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HAMB Improvements... I NEED HELP!

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by Ryan, Oct 10, 2004.

  1. TimW
    Joined: Jun 13, 2004
    Posts: 242

    from Kentucky

    I'm still faily new here and for what its worth this place probably works as well as its ever going too. The biggest problem that I have ever seen is some of the bullshit bashing that goes on for pages and pages. You can't stop that, only the guys that bash can control that. I lurked forever, I joined when I was looking for advice and I found it, good advice and damn fast too. There are a ton of very smart people on here and the questions from the newbies bring that information out, but the assholes who bash the guy that ask the questions, start the post on a downhill slide. I know that you want this board to stay our board, but when you made a few rules for the classifieds it helped out a lot. Maybe you need to lay down the law, as much as you want this to be our board, its YOURS! Take charge and if you don't like some of the crap thats been going on put a stop to it, kick a few off if you need to. The old guys that have been here forever will always be here, most of them seem to stay out of the b.s. Most likely if you have to give someone a kick in the ass it will be someone we didn't need in the first place. I know that you want to keep this a free site and I appreciate that, but that may be where some of the problems start... whatever you decide to do all of the die hard guys will stay because there is no other place like this. Its got to be a headache and I applaud all that you do, but it'll never be perfect. Thanks for letting us state our opinions.
  2. metalshapes
    Joined: Nov 18, 2002
    Posts: 11,130


    Dont get defensive CJ...
    You made a suggestion, and I suggested we dont...
    Sounds like your G/S is well on his way to become a Gearhead himself.
    At age 10 I just started my first car with help and guidance from my dad ( a knowledgeble car guy that cursed like a sailor...)
    I just did not expect the world to cater to me, thats all ( I still dont...)
  3. I still sorta feel like a guest here, but you asked......
    I'll keep it short and free from ass-kissin' [​IMG]

    Leave the HAMB alone. It has a life now, and will most likely guide itself(with some moderator course adjustments)

    Dump the QUESTIONS section.
    Replace it with a TECH/HELP forum. People needing tech help("Help,my car won't start/run/steer/etc") won't have their posts pushed to page 6 in an hour(I know---I'm on here 3-4 hours a day [​IMG]) Tech posts could go here as well("New way to cut/weld/polish/etc") and not disappear in 24 hrs.

    Call the tech forum what it is---TECH ARCHIVES--the place for timeless tips/procedures.

    So then ya got HAMB(back of the garage), TECH/HELP(front of the garage) and TECH ARCHIVES(the tool box)

    I'll go to the front of the garage first, usually, to see who's workin on what, and see if I can help.....then to the back of the garage to drink beer and shoot the bovine feces(I'm watchin' my language [​IMG]). If I need a tool, I'll go to the box.

    Thank you for your TIME and FORESIGHT, Mr Cochran [​IMG]

    mid-tenn mike
  4. to clarifie my sugestion about the art store
    it was not to benifit the cost of the HAMB
    but for new and acomplished artist to sell there stuff to HAMB members
    it also fits with Ryans thought on bringing the HAMB back to the underground
    as these pieces would be HAMB exclusive no e-bay lnks allowed
    if the HAMB was capable of policeing itsself there would be 5 pg tech posts instead of Von Dutch clothing ones that is reality
  5. k9racer
    Joined: Jan 20, 2003
    Posts: 3,091


    If it was not for this place I would not keep a computer. I am a puter dumb ass. The problem with pay pal is some of dont have it. I only got a credit card last year. Thank You..
  6. I think you should make a board just for Updates.. I love to see what people are up too, but when normal Bs, or OT posts bring them down the page, it justs anoys me..

    other than that, its GREAT!
  7. Nick32vic
    Joined: Jul 17, 2003
    Posts: 3,060


    I think ole Rat Rodder is on to something. Thats a good idea about a page just for updates.

