met him 2 years ago, here in ct. he did a feature on my wagon for the show. i did get some pics of him cleanin my car with a car duster. gotta find them. very cool guy!!!
Yeah, dated for just a few weeks. She's pretty cool and really nice. She's just not all into the car stuff like her dad is. She is very well-rounded and has a great personality, you'll get lost in her eyes if you're not carefull lol. That was last Summer, we still keep in touch and every once and a while we'll get together to hang out, go cruising or something. She lives about ten minutes away from where I work on the west side of Indy. Sorry no pics, just didn't think about taking any. Oh, she doesn't sport the "stache" like her dad... that's one trait she didn't pick up from him thank god
Thats Great to hear ,I've been watchin. M.C.C. for years ,all thosse reply's and not one negative about him.
lol i still love the episode of Dennis and Jay Leno in Jay's 1907 White Steam Car.... Dennis was appeared really scared to attempt to light it and get in while it was runnin but it was a funny ass episode really
met dennis about 4 years ago in wildwood n.j. at the boardwalk car show. asked me if i'd mind if he interviewed me with my 63 marauder for an upcoming episode of my classic car. talked to him for a while and he really is a nice guy and he is genuine. ran into him a couple of years later here in ct. at a local show and damned if he didn't remember me and come up to me and shake my hand. i thanked him for the segment on his show and for my "15 minutes" of fame. lol
Well then come to the Wheels of Time show in Macungie in August. Dennis will be there filming his show.