Hey fellas, apparently I've been slacking at my job. One of my favorite members has jet and it is pretty much due to the shitty job I've done around here lately. I'm not the kind of guy to look back (how ironic is that) all the time, so I'm looking forward. How can I do better and how can I make this place better? A few things that I am working on is the upgrade to UBB 6.5 with my hacks. In english this means that we will get easier photo uploads, a user controlled calendar, and a few other neat little functions. I've also been thinking about adding a photo album - kind of the HAMB's version of Star Photo. A new look and feel is on the way as well... It's gonna be rad lookin... Maybe I should finally break down and add more boards? A seperate forum for hot rods, kustoms, art, and off topic posts? You guys tell me. And I apologize to you guys that feel like I haven't kept my end of the bargain. This place is huge man and takes a lot of work. I've got a real job and have been doing a shitload of extracurricular stuff this summer - moving, new job, etc... No excuse. I just want this place to be fun for all of us and it hasn't been for me and a lot of other folks apparently as of late. My fault. We will most likely make changes that some of you don't like initially. Please understand that we can't make everyone completely happy all the time. We are going to try to make changes that make the HAMB a better place in general and when I say 'we', I mean all of us - not just Kevin and I. So, here's your chance. Lay into me. Tell me what I am doing wrong and need to do better with. Please don't hold back any punches either - this is all constructive crit and needs to be done. I'm all ears and my feelings are bullet proof.
Man, this is a huge task and I'm amazed you do the job that you do on it already. The photo album sounds like a great idea. The only board seperation most guys want to see I bet is the seperation between information and opinions. Commentary is part of it though. I like the way everything works right now personally...the tech section, the services offered, the classifieds, and the message board. I do think maybe the off topic and art forums would be cool though. Just my opinion and if I even called it two cents worth, I'd owe you some change...about a dollar.
No complaints here. Let us know if you need some green fun tickets as part of the upgrade process. Your stewardship and leadership is excellent; unfortunate interactions that result in a decision to go happen in the real world, too. When you figure out how to make that process stop, let me know. We could be famous.....
I think they are all good ideas, but it all comes down to what you want to do. You are the one that has to keep all that stuff up and running. The Photo Album would be a cool addition. I have had no problems with the way the HAMB functions, other than it is slow every once in a while. I have DSL though, so it may be really slow at times for the folks on dial-up.
Dork. This place rocks. You're not going to eliminate some of the jerky things some people say, or some people getting their feelings hurt. I hope you DON'T set up seperate boards. The cross posting is part of what makes the HAMB what it is.
I got no hamb whiskers to be making any real suggestions but, I like the idea of an OT thing for the types of OT threads that get started, like for art shows personal threads, things like that if you get a photo album will that affect the bandwidth useage and incur an additional cost to yourself? for the love of God put up a paypal button to accept donations to help offset the personal cost of running this operation!!!
I like the idea of an Off Topic or Drama forum for all that shit. Lets keep the drama over there and the rod and custom stuff right here where it belongs.
I agre with Buzzard- its darned near perfect as its running.Now if you would just boot me off here it would be a better place! I commend you my FRIEND for the unknown sacrifices you've already made for this venue.
I don't think you need to do better...WE need to do better! A photo album would be nice but seperating the Forum would not help. Make an off topic forum and people would still use the main forum cause only a few would read the off topic section. Clark
I think you've done pretty damn good, considering the way that this place has grown in just the past few years! With thousands of registered members out there comming from all kinds of different geographic, automotive and social backgrounds, there's BOUND to be some chaos in the ranks from time to time! Having extra moderators poised to deal with obvious flakes in a timely fashion was a good idea, and seems to have curbed some of the freak posts that often plauge other, less tightly moderated boards. Kudos to ya for that move! As far as recommended improvements, my only critique is that sometimes at peak hours, this site loads up a little on the slow side, but it's not that bad...I could easily live with it for as often as I have time to drop in here lately! On the subject of an "off-topic forum", I know you're not real keen on it...but with so many users being friends with each other and wanting to share non-automotive news, gossip, laughs and stuff with their HAMB buds, it may be a good idea. It would keep the main board more focused on the primary topic...traditional rods and kustoms, and would allow users to post their personal news, birthday wishes, pet stories, etc elsewhere. That way, people who WANT to read that stuff can find it there...and others can enjoy the car stuff without sifting through the OT posts. I also think that uploading pics is pretty easy and straightforward now, but if you can improve it...more power to ya! It may help others less technically minded to share pics of their cars and projects. I dig the HAMB as it is...but you always seem to make it BETTER with every change, so I'm confident that you'll continue in that fashion! Carry on, Boss...we'll be here with ya!
