2 tires, a tie rod end, distributor and 2 radios and a shit load of gas not bad.
The avitar is mine .... in the process of building. You guessed it ... a 46 ford coupe. It's being set up to tour at .... Bonneville. Paco
I had the fireball 500 as my first avatar I do own and drive it when i can barris only made one, I also own and rive my 59 drag safari, that thing is just plain fun its my beer wagon,. curantly working on my teal 54 glasser gasser with a lathem super charger,, almost running now,
Yep, own it. Find any excuse to drive it weekly if not daily. Use it to go to the grocery store, run errands, or sometimes just go for a mind-clearing ride. Makes me feel a LOT better than driving a "normal" car.
I changed mine a while back, right now it's a closeup of the door of the A pickup I just sold. Going to Norway here shortly. Couldn't even get a silly offer on it from anyone in the states; this guy basically paid what I wanted, so buh-bye...
Now this was out right funny... and yes i own and drive mine... not as much right now...as its going through transformation...