  8. glassguy
    Joined: Feb 12, 2003
    Posts: 2,261


    this is probly a retarded question, but i keep seeing stuff about new people like me trying to get there post #'s up. what would they or i bennefit from that?? just curious.. i have absolutely nothing to complain about, if something is o/t or i dont like the subject i use my back button for the main index and look for something usefull, or funny. i got enough bullshit in the real world to waste energy and time stressing about shit talkers and tuffguys did my post # come up ??
  9. k9racer
    Joined: Jan 20, 2003
    Posts: 3,091


    I just want to add one thing about the OT if it were not for one of those OT post a very popular HAMB member would not been able to find a half brother he had never meet.This is a very helpful place and I have meet some wonderful people because of this place. Thank You again.
  10. JamesG
    Joined: Nov 5, 2003
    Posts: 5,249


    If you see something thats OT, you dont have to click on it.
  11. Petejoe
    Joined: Nov 27, 2002
    Posts: 12,459

    from Zoar, Ohio

    Well Ryan, I'm glad you left this post up for a few days otherwise I would have missed it.

    My vote would be to keep the Board as it is. You may have lost a member that you have liked and respected but rest assured he will be back. sometimes we all lose our temper and get alittle too emaotional. But the good ones always see their faults and either appologize or just let it slide.

    Ryan, you have created the most informative and entertaining board on the planet! The speed of responses to technical problems here astonishes me! You can actually be in the middle of a job and have a problem, post it, and in a matter of minutes have a tool back in your hand to fix it.

    And at the same time laugh and spit all over the monitor over some funny entertaining input that some dickwad entered.
    If the boards were separated alot of this would be overlooked. Boring........

    I would suggest that you get more help in moderating.
    Its obvious your feeling alittle guilty for not keeping up, and as you said, you dont want to be the leader here.
    Give a few levelheaded guys an axe to swing and let them get after the riff raft here. Alot of young guys here spend way too much time in off topic areas. A brush over top of their heads with this axe will keep them in line.

    Regardless of what changes you're contemplating. I would suggest you have a poll so that we may vote on these changes. Ryan..... I would like to meet you some day, You do a hell of a job here and I want to personally thank you!PJ
  12. Justin B
    Joined: Oct 11, 2003
    Posts: 2,276

    Justin B

    i really like the suggestions of the photo gallery and maybe even photos in your profile. also the suggestion of the update page, after all when i see someones update it usually influenses me to get off my ass and get to work, the more of them that get grouped together the more motivation it would give.
    and just a suggestion for the classifieds. would it help if the adds would be deleted after it hadn't gotten any responses for a couple weeks or a month. with that many adds it's got to be taking up some of the space on here, and i don't really see a reason to save old adds that haven't gotten any interest or the item has already sold. if someone has not sold their item they could always bttt it so it wouldn't get deleted. you could limit the number of times it gets bttt also. i don't know if that would help any or not but i figure it would free up some space.
    i also agree with the donation button especialy since you are going to be spending even more time doing updates, you need to get paid for your time, i wouldn't even mind an annual fee of a couple bucks, that might even keeps some of the random people that stumble on here from posting stupid stuff.
    anyways thanks for this place and if you don't change a thing it will still be the best thing out there for traditional car people
  13. Boones
    Joined: Mar 4, 2001
    Posts: 9,691

    from Kent, Wa
    1. Northwest HAMBers

    Ryan, for the past several years this has been my home, you have introduced me to so many new friends and I have gained so much. I love this place but I have seen a steady decline over the past year. I am not sure where it started or how it has gotten to where it is. I do know there is a discontent with a number of member, me included on what has been going on lately. Why? well its not so easy to say but I have a few reasons of my own that I will try to put into words. The board has grown to big.

    My biggest gripe is all the negativity and member bashing that seems to be growing. When this was a smaller board most of the members were friends, we talked as friends and did not jump on one another when something was posted that was not inline with someone elses thoughts. So many of the newer members love to bash and get their noses in a bunch when someone posts a topic that they think threatens their life style.