[ QUOTE ] for the love of God put up a paypal button to accept donations to help offset the personal cost of running this operation!!! [/ QUOTE ] That is one of the better ideas I have heard lately. I am on the HAMB everyday, sometimes several times a day, and would be glad to have a direct way to donate money for the running of the Forum. I used to buy Magazines all the time, now I don't buy any. Any information I want can be gotten from the HAMB without having to look at 50 pages of advertisements, so the money I used to spend on magazines could very well be going to help keep this place up and running.
I'm not one of the "old gaurd" here, but I really like the way it is now. I thought a little less pissing on new people from old guys, but you took care of that. I also agreed completely with your changes to the classified section. Different sections? Maybe one for bikes, if you really feel the need, but I think customs, '60s, early, gasser blah blah blah should all still be under one roof--if it's on four wheels, I usually dig it. And where would a guy write/find info on a 401 Nailhead, since those are late '50s/early '60s engines--not early trad engines. Would a question about those engines go in the trad section, or '60s section? But really, I think all the topics under "general discussion" is fine--nobody puts a gun to our heads to make us open a topic, regardless of whether it's trad rods, customs, bikes, art, O/T, rants or all the rest. This way, if we're not thinking "Nailhead," we still will see a post about it and open it up. A photo gallery would be really cool, though--that you could make into segments: gasser, trad, custom, etc. But keep them as broad as possible, so there are only three or four sections--it'd be easier for us to look through them than if we had to go to 13 different album categories. I like metalshapers.org, but they have far too many different little sections and sub-categories, and before long you don't know what you've looked in and what you haven't. -Brad (The thoughts and opinions expressed in this reply are worth pocket lint)
seems great the way it is. i think it would be cool if there was a way to have photos on the members profile . You are doing a great job Thanks Slag
Every time before the board went through an upgrade I thought "how can this place get any better?" And everytime it does. I mean we got pages of pics from shows from THIS WEEKEND!!! We are having instant updates from Egorama. Sure we have drama and some other BS, but what garage hangout wouldn't? I guess that's what makes this place the cutting edge; It is the best car board out there now, and you will find a way to make it better.
[ QUOTE ] Dork. This place rocks. You're not going to eliminate some of the jerky things some people say, or some people getting their feelings hurt. I hope you DON'T set up seperate boards. The cross posting is part of what makes the HAMB what it is. [/ QUOTE ] I agree. I prefer to do my own sorting. The divesity makes this place interesting. It's not hard for me to figure out what posts interest me and which ones to avoid. Sometimes I stumble into interesting info I might miss if it was segregated into another forum. A calender with the schedule of events through out the country would be cool. I always hear about an interesting event 2 weeks before it happens.
The problem I see with an OT forum is that it will be used, thus taking up even more of your server space. Here's a couple of ideas, which will require code on your part. 1. before posts are entered, have a program scan the contents of the post. This may stop some of the 'flaming', however it may be too restrictive for some posters with legit posts. 2. Keeping EVERYTHING on the same database will continue to slow down the HAMB, regardless of technology. Stuff older than 6 months, say, goes into a separate database. Create a forum for older posts as the link. 3. restrict searches to the topic & author only, not the contents. This has 2 benefits: if the initial poster has a topic that they feel is important (i.e., tech), then the topic will have relevance. (Not something like 'Have you seen this'). It also will speed up searches. Regardless, you do a great job with the HAMB, Ryan. I'm ok with it as is.
I think things are great here and I'm happy to have access to such a swell place. I'll throw my vote in for an off-topic board also... When you have a community that's as tight knit as this one, sometimes people wanna pop on and share personal stuff with their pals without getting a bunch of crap for it- things like new jobs, new babies, etc. I think in any other real social community this would be totally normal, but I've seen people get their panties in a bunch because someone had exciting off topic news they wanted to share. Photo hosting sounds cool too... I have my own server space for my photos, but I think the process of photo posting is totally elusive to some people, so maybe with a easy place to do it, we'd get to see more awesome pics! The calendar is also a great idea. I love HAMB. Stacey
The paypal button is a must. It's nice that you don't charge for this and most guys are broke half the time, but when we aren't, we'd like to help.
Oh yeah, I almost forgot. The Classifieds are much better since you added the rules post. How about a rules post for the HAMB ?