    Personal Attacks:
    So many newbies have jumped on the Traditional Hot Rod bandwagon and joined this board as we all did but there is a difference, lack of respect for others. Some just can not fathom someone posting their opinion, for example: that in the early days most strived for a nice car that was painted or not a POS floor missing pile (true or not…is not the point) the results are what bother folks…. the words start flying and folks take it as a personal attach when all it was meant was a observation from someone who lived in those times, not some 20 something who was not even born in the 70’s let alone the 60’s or 50’s. I am also tired of the’Gold Chainer’ bashing, its not good for the board and only makes us look like punks. Who gives a shit if someone had a car built or purchases a part new from a store. If that is how someone wants to enjoy this hobby then who are we to say they are a lesser person. Sure building your own car is more what this board is about but should that mean others are not welcome or should be trashed. I know of a member that has done so much for this board and is afraid to post pics of his ride because it is not traditional (its not billet either), why because he does not want to be ridiculed or harassed.

    Board Management:
    You have to be the Big Dog (part of owning this board) and must keep a tighter reign (or have select members that can help) on the bullshit. . I realize you like most of us have a fulltime job and a family to take care off plus a thousand other things to distract you. But you chose to create this world and with it come responsibility and must therefore play god from time to time. No one likes being a bastard but sometimes its required. I think until someone has been on here for some period of time, they need to be on probation, someone complains and they could possible loose the privilege to participate, yes it’s a privilege to be here, like having a drivers license.

    Off Topic Posts:
    The ratio of ‘off topic’ to ‘on topic’ posts seen to be on the increase. There are good times but then it goes into a slump (and that is when it needs to be corrected). If there is nothing Hot Rod to talk about then the board remains quiet until there is. It will keep the “On topic posts from falling three pages down in an hour. I am really tired of all the off topic bullshit post, such as look at this POS on ebay, or I hate VW or look at this overpriced gadget. If someone posts an off-topic post then we should try and not put a reply so it falls off the page and dies a rightful death. OT post were OK in the early days because we only had a few hundred members and only a few that posted on a regular basis. Now that it’s a few thousand members and hundred that post on a regular basis, it gotten to the point where they need to stop. The family has gotten to big

    Now I am not saying that all OT post must stop as there are appropriate OT posts. Deadtaven being one, or post about a family member, we are human and sometimes we just need a little communication to get us thru the tough times. Machines we are not, we just love them.

    On Topic Posts:
    SO what do I feel are appropriate topics, well any tech help (tech week) or request for tech help. Posting about shows (notices about shows, feedback about a show etc), show coverage pictures. Generally, any topic that has something to do with Hot Rods (that is positive) belongs.

    We have lost more valuable members then we have gained over the past year. Some super talented members no longer post and that is a shame. It is to late to save those members and I am sure you will lose a few more but there is always hope that some of the value added members will stick around and more will join. I know i have been spending less and less time here

    Thanks for asking and letting me voice my concerns.
  14. plmczy
    Joined: Aug 3, 2001
    Posts: 2,408


    Oh boy here I go......Somebody mentioned that if you don't have a car, don't sign up. If that was the case I would be a newbie right now. We need to encourage those that show an interest in what we love. If a newbie wanted to ask a question about a car they want to buy(or anything else in general) and it shows up "anonymous user" they would automatically get bashed upon. How about when a newbie goes to sign up, they have to read a general rule list, so they know what and what not to post before they sign up.

    We definately need a event calender. That would be sucha great asset to us. Nothing would be lost in the shuffle and would keep the board clear.

    About the O/T posts, we can only talk about cars so much [​IMG]. We are like a big family here.

    Somebody mention about bringing your computer into 2000. I have dialup, my connection is 28.8, it usually never goes above that. I don't have many options for DSL, only one available in my area and thats $50 a month, hell I'm lucky I can afford what I have now. I deal with what I have and make the best of it. It sucks at times but at least I have it some people don't have it at all.

    I don't have paypal so the button wouldn't help me but it will for others, so thats a good idea. Maybe post a address where we can send donations or auction payments to for those of us that don't have paypal.

    Ryan, don't sell yourself short. You have done very well with what you have here. This is the first and most time the only place I go to when I get on the web. When I seen how old you were, I was surprised, you have a very level head on your shoulders. Hell, I'm 33 and I still don't know what I want out of life, I just wing it from day to day. Keep up the good work, I love this place. later plmczy
  15. I'll chime in for my opinion too....
    This place didn't get this big because there was something wrong with it. I'd like to see the main structure of this site remain about the same with Rods and customs in the same forum. I'm so computer illiterate I don't have a clue if hosting your own photo storage site would be less hassle/expense for you [Ryan] or not but I'm in favor of doing it the least costly and easiest way. If that means sticking with our present arrangement, so be it.
    And as far as making things easier for you?.....well, you already stated you are putting in a huge amount of time here. If you make this site even more attractive to new people it seems that would make more work for you....not good.
    I don't think we should promote bashing on one hand and yet I really believe the arrogant, self absorbed, know-it-all newbies should be put in their places by us, the membership. If they don't have enough sack to take a little ass kickin at the begining, I don't really want to talk to them anyway....besides, it's a tradition here.....a rite of passage to absorb a ribbing at first--as a test...
    The calender-of-events idea is a really good one, I think. I'd like to be able to post our own local events in to everybody who posts here and if anything other than listings of events shows up on the calender, the moderator has the ability to delete it.
    I still don't understand why people post "off topic" stuff on this board. We've all been nicely asked not to do this and still I see [O/T] designations in post titles. Sometimes there are 5 to 10 of these on one page! I'd like to see that stopped. If the post doesn't pertain to traditional rods and customs, it doesn't belong here.
    Also, I'd like to see Mud banned.....
  16. hollywud
    Joined: Aug 27, 2004
    Posts: 910


    A Question,Suggestions,and O/T section for those who have a major problem with the O/T posts,as long as the O/T posts dont get out of hand..I agree you can only talk cars for so long,I think its kinda nice to see something Unrelated once in a while.Take for instance the O/T Indian Larry died,How MANY of you READ it and REPLIED to it? Really ,how many of your lives revolve around TRADITIONAl hot rods?Im sure some of you have even a little O/T in your life huh?
    BTW Ryan,Thanx for giving me a place to learn A thing or two from some very wise and noble people,and Thank all of you for your wisdom.even though I tend to get mouthy ! [​IMG]
  17. Nick32vic
    Joined: Jul 17, 2003
    Posts: 3,060


    Well, I agree with every thing Boones said. I feel exactly how he does.

    Personal Attacks:I dont really think anybody whos anybody likes to be made fun of. I know i dont, i think it sucks. Sometimes i get really mad on here and sometimes i show it in my posts, wich i would never do in real life. I try not to do it on here but it just happens. Ever time i see someone saying somethin stupid i just think that if i was talking to them face to face i would never get mad at them. I guess its just written words and how you take it. Well, im getting off the subject... so, I think a good way to cut down on the newbie bashing is to educate them about rules and whats good to post and not good to post. Like when they sign up, make them go through a page of simple rules and tips. I can honestly think of at least 5 or 10 true car builders who will never post anything because there so scared of negative feedback. Everybody always says "i dont give a shit what people think, i do what i like." well I and a shit load of other people actually do care what people think.

    This one guy Im friends with builds some of the coolest Low-Buck nostalgic drag cars i have ever seen but he doesnt want to post becuase everyone is so mean-hearted here. He also built some very bitchin 32's in the 60's and 70's.

    I really think a page of rules when new people sign up would help. But it would have to be short and sweet so peopel will read it. As for all the people that are already here that just cant refrain from being an asshole, well, i cant think of a solution for tht. maybe more moderators? I dunno.

    I really do like layout and setup of the board so i dont think drastic changes would be needed there.

    *Pay Pal Thing
    *Rules page for newbies
    *more moderators?
    *Event Calender
    *Less Off Topic posts

    Those are some things i would like to see.

  18. Zeke
    Joined: Mar 4, 2001
    Posts: 1,716


    One,you are too fucking nice a guy. Cut the dead weight around here.Members that post mostly OT and bullshit should be booted. If newbies see that B.S. isn't tolerated there will be less of it. That might take more moderators but as long as they are fair,most wouldn't mind I don't think.