I would like to see a section whee we can post details on shows. That way when someone finds out about one they can share it with the rest of us. Even if you have it to where it would consist of a single post giving the details on it and then delete it after it has taken place. That way it does not take up too much space. Also the ability to add larger photos would be nice. If we could add pics of our own cars to our profile page that would be cool that we if we wanted to see what kind of a car someone has we just look them up. Other than that, no complaints. The idea someone had about the Paypal link was a good one as well.
I am as guilty(if not more) as anyone else, but I think the O/T posts and the "hey look at this abortion on ebay stuff should be off limits. Nothing is ever said so people get the feel(including me) that it must be ok. I will try my best to post only hotrod related stuff. I think the HAMB should be by invitation only, recommended by a friend. It might slow down some of the growth. You should still be able to read all the posts but maybe not contribute unless referred by a Hamber. Of course, this might generate a buttload of work for you guys. You guys are too lenient(SP?).Good leaders have to make decisions sometimes that people may not like. But, if it is for the better, sometimes you hafta drudge on. I have met both of you and you guys are laid back by nature and don't want to have to bust anyone's balls but you may have to if you want the guys to stick around. There is a lot of "The Scene" here lately........maybe someday it will die down. I love the HAMB, I have been here for a long time and it is really the only reason I have internet access.FWIW.
[ QUOTE ] I think the process of photo posting is totally elusive to some people, so maybe with a easy place to do it, we'd get to see more awesome pics! Stacey [/ QUOTE ] I think that is a good point too. I know a few older HAMB'ers that are able to post, but can't figure out how to add Pics to the Post (Old Dogs/New Tricks... )
i'm still pretty much a new guy here but my ideas would be: 1) set up some seperate areas for different car styles. traditional, custom, truck, bike etc. with their own moderators (delagate or stagnate) 2) have a b.s. lounge for the ot stuff and rants. 3) have a paypal button two other boards i hang out at are the samba and shoptalk forums . they're both vw specific but i really like the way they are laid out and run. but when i need an american iron fix i come here
Well hell, the sign says...traditional hot rods and kustoms... So what is it? Maybe it's an age thing but plymouth valiants, vw's and minibikes don't qualify. Besides my abone I have an MG, a BMW motorcycle and other interests but I come to the hamb for, dare I say it...'traditional hot rods and kustoms'. THAT's what made this site special and seperates it from other car sites. Don't loose what got you here.
REDEFINE the Rule's. Before a Newbie is allowed to Reg. They read: No VW's. That is a major 'flame bait', strolling in and saying 'VW this' and BAM! Ambush! Then the endlss debate of VW's suck/rule begin's. 2.Lose the sewer language that seem's to spew forth in a constant stream from some HAMBer's, end-less-ly. It take's real effort to type it. Coarse, graphic decription's of psyco-babble is of what use? The "Check-this-POS/goldchainer/way-too-high$ on EBAY!! Is a WASTE of space. Your posting bring's HAMBer's Right in Line. It carrie's far more weight than you may realize. See how they chime in when you say: "Stop this crap!" Response? 'sorry boss', your right Ryan' 'wont' happen again, sir'. And the list of thank-you's for putting a stop to it! Respect and Fear are the two thing's that keep people in line ANYWHERE. If a HAMB'r lack's both, who would want that person around here, let alone in real life, inda flesh? Oh, post a newbie O/T is forbidden during Tech week. P.S. Fella's, watch your back, you never know who the lurker's are.
I agree with SoWhat, no one would use the OFF TOPIC as they wouldn't go there and still use the main board. If people would just refrain from posting shit like 1load just did, what was the positive contribution with that post other than run up his post count? Did he think it was CUTE or MACHO. His signature (wtf......over) just about wraps up the relevent content of what he contributes. Before you get me wrong I'm not picking on him, he's too immature for that to have any effect. To get back ON TOPIC I would leave it up to you to decide what needs upgrading, hasn't the place got to where it is with your guidance? And a good suggestion has already been made and that is I think you should either charge small fee or get a PayPal acount so we could help out with the expences. I know not everyone has a little extra cash but for those of us who do get a few loose bucks from time to time we could send them your way to help out with maintainence of this great place. BTW, if my comment about 1Load get me banned so be it, the place might be better off with out me anyway, I'm way to opinionated to be mainstream. I could still lurk and reap the benefits of this great place without subjecting everyone to my narrow mindset. Frank
i would go for a regional state by state registry, simple enough to add, kind of like a sign up sheet, each state is listed you scroll down and add your name to it, many people have said "wow you live 3 miles from me and i didnt know it", even though the profile says where they live , if you had a single section to see the hamb members, would be very helpful for the use of