    Mulitiple boards is good for some things but I don't think it fits the HAMB's personality. Tech-O-Matic, Classifieds and the HAMB are fine. the add on boards for events are good too. No need for a OT board because it would end up as a flame O matic and a headache for you

    Also I noticed that about 1/5 of the members haven't posted or have less than 5 posts. Dropping anyone that hasn't posted in 6 months would put the member count about where it should be and free up some server space.

    Resticted membership????
    I'm on a couple of MBs where you have to be approved to join. I'm not sure about that one because I'd hate to see us lose the next C9, AV8, Tinbender or 60sStyle because of a membership restiction. But then we might get more if members are more accountible for themselves on the board. On my favorite chef board the members know the rules and know that they have to follow them or the get booted after a warning and repeat offence.

  19. Hackerbilt
    Joined: Aug 13, 2001
    Posts: 6,249


    No complaints if you left it the way it is now!

    I'm a 4x4 enthusiast as well as Hot Rods. I often poke around on the multiple boards at
    They have a system in place where as you scroll over each post the first 30ish words of that post appear in a box to give you some idea of the content of said post.
    REALLY neat little idea that would make it easier to sort thru the drivel without opening each post to check it.
    Personally I like the HAMB now but such a system would make "Look at this..." posts easier to weed thru etc!

    If you DO go with multiple forums, keep them to a small number.
    Maybe just a separate ART forum. Some of our members are incredible and a dedicated forum might allow them to post more often. Just a thought.

    Thats about it I guess... [​IMG]
  20. Broman
    Joined: Jan 31, 2002
    Posts: 1,487

    from an Island

    let me get a little mean.....

    I read O/T posts. I don't care if the stay here or not, they've always been part of the main board. How many of Germs 5000 posts are on topic? And I still read all of his stuff. And this place IS like a garage, right? We should talk like we're in the garage - anything goes if you ask me - all topics stay and swearing is part of the garage, always has been and always will be.....

    Categorizing cars is a stupid idea. A car is a car - and I can learn from a how-to on anything regardless of what it is. If you don't like VWs or whatever - fuck off and go to another long as it's old enough for the context of our vein of the hobby.

    You know what I want? A fuckin' mute button for some of the dipshits. Might keep me out of trouble at the same time. Like when the same people bitch about when the Friday art show starts on Thurs every week.....get over it numb-nuts!!!

    New features don't always float well - like being able to start polls - noone uses it, even if it is a cool ability. How about something similar to the star rating, if people want you to STFU they push a button, if 2/3 or more of posters agree you're muted for that post.... then again that might get stupid when someone tries to "play" with the power.

    Maybe instead of muting or otherwise punishing a person for mouthing off, we should reward good posters.....we could have personal ratings by our names and when you post something good or whatever, people can give you a point. Guys with a lot of points should be treated with some respect. It would show on a light-bar under their profiles and it wouldn't be easy to get a high rating. That is the root of a lot of the evils on the board now. The newbies don't respect the old guys and visa versa. Post counters don't work well cause there are guys who have been here from day one with less than 200 posts and there are guys who've been here for only a year and they have 2000. If you saw a guy with low post #s but high recomendations you might respect his word better - even if you don't remember reading any of his posts....

    A paypal button would be good.

    Selling merch is gay and will surely lead us above ground (if we're not there already).

    I like the classifieds the way it is - with the new rules...

    I like the way folks have been using the Questions section to "practice", even if that isn't/wasn't the way it was intended to be used. Maybe it needs to be re-named.

    I love the HAMB-O-Dex. If there is anything to improve - it could be alphabetized or categorized into products.

    The Tech-O-Matic kinda feels unorganized. It should be put into categories - no quetion about it. I am a member on another board that breaks it down like this:









    ......That way we will know what we need more tech on at the same time. In fact we could make it a monthly "game". Find Tire/Wheel tech for Oct. Etc.. winner gets giftX and HAMB gets more tech. The moderator/admin cleans up the entries and puts any "good" & complete info in the Tech-O.

    If you otherwise want to submit a post/reply to the Tech-O it should be submitted for review and posted only when it is reviewed. (I don't need to know how to check my tire pressure or something stupid like that).

    More gremlins could be useful. Sometime the one I need is one we don't have here - but I wouldn't die without them so whatever....

    If I think of anything useful I'll post it later....

  21. swazzie
    Joined: Mar 30, 2004
    Posts: 940


    [ QUOTE ]
    Couple of things. Thanks for all the nice comments. I appreciate them. Adn thanks for the suggestions - they are all going to be taken into consideration. We might even vote on a few.

    Now, I know there are guys out there that have STRONGER opinions. I really appreciate KIRK! for being blunt and I would like to hear more of that. Don't be afraid to say how you really feel - this is all constructive and no one is going to take it the wrong way. Be fucking mean man. It's cool.

    In my opinion, I stopped listening to the people that count (you guys) and let things get out of hand. We need to figure out together how to make this place continue to get better.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    O.K.? In that case , enough with the kinder gentler HAMB shit. The reason I joined this board was because the snapperheads were hazed out of here if they were assholes .The guys ( and dames ) that made this place what it is were here for one reason and the off topic still somehow seemed relevent .I read this board for a year and a half before i joined up .I knew the rules and kept my mouth shut for the most part and learned more about customs and traditional rods in that time than I ever knew was possible. I've read your stories and seen the pics you've posted and even spit my coffee on the screen of my computer a couple of times. My point is i suppose , that it takes care of itself for the most part and you make it happen.You can't touch this fuckin place for what it is and everyone knows it. Shit! they're all right. . . . . . .

    Attached Files:

  22. Crease
    Joined: May 7, 2002
    Posts: 2,878


    Tech century perhaps?

    Need to cut down on the O/T. Don't just deal with the folks that post it, deal with the folks that respond to it.

    If you're bored with old hot rods go away. Feel free to come back when you want to talk about old hot rods again.

  23. Ryan,

    First I want to thank you for inventing this place and giving all of us the time to tell you how we feel. I have been here since the very first hamb borad with Jerry, Axle, Zombie, and Shag. The main purpose of this board is traditional hot rods and customs. We are all into other types of cars or motorsports that does not belong here. You need to be a MAJOR HARDASS on nontopic posting. YOU need to make sure YOUR appointed helpers do the same or lose the title. This is not a place for PC attitude. YOU need to make it easier to post pictures so we can all enjoy TRADTIONAL HOT ROD AND CUSTOMS. YOU need to make it a first elimination of non posting right away. I don't care if you make a millon dollars you still need to take the money that is donated to you and say thank you, so put pay pal up here. I am not smart enought to make this type of magic happen but you do. The HAMB is why I am canceling all of my subscription to the big mags becuase they do not feature what I like. I think the guys like me that have been here since the very start should not have to go throught ranking. Just because someone has posted 10,000 times does not make them better than the ones who have posted 300 times, look at the registered date those are the ones who matter and have been with you through thick and thin. Put up a show posting for info on shows around that focus on tradtional hot rods and customs. If you feel that you have lost your way on what this is all about look at you issues of Hop Up and you will know what I am talking about. Thanks for taking the time to hear me and the others who have been here since the HAMB started.

  24. jonnycola
    Joined: Oct 12, 2003
    Posts: 2,061


    I guess I'll throw in my two cents in....I really dig this place.... For the most part I think it really works well, at least for me, but....

    And it really doesn't bug me, but the questions thing really doesn't get used, like everyone says.

    The HAMB clock bugs the shit out of me for some reason, it doesn't seem to follow any normal clock out there.... maybe I just dont get it?

    One side of me really dosen't want an offtopic discussion area, and part of me thinks it wouldn't be too bad. I mean, if this place is to be used as a tool and as a discussion forum for HOT RODS then we really shouldn't have one. At the same time, if it is becoming more of a community then I suppose it is something to consider.

    Maybe some kind of screening process would be a good idea... granted, I may have never made it in if it was around when I joined.......Ah well...

    I can just as easily see it stay the way it is....

  25. kustombuilder
    Joined: Sep 18, 2002
    Posts: 7,750

    from Novi, MI

    i would'nt get too carried away with too many seperate forums. maybe an ART forum, and it might be easier on you if we were able to post directly to the TECH forum. i suppose an OFF TOPIC forum would help some of us that have to "weed" through it all to see the stuff we want to see. just not enough hours in the day to read everything that gets posted. unless your job allows you to play on the internet all day and you never go into the garage. lets face it. there is a HUGE amount that goes on on this board.

    good luck is all i got to say... but hey, you know me. if i have a strong opinion about something, you'll hear about it [​IMG]...

  26. SinisterCustom
    Joined: Feb 18, 2004
    Posts: 8,277


    What Broman said above pretty much sums it up for me.

  27. heyitsnate
    Joined: Apr 8, 2004
    Posts: 1,774


    "it's not a lifestyle board."....bullcrap.this board saved my ass many a time with very good answers to tech questions,but it seems lately the tech posts,have been getting buried with lifestyle posts.i build cars.i like tech, cars (even greaserrific ones),and i don't like e-bay(spam),and it bugs me when the only reason people reply to a post is to talk smack.i don't know if that helps,but there it is-less smacktalk,lifestyle section.
  28. One post for newbies....that's all. 6 pages of hazing (for the new guys) and 12 pages of drooling (every time a chick shows up) is pathetic.

    "O/T" shouldn't mean "I can post whatever the hell I want now"....

    I'm reading less and less posts these days, due to the volume of crap, although coming in today looks pretty good. Lots of hot rod stuff.
  29. zonkola
    Joined: Nov 29, 2002
    Posts: 567

    from NorCal

    - Events calendar - A great idea

    - More moderators - The job is just too big for two guys with jobs and lives

    - A HAMB store - If I see one more pointless 10-page post on "Let's make HAMB t-shirts/stickers/whatever" that results in exactly zero t-shirts/stickers/whatever, I'm going to scream, puke, or attempt both at the same time. HAMBers want t-shirts, etc, and we've got plenty of talented HAMBers who could do the design and production. Sell 'em online to help fund the HAMB. (But no voting on designs, please. You know who the kick-ass artists are, contact them directly and give them control.) As for the HAMB becoming too popular due to t-shirt sales, get over it. Once Britney Spears starts wearing HAMB t-shirts to the MTV Music Awards, then you can start worrying.

    - Better search capabilities - Ditch the reinvented wheel. Make HAMB searches work like eBay or Google searches, which are slightly different flavors of the same scheme.

    - Multiple photos in a post - I like this idea as well. Great for tech posts and show coverage posts.

    - A bilt-in speeling cheker - Not necessary, but a nice thing to have up your sleeve while posting.

    - No politics on the HAMB - I know it's already a rule, but lots of guys seem to ignore it. I come here to read about hot rods, not ignorant political rants (or for that matter, insightful, well-informed political rants).

    - More posts about body art - After all, nothing says "I got bent over in the big house" like a neck tattoo.

    Shit. Did I say that last one out loud?
  30. Mass Butcher
    Joined: Sep 3, 2003
    Posts: 361

    Mass Butcher

    Unfortunately you are the man in charge, as well as your moderators. I believe by keeping the existing rules and maybe adding a few more moderators most of the major issues would be resolved. Moderators would only enforce whatever existing rules/policies that you have.

    OT crap and loudmouths w/attitudes are part of the net and messageboards, and hard to police.
    As far as OT posts go, yeah there are alot, but the reaction some get are dependent on WHO posts them. If a senior member posts something OT, or a FNG posts OT, you'll get 2 different responses.

    So I say leave as is, add a few moderators to enforce existing rules, and leave the rest alone.
    As far as auctions and donations, I say keep it going. It's a great way for us to give back to a board that gives alot to us. It doesn't take up much space and if it helps offset some of the cost of the board, don't screw with it.